Hey Clarri, I've got 1 more week as a student and am at a Minor Injuries Unit, which has been interesting - done some backslabs and taking stitches out and lots of wound care, all good stuff
I'm not starting my job until September as I want th esummer off (won't have that chance again !!!) but I'm trying to find out if all the paperwork has been done, considering I got offered the job on 13th May but they've not very good at replying to emails and it's been difficult to phone. Will try again next week, even though there's seven or eight weeks I don't want to get to the end of August and discover I've been lost in the system or something.
Another 4lb this week so that's just over a stone now, which is fabby news
Still doing ok - not being 100% some days but only had chicken, ham or boiled egg although I went out with school friends on Sunday and had a Sunday lunch of chicken, green cabbage, and 2 pieces of butternut squash. Didn't have any drinkies or pudding (unlike the others !!)
Two days left at the Minor Injuries Unit, tomorrow I have the delight of a day with the podiatrist. Feet, what fun !!
Woohoo, six weeks off now, last day in uni Monday doing the paperwork for the NMC and saying goodbye to my lovely friends :cry:, although there's definitely a couple of them that we'll stay friends for life I think.
Weightwise down another 4lb, so next week might see me reach the stone and a half mark (funny how we're always looking ahead for the next thing, instead of rejoicing in today !!)
So the sun is shining, I've a free day to tidy, clean and shop, the girls go to Spain for a week early hours of Sunday morning and all is good
I can't believe how much this suits me, I really wish I'd done it a couple of years ago when I first thought about it instead of spending all this time shillyshallying about !! I'm not going to stay with Lighterlife though because it's just too expensive so I'm going to change over to exante in the next couple of weeks. I feel so well though and am fitting into clothes that haven't fitted for a long while
I'm going down to Bexhill today to see my nan, as she's 95. If it's warm I'll take her out for a little walk and the home she's in are doing a little tea party for her. The girls are still in Spain, and loving it and don't want to come home, by all accounts - they'll be back Sunday lunchtime though
Thanks Clarri, I have to say I'm loving it, it really seems to agree with me, even if I'm not 100% on it. I remember when I was doing low carb, high protein meals a couple of years ago which was the last time I lost abit of weight properly so I really think I have to watch my carb intake and definitely limit bread.
Morning Clarri, usually chicken or ham and a couple of warm hard boiled eggs, I've had a couple of roast dinners and only had 1 roast potato both times so meat, veg (cabbage, broccoli, green beans, carrots) and gravy, I didn't have seconds and I didn't have pudding !! One evening I had a couple of slices of cheese and some crumbed ham with some lettuce and cucumber but apart from the roast dinners I've just put it on a small tea plate and taken my time with it.
Cakes, crisps, sweets and biscuits wise I have been very good, only having 1 packet of hula hoops and 1 chocolate biscuit so far in just under 6 weeks - I know how I am with "Just one won't hurt" because it leads to a mega downfall of having the whole packet !!
Today is supposed to be a scorcher, Hollie and I will be doing her papers this afternoon but just another lazy day really. Hope yours is too Gem x