I just dont know how to do it. In the week its fine, everyone leaves me on my own do do what I do, then come the weekend, its everybody wants me to help them with stuff, then they want baking/ pancakes for breakfast, which I dont eat, but come the evenings, when friends call round its just really really hard. I used to smoke the odd ciggie , but I stopped just like that, just all of a sudden didnt want them anymore, it didnt affect my diet at all, but glasses of wine are so much different, I dont see anybody all week so when I do at the weekend, I love it, I am a very sociable person. I didnt even have that much this weekend, shared a bottle with the first friend, then when the 2nd lot came I just had another glass and a half, but its enough to tip the diet.
I think I need to get out of the mind frame of it being a treat, and look at it as a glass of calories and sugar, how is it so easy to not eat cake, but when it comes to wine, I find it difficult.