ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Weight Loss Journey (28/155lbs)

Hi all!

Party was fun! I didn't drink... Just ate a fair bit of buffet... I've counted it as 50pp so only a few weeklies left :) we played just dance, sing star, buzz :) it was awesome fun!

I'm having my Indian this eve but just gonna have half CTM, half rice and half naan! Excited :) xx
On nom... enjoy the curry! I ain't had curry in so long, might have to have a splurge soon!
Have a fabulous day Carly :D x
Thanks :) curry was yummy!!! X
It was so good! And for 23 pp was good! Problem is I don't usually have someone to share it with :( x
Hi Carly, Hope the weekend is going well.Glad you enjoyed your curry .Dont worry hon you will have someone to share it with soon . You are such a nice person ,he will turn up when you least expect it .

I miss Karen ,hope theres nothing wrong ,not like her.

Went shopping today and bought a size 18 cropped pants (usually size 20) now if only the same would happen on top!!!
Yay for the smaller size :) I was sharing with my ex... Will ramble about that later lol xx
Hiya Carly, well I am 40 and still waiting for someone to share my last funsize Maltesers with! I do remember though that when I was in relationships they really seemed to centre around food - restaurants, takeaways, pubs and boxes of chocolates! Love is not good for the waistline. At the same time, it would be great to have someone special. I'd just make him switch to the low cal versions of everything lol
Lol! Yea I kno what u mean... I imagine I will be maintaining when I find someone lol :) x
Awww that's lovely Jo :) thanks hunny! I've not given up yet :)

Feeling grumpy today coz scales aren't budging :( gonna do some exercise before lunch and see what that does :) x
Thanks Jo :) x
I agree with Jo, I WI at home every Wednesday and if I weighed in-between I'd beat myself up and probably think what's the point and give up.

Put them away.

Have you got a bad head coz your not drinking enough? I always used to get headaches before I joined WW and now coz I'm drinking so much water I don't think I've had 1.

Hey Carly
Mr Right is waiting for you, he just doesn't know it yet.
On the water point, I'm fine at work cos I have a bottle of water or squash on the go all the time, I often get through 2 1/2 litres in a day (I'm there for 13 hours) but get headaches at home cos I forget to drink!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
Still two days before WI Carly, ignore the blasted scales. You are doing brilliantly well :) I see you've completed Shred - HUGE congratulations to you and thanks again for introducing me to the world of Jillian Michaels :p
Thanks all.. Probs could be that I haven't had enough to drink! Will increase that again... I was doing it every day but I kinda slipped :)

I have been naughty today... had 20PP of choc over my dailies ....

Tomorrow is a new day ... and I will be good... just want a pound off on Tues... Will get a few AP tomorrow and maybe a few on Tuesday and we shall see...

I am already worrying about Kendal Calling and Leeds Festival and how I will cope... I will just try my best and if I gain I do ... Back on the horse and all that :)

So see u all tomorrow :)x xx
The thing is Carly there will always be "something " coming up, aconcert,a festival,a wedding,a holiday , a party, a girls night out, its part of life but we have to learn to cope with them . I think there is 3 options

(1) Say hang it all and go mad
(2) save weeklies and activity points and be carefull as much as you can and hopefully still be down a pound
(3) eat and drink nothing and sit there with a face on ya and not enjoy it.

You have been doing No.2 so far and mainly it has worked for you . you just have to keep doing it and learn from it each time ...
I agree with Michelinwoman (sorry, on my phone, don't know your proper name!) you definitely cannot put life on hold! And you've done fab for these nights out, there was one you'd done summink like 110 points (i remember cos you beat my record of 87 in one night :D) and you still logged everything, pulled it back, you're a star and you know, know you'll win this!
Plus Festivals.... I think everything happens in a parallel universe! All the dancing, the drink, the fake food, everything... its not like real life, its so extreme from real life and "diet"world, your body just concentrates on having a fun time :D I can't see stats on my phone but if I'm right you're nigh on 2stone lost? You'll no way put that all back on in one weekend, you can try but it won't happen :p

Majorly jealous, I wanna go to a festival... can I come too??

Have a fab day today :) xx
Carly, Breda's advice is fabulous and spot on. Enjoy the festivals, be sensible where you can but most of all enjoy yourself! x
Awww thanks all!

You are very welcome Jen... plenty of room for one more :D

I think I am just panicing over nothing.... coz to be honest I can eat two meals a day that are a bit smaller and will only be drinking two days as driving back the third... so I am sure Kendal will be fine... it is the 5 days at Leeds that are worrying me... But I will go with the flow and pp it all as I go along...

Think I am most worried about not having enough battery to talk to u lot!!! xxx