Thanks guys...nice to hear! And as if by magic tonight I had my first 'You have to stop the diet now' from exactly the person I suspected I would hear it from! I did say 'I'm 12 stone, luv, I'm not skinny, really' and brushed it off...but you always know you're near (ish) then end when those comments start!
I forgot to take my packs out with me and we had a photo call straight after work - so I couldn't come home on my way to the theatre.
So...I had my bar for breakfast like I always do (its the only thing that gets me to sleep in the evenings - knowing that when I wake up I'll have a bar!) and forgot to have a second morning pack or take my emergency bar (lol - almost typed bra)
So I popped to M&S - checked the chicken - it all had sugar on it - bloody hell M&S, you take all the nasty fats out of your food and go organic on eggs but you cover all your meat in sugar??? Idiots. I shall have a word with a friend of mine who works for their food division and tell them it's losing them sales!
I got one of those 100g packs of turkey (oh yeah -
food's gonna start being mentioned more in here from now on, guys, so watch out if you don't like reading about it) and had that with some salad - the salad was not an 810 salad as it had beetroot and carrot, and dear readers, I ate the entire 360g bowl of it (IT WAS 75 CALS!) my lunch was 175 cals - less than a peanut crunch! Woah was turkey and little bits of cucumber an awesome combination. Total taste sensation - I love this stage of the food return where everything tastes BRILLIANT!
I then had a small tub of v low fat cottage cheese to cover my milk and remaining protein ration...and I'm having two packs now (it's 11pm - I had one pack 30 mins ago)
Did I feel non-ketotic (I know it's not a word)? Mayyyybe...just a bit...but I feel good and on stage tonight I went for it hell for leather in my big speech at the end of teh play at about 9.30 and had everyone rolling about and I did feel sliiightly dizzy when I bent over to take a dramatic deep yeah - I feel justified in eating cos who knows what would have happened if I hadn't had something today.
So yeah - this is interesting - I am still in control. Still waiting for my landlord to respond to my letter of last week - it's been a week now...I've paid my next month's rent still waiting...I have alternatives - found out that th rent they're trying to charge me would get me a smaller flat right by my office in That London's Trendy Shoreditch so no skin off my nose (other than losing nearby access to My Beloved Hampstead Heath, but its only 15 mins on the tube). There's also an interesting work situation afoot but that seems to have been played quite I feel strong and secure...the most important thing coming back onto food is feeling safe and comfortable and easy in oneself, doubt and insecurity return with the scary carb monster.
Just a couple of thoughts - I am spending all week in a girl's dressing room, there are bags and bags of sweeties and choccies, the bag nearest my bit of the dressing room mirror is Caramel Nibbles. Listen to that name, doesn't it sound like a piece of heaven? I look at them longingly, but I won't even touch the bag. I know that one would lead to a concentration loss as I try to source more sugar. Seriously. You can have bloody carrots, or peas or artisoddingchokes or even steak at this stage - I'd probably chance a small handful of brown rice if I were desperate, but chocolate? Nah - it'd be game over for me. I am not going near sugar for as long as possible.
Another thought, all the other actors are BOILING in our tiny dressing rooms...I am cool as a ketotic cucumber - actually, lol - that's how I know I'm still in ketosis, everyone was dripping with sweat backstage and I was sitting there like it was an ordinary temperature. Hurray! CD has ADVANTAGES!
Just wanted to get all of my thoughts down before crashing as there have been many today! Tomorrow's plan...bum - there's no way of getting out of taking my gym kit to the theatre tomorrow and on Saturday...unlessssss....nah - no way...and there's probably no way of having a swim on Saturday

Anyway - the plan = Bar for breakfast + banana shake before leaving house. Take bar to work, have for tea. Eat chocolate pack.
I am taking Friday as a work from home day so I can do normal packs all day until I have to head up west. Saturday...all bets are off...I have to leave the house at 8 to get to the gym to do my scheduled run...and then I am out til 3 - 4 in the morning. Yikes - guess it'll have to be bar + shake in the morning then bar whilst out and an 810 meal at some point. That said, the aftershow is at my end of town, so I could come home first, dump my stuff and then head into Clerkenwell...
Cool - well I've written it all down now so I'll have to stick to it.
You guys have been beyond great to me the last few days. It is totally appreciated. You give me the gumption to stick to my strange 810/SS+/SS arrangements this week and I love you for it!
Oh - on top of everything else, it's costume is head to toe cream. Deep joy!