Woah! It's August!
So yeah - Surfhunny asked me if I was scared about the beginning of the end. You know what, I am not scared, elated, excited, overjoyed to be eating and hey - even snacking a bit (albeit on radishes!) I have absolutely no feelings about food other than yeah, it's nice and yeah - there's a little bit around these days. This is a big change! It's WI day today and I will not be having anything other than my usual morning bar between now and 6pm (weigh in time). Like I usually do. I can take it or leave it and as it's been 3 weeks since my last proper WI, I choose to leave it. I could not be less bothered about the food. It's there. This time round I'm so busy, I have a life full of things that please me. A gret job with no residual stress, a busy creative life, less and less debt with each month that passes and I'm fighting fit and strong for the first time in my adult life. I look like a warrior on that treadmill (seriously, the tops of my shoulders have amazing muscle definition, I look like a pro from the waist up - shame about my wobbly thunderthighs and tummy

This is in high contrast to the chocolate and icecream binge disasters that occurred in blind panic at the end of Lighter Life. What's the difference? Exercise. I really think it's been the slow but steady approach to exercise - long slow swimming, light jogging, long walks - and yeah, The Shred. I would have ditched the Shred if I had felt any ill effects. I did not (other than the actual pain of doing it!) I won't give advice on exercise to anyone on the forums any more as it is a personal choice, but I am tired of people quoting bad science at newbies. No you are not eating your body alive (well you are, but that's the whole bloody point of being on the diet!) once you are fully in ketosis and have had a couple of weeks to adjust, your body is perfectly capable of eating fat, it knows damn well to leave your muscle mass alone. On Lighter Life I LOST muscle mass from NOT exercising consistently (although there is also a school of thought that says if you lose half your body weight you will lose muscle as you aren't carrying a 100lb weight around with you all day every day any more) - on Cambridge doing a good 30-40 mins every other day I have BUILT muscle mass. Get moving. Do what feels good for you. Try a class (have a quiet word with the instructor and ask if you can just step it through if you're nervous about overworking - if the instructor is uncooperative, leave the class and have a word with the gym who hires them in) - go for a little walk. Anything other than sitting around waiting until the diet is over. I'm going to finish this diet able to run 5ks and do 40 full press-ups…yeah, I've totally been eating my body alive. I've just wasted away, clearly...
But that's all irrelevant now as I am 810/1000(no simple carbs) so EXERCISE AHOY!!!
I swam 10 miles in July! I ran more than a marathon! This month will be the same for swimming and running with the added joy of Shredding. Tonight will be my first night back on The Shred (it'll be easier this time as I have 2 more free nights a week!)
I shall be Shredding up to the 30th August. I have taken my start measurements, by 30th August I plan to be a 36-27-37 (M&S 12 on top and 10 on the bottom) I'd also like to lose 12lbs by the end of the month so that I am in the 10s - but hey - I know I'll lose those inches under Jillian's guidance.