Cathys Dukan diary

This is by far the 'easiest ' diet I have ever been on, and its working, I am the lowest I have been without even trying too hard, so yes this is the right diet for me for sure.
Its a whole new way of life & eating so it will take some getting used to, and I know I will get there.
When I am at home on my own I dont have any extras, all week I am 100%, but its just when we get invited out, and I dont know why we have been invited out so many times lately, we never usually are. Also I seem to be very hormonal and with this coil they seem to be worse, and no matter what I do at a certain time of the month I really crave carbs for a week.
I may get some chromium or something, I think thats supposed to help.
Well thats that over for another month and back to not craving carbs for the next 3 weeks.
We are invited out twice this week! We usually are (or invite people round) a couple of times a month, but twice in one week is a challenge. One (very good) friend knows I'm on a diet so no problem, the other doesn't. For the latter, I'm planning on eating everything that is PV friendly and leaving the rest discretely. It will be hard to say no to the cheese but I will! I'm in charge of the pud so am making millionaire's shortbread because a- they love it and b- I don't like it, so will be no hardship for me to say 'no thanks'.

I am like you, Cathy and stick to it 100% (except when on holiday) but it's not easy when you're invited out as you're not in charge of the cooking. I think you just have to do your best. You'll be compensating with PP days afterwards. I think you're still in control though because you know about these, it's not like the contents of your fridge are suddenly saying 'EAT ME'. ;)

Oh the hormones - all I can say is thank goodness artificial sweetners exist to take the edge off!
I think its just a change of eating lifestyle I know this is right for me and carbs are not right for me just got to reducate myself into sticking to it !!!!!
This week I've just a lunch out on Wednesday (so have chosen a steak restaurant! Only problem with it is that they seem incapable of not slathering butter all over their green beans, so I'll have to order undressed salad to be safe!)... (how I love a few beans with my butter...!)

Glad to hear you're finding the diet easy nonetheless Cathy... I'm just the same. It's all a question I think of finding the diet which allows you to eat (most of) the foods you enjoy.

Scrumper - how I hear you... I ate some carb heavy veg and fruit this weekend, mind you, without adverse "reaction"... but it's the bread, rice, pasta, desserts and other sugary stuff that sets me off. So I'm ok with the former, but not the latter!
cathy ,im finding this diet easy an all ,and really all you can do is ur best so good luck hunny !!!
Thanks Jet :)

191.6 today its going down well :)
im trying to visit everyone's diary to say ................

GOOD MORNING !!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Afternoon Jet xx

Oh bu**er, seems the tube strike has affected the kids, well I am presuming so anyway. I just got called by one of the other mums along the road, her son has also gone on the trip and she asked if I knew what was happening, I just said well I think such a person is picking them up and she said she had been told they had missed the train, so I assume its because of the strike. Anyway we have both texted our children and they cant be reached gggrrr. hope I find out soon
OOH hope you can get hold of them soon hon x
Just went to get Sandy & Emma off the bus. The driver said he had a call from the teacher and they managed to get a later train but he has to go and pick them up with the bus at 11.30 tonight! Which means I expect him home around 1am!!!
Not much we can do about it though. They will be knackered tomorrow
Gosh yes - you all will be!

<long live strikers huh?!>
blimey at least they are making it back
Oh well they got back at about 10.30 last night so not to bad. I don't think they got much sleep the night before though. Apparently there was an empty train going to Edinburgh so they jumped on that and managed from there.
Its not so windy here today, so hope I can re wash the sheet that landed in the river yesterday and get it dried. I'm not sure what the sky has in store for us just yet though, I don't know if its clouding over or brightening up.

191 spot on today so hope to be in with a chance of hitting 189 on Friday morning
Thank goodness for that! Poor you and sheet in the river! (Is the river far from where you hung the sheet?!!) I do miss being able to hang washing outside (in the city of course, no question... I used to use the balcony but a pigeon pooped on one of my duvets and ruined them!)

Great re weight!
hey cathy ,im in scotland in december, prestwick and i just looked on ur website how far away u r u are right up top wow !!!!!!!!!
keep up the work and you will get there before you know it
glad they made it back ok
Thank you everyone :)

The river is just by the washing line I was pleased it blew in there and not the other way TBH, (the ducks are on the other side of the washing line lol would have been covered in poops there for sure)
its a gorgeous day now and I have nearly done all my washing, made more soap to go on the site next week. Just about to start the house work now (boo hiss). Going to do some baking for the kids coming home, they are always mooching for food, maybe scones or something. Hmmm I think I have that 3rd day kind of high thing going on lol
190.8 today, fingers crossed I loose 1lb for tomorrow. Need to cook some chicken this morning once kiddlets are away save me hunting for food later. CAnt believe I am nearly at my first goal eeek
ooooh Cathie that's fabulous... I remember at the beginning how dubious you were and now look at you!