Cathys Dukan diary

glad your feeling better ....Like they say any loss is good
Only 1/2 a lb this week, bit gutted really, I was sure it would be more. Anyway running out of supplies here, luckily its shopping day tomorrow, so need to plan what to have all next week.
I didnt do very much exercise either because its been such horrible weather, and in the evening when dh was here and I could have gone out, the midgies have been so bad, you could see them in clouds outside the window. I come out in big lumps I f I get bitten so I havent bothered, but as of Tuesday I can get a bit more done as Emma is starting school, so I will be able to go for a walk in the mornings.
I looking forward to Ry starting too . She wont be fulltime till the 20th September but then ive worked out I can swim 3 mornings a week for about an hour doing lengths and I know that works for my legs ...also where there school is if I go up about two I can walk the dog for an hour nearby ...All this till I start work again then no doubt back to the drawing board
Emma goes only 1/2 days for the first 2 weeks well 9 days. Dh is taking the first week off , he has a lot of work to do round the house, so I might be helping him with that but its all heavy stuff, so if I dont get to walk then I will still be exercising, then the 2nd week, my sister is picking her up all week apart from 2 days which dh will do at lunch times and Emma can take lunch to school those days while she waits for him.
But then on the 30th of August she will go all day so I will have no excuses. I will be working and doing lots of housework, getting the house into some kind of shape , painting etc sorting wardrobes out, all these things I cant do when Emma is here. Its going to be strange having a tidy house lol
1/2 off is better than 1/2 on, Cathy. I'm sure you'll have a huge loss next week to compensate.

Another one looking forward to school starting back (I may have said that before ...)
Oh well Monday again, and glad the weekend is over. I find it hard to stick to on a weekend. Once again friends came round, this time in 2 lots, so twice as bad. One friend came round at 6.30 with a bottle of wine, then another 2 came round at 9.30, just when I was thinking it was safe to go to bed lol.I didnt have wine with dinner though yesterday , just roast beef and veg with some gravy. Anyway Back to PP thank goodness, onwards and downwards
sad that we dont look forward to veg days lol!!!!!
Im glad im back on pp ive got 4 days till the festy and its totm so im not holding out on losing much this week but im still on track
ah you might be surprised scrumper
i struggle on a weekend too!
im trying to be good and know next weekend i probably wont ......!!! but in some ways i want to, but this is my only holiday this year and then i have the whole winter to lose weight
This weekend thing is becoming a problem for everyone I see...!

I can HONESTLY tell you though that it's a question of breaking the pattern... one clean weekend, and the next will be a breeze!
I know Jo. Ive got to get myself around this weekend issue. WHEN (i nearly wrote if) i get to goal and conso at least I can have my weekend meal treat so Ive got to get this weekend binge thing out of my head.
Absolutely... I've been messing around with the same kilos for so long now... by constantly getting back in the saddle each Monday, I've limited the damage, but am no nearer to my goal (which I've raised!) now than I was when I started Dukan in 2007!
I just dont know how to do it. In the week its fine, everyone leaves me on my own do do what I do, then come the weekend, its everybody wants me to help them with stuff, then they want baking/ pancakes for breakfast, which I dont eat, but come the evenings, when friends call round its just really really hard. I used to smoke the odd ciggie , but I stopped just like that, just all of a sudden didnt want them anymore, it didnt affect my diet at all, but glasses of wine are so much different, I dont see anybody all week so when I do at the weekend, I love it, I am a very sociable person. I didnt even have that much this weekend, shared a bottle with the first friend, then when the 2nd lot came I just had another glass and a half, but its enough to tip the diet.

I think I need to get out of the mind frame of it being a treat, and look at it as a glass of calories and sugar, how is it so easy to not eat cake, but when it comes to wine, I find it difficult.
It's true that some people do associate socialising with their "vice", let's say (be it smoking, drinking or eating)...

I know that I had to avoid certain people (smokers!) for a while at the beginning of my quit, for instance, because I didn't want to trip up.

Where drink and food are concerned though I find that, so long as I'm drinking or eating SOMETHING, I don't mind (too much USUALLY) not partaking in whatever others are having. This weekend, for instance, my other half had several [sweet things] in front of me, and I ate something Dukan friendly at the same time [even though I wasn't hungry - so not good behaviour!]

Wine doesn't work well with ketogenic diets because of the sugar, as you say... good idea to try to envisage a glass full of SUGAR being offered to you?
Just found this
The European Union has determined their own standards for sweetness levels: Up to 4 grams of sugar per liter can be labeled "dry' or "sec"; wines with sugar levels between 4 and 12 g/L are called "medium dry" or "demi-sec"; wines with sugar levels between 12 and 45 g/L are "medium" or "moelleux"; those with more than 45 g/L are "sweet" or "doux." Producers, however, are not required to put these terms on the labels of still wine.

I only drink dry white, I went off red ages ago. I shouldnt have read that, its made it seem not so bad :( I wouldnt drink a ltr of wine at a time anyway.
sssshhht Vicky!

Strictly speaking, this diet is alcohol free... so if following it strictly, no alcohol is allowed! And none is definitely easier than some!
Oh lol, I could but I wouldnt, I was holding back because I dont want to not have anything but I didnt want to just go for it just because. There was some element of holding back. I didnt want to just think "oh sod it the diet can wait", and I would have abstained if it werent for people coming round.
you see i like my wine to relax :D
You need to have excuses and alternatives to hand. Easier said than done I know(its been my fail too).

A straightforward I'm on the water/diet coke/tea/whatever tonight as I'm trying to cut back my drinking is honest enough.

Or say you've got to drive later or something.

Its about the company not the drink, unless you cant face your mates sober :D