catdog nd emma3662

no not even sure if i was meant to i know sometimes new members have to stay for like 6 weeks or summit but not positive off to bed chick 2 days without a nap i an wrecked lol xx

aww soz chick i thought it was if ye just joined. Night hun,sweet dreams xx
Dont dare apologise ya div lol sweet dreams me lil darlin :) lol xx
hellooooooooooooooooooo, not sure if ye run out today or midnight but shock horror im up at half 7 just had to tell ye that, so this is what it feels like haha xx
Lmao midnight hun but gonna top up tomorrow yay lol xx
Sweet fa hun lol gardens been cut today tho so if i'm paid maybe a bbq and you and mark are invited. :) xx
Sweet fa hun lol gardens been cut today tho so if i'm paid maybe a bbq and you and mark are invited. :) xx

bless ye, when paydays here il treat ye to summit to celebrate, be abit belated but only by a week lol. did the blokes come and do it? Been meaning to say do ye have good relationship with your neighbour next door the one wiv the rotty? xx
She's ok but bit of a charv lol dont be daft man nd yeah there was about 12 of them obviously on community service lmao xx
She's ok but bit of a charv lol dont be daft man nd yeah there was about 12 of them obviously on community service lmao xx

lol was just thinking ye could offer to take him for walks cos ye sed he dont get any n might help ye get out the house. what are ye wanting for your bday?is it a puppy lol. xx
He's too big nd not trained on the lead hun :-( nd yeah probs haha xx
He's too big nd not trained on the lead hun :-( nd yeah probs haha xx

thats ridiculous, cannit imagine being stuck in that bit of yard all time bless him, what the hell they even got dog fors beyond me! and lol i'll lend ye frank for the night, ye might change your mind haha xx
Lmao I no its shocking they've got a little terrier too nd they dont take that out either actually it might have died haven't seen it for ages lol xx
Lmao I no its shocking they've got a little terrier too nd they dont take that out either actually it might have died haven't seen it for ages lol xx
aw bless him. marks home so i shall spk to ye later chickxx
Sorry chick was reading a txt from my bruv nd forgot to come back on lol enjoy ya night xx
gah slept all day n even though im tired just feel too mental to sleep :( what time you gettin twins tomorra, can meet ye in town if ye want, ive only been out the house once since being at yours like :eek: n was only to go round shop for five mins :(xx
actually scratch that, i just braved going to shop wiv mark on his way to work so i came back on me own wiv gas n just had big panic attack dont think i could come all way n back on me own. gonna go in bath n try calm down :cry:
Chick just got ya messages hope ya ok had girls since 12 nd i'm totally skint so couldn't have anyway :-( explain all tomorrow night when girls have gone home i've got a pic off kirsty for ya too lol xx
Chick just got ya messages hope ya ok had girls since 12 nd i'm totally skint so couldn't have anyway :-( explain all tomorrow night when girls have gone home i've got a pic off kirsty for ya too lol xx

aww bless a, what type of things are the girls into? dont worry bout replyin i kno yal be busy wiv girls so whenever yav got time chick. am okay, got loads a wanna tell ye in person though- if ye dont have money next week i'll come to yours if ye want, i'll get mark to bring me to newcastle n get on bus to yours, just let me know if ye upto it and what day n that. xx
Defo chick tuesday's are always best there into all sorts pink purple and red oh and sweets haha anything arty too there doing my head in th night already lmao nd ya more than welcome anytime xx
probs do tue then if ye want, just been out round shop again with mark, so panicky and glad to get back in- im all sweaty and minging off panicking :( gonna watch tv wiv me lover lol n have some munch, might watch either dear john or letters to juliet marks dl them for me n i aint seen them yet :)hope ye having good night chick, give bairns cuddle for iz xx