Cathys Dukan diary

Poor little girl - will be thinking of you too
Oh no Cathy, that's awful. I hope tests can give them some answers quickly and control any future fits. You must all be so worried.
Thank you
I think (hope ) she will be fine, they did say it could happen. But she has never had one before so it would be really scary even if you knew it 'might' happen. I wonder if the excitement of starting school could have triggered it, oh I dont know. But I suppose the first time for it to happen is the worst.
oh dear... I'm sorry to hear that...
oh dear Cathy thats terrible news , I hope the tests sort out the problem quickly
oh thats terrible. sorry just caught up. hope you and your niece ok x
Start of a new week, good!
Wee Beth is fine now, she has medication to bring her round if it happens again, so hope they dont need to use it anytime soon, Poor brother and SIL I bet they are on pins waiting for it, expecting it to happen again.
We plumbed in the dishwasher the people who stayed in this house before us had left. They built a house and had a fitted kitchen with new appliances so didnt need it. so finally after 4 years I have a dishwasher lol, very exciting. I had to go and get new plates though, I dont know where my others have gone, but I dont seem to have very many.
Anyway all good diet wise, stayed the same last week, so would like to loose a couple of lbs by Friday to keep momentum up. Its Dhs birthday on Tuesday (oh tomorrow), so we are having some friends round for a drink, but I dont drink mid week, so might just have lemonade and pretend its got vodka in it lol. Then its mine in a couple of weeks but Dh will be away on a bussiness trip, so it will be a very quiet one. So hope for no hiccups this week
hey cathy its good to hear beth is doing well ,and u and ur free dishwasher nice one , sounds like ur doing well on the diet front keep it up lovey !!!
oh to have a dishwasher , ah yes in my house its me lol

glad you neice has at least got it under control with having the meds too
Afternoon Cathy....

Glad to here your niece is doing better now :) here's hoping that medicine will never need to be used! :) (hugs)

As for the dishwasher - I'm green with envy! :D

Hope you're having a good one today xx
I wasnt on yesterday because I had a hangover OMG! Anyway didnt even drink that much, well I probably did but not as much as would have lol.
So I also had a wee bit of cake and some chocolate, well it was dhs bday and I felt a bit bad if I was offering cake to everyone but wouldnt eat it myself.
But it was alovely night, so I expect I will stay the same this week but next week will be good I hope weight loss wise, unless the dreaded TOTM comes, its due any day now I reckon, but because of the coil, I'm not sure will it come or not, I havent had any spotting this month for the first time since i got it, so maybe its finally settling in, I hope so.
Dh is away for dinner tonight, his work are being taken over by another company and they want everyone to go to Aviemore which is miles away about 2 hours nearly, for dinner, so dont know what time he will be back, but he has to be there by 6pm, it will be after midnight before hes home. Then hes on a business trip the day before my birthday and has to stay 2 nights, he keeps apologising but, TBH I dont mind at all, I get to have the whole bed to myself for 2 nights eek, (is that a terrible thing to say).
Lol i totally understand about the bed ;)
I'm not sure will it come or not, I havent had any spotting this month for the first time since i got it, so maybe its finally settling in, I hope so.
how long has it been in. mine about 6 months and still all over the place with bleeding!

oh no hangovers are worst when you are dieting and just need sugar/carbs!
Diet coke for hangovers (or anything fizzy) apparently!

Yay for the cake and chocolate (I will be having some too Sunday/Monday for youngest's birthday).

Enjoy your 2 nights of uninterrupted sleep!
mine is the hormone one. Omg yes just to freak you, my friend went to get hers taken out and it had puntured through her cervix and they couldnt get it out, she had to get general anaesthetic yestedray and have an op to have it removed!
Lol, before I had it fitted I heard mostly good things and decided the only way was to just get it and figure for myself. Since then I have heard nothing but bad stories, though mine is fine, I also heard a few weeks ago that one lady on a forum I go on, had gone to get hers changed and she ended up having to have a general anesthetic to get it out:eek:, that frightens me a bit TBH, but its there now I check it every so often lol, I only had it in end of June so 3 months, it was terrible for the first 2, I bled constantly, and it wasnt just spotting either. But this is the first month I havent spotted so with any luck that will be that.
I do keep getting period pains though have done since last week, and quite sore cramps. But we will see.

PMSL Laura, Dh keeps apologising for going away on my birthday, poor him, I'm looking forward to it;), thats quite a good present actually lol
Oh well stayed the same again. gggrr cross with my self really.I dont think I ate enough last week, but in all honesty I wasnt really hungry, yesterday being no exception, luckily I went for a quick paced 20 min walk and have come back starving
So am having a big breakfast to set me off right.

Breakfast steak/onion/mushrooms
muller light vanilla with bran

lunch fish with small amount of tomato sauce (home made with chopped toms, garlic & herbs

Dinner probably scrambled egg with mushrooms & tomats

lots of water