I wasnt on yesterday because I had a hangover OMG! Anyway didnt even drink that much, well I probably did but not as much as would have lol.
So I also had a wee bit of cake and some chocolate, well it was dhs bday and I felt a bit bad if I was offering cake to everyone but wouldnt eat it myself.
But it was alovely night, so I expect I will stay the same this week but next week will be good I hope weight loss wise, unless the dreaded TOTM comes, its due any day now I reckon, but because of the coil, I'm not sure will it come or not, I havent had any spotting this month for the first time since i got it, so maybe its finally settling in, I hope so.
Dh is away for dinner tonight, his work are being taken over by another company and they want everyone to go to Aviemore which is miles away about 2 hours nearly, for dinner, so dont know what time he will be back, but he has to be there by 6pm, it will be after midnight before hes home. Then hes on a business trip the day before my birthday and has to stay 2 nights, he keeps apologising but, TBH I dont mind at all, I get to have the whole bed to myself for 2 nights eek, (is that a terrible thing to say).