Grumpy Cerulean's FAQs of Sole Sourcing
I'm not going to mention all that has just passed any more, but thank you all for your comments and support. And in the meantime I'd like to beg a little forgiveness - gawd knows I get aerated and occasionally very preachy about advising people not to exercise and Lighter Life counsellors who don't deliver the counselling goods and (in the past) people who start bending the rules after a few days on the diet and wondering what went wrong...oh and people who don't get the STS thing and scale zen (sure it's disappointing to STS but remember the Cerulean mantra 'The scales mean nothing, the scales mean nothing, nobody weighs you apart from your CWPC and you, people see the inches you lost not the pounds')
So yeah - I'm not perfect and I have been a bit of a grumpy old grumbler - and will continue to do so. I guess here is a good time to list my Cerulean's Grumpy FAQs
1. Yes you can exercise after a couple of weeks on SS as long as you want to and feel comfy doing it - just don't be daft and run a 10k in hot weather on just foodpacks. You'll be sick and fall over and noone wants that.
2. No you probably shouldn't muck about with CD in your first 4 weeks if you have more than 3 stone to lose but if a spot of protein gets you through a tight corner then I'll turn a blind eye
3. If you are a lady, you will have STS weeks from time to time, my Cerulean science tells me this is usually your hormones ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! FAMINE!!!!! SHED NO WEIGHT!!!!!! until they go 'Oh - whoops - forgot about all that fat on my bum - I'll have that instead of chips...carry on!' If you are a man this also happens but in a different way. YOUR WEIGH IN CARD EVEN MENTIONS THAT YOU WILL HAVE WEEKS LIKE THIS!!! READ THE BACK OF IT IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME!!
4. If you don't do maintenance and commit to keeping 5-10lbs within your finish weight, all bets are off. Really sorry, but you have to own up to the fact that you have had an issue with food and that you may always have one...that's not to say it has to rule your life, you will just have to think about it way more than you want to for longer than you want to...I made this mistake. Don't let it be a burden - but make sure you do the work. Your body is very good at putting on weight after a 'famine' which is what your hormones think a diet is. You have to spend time reassuring Mrs Hormones that you will give it everything it needs when it needs it.
5. If you make mistakes you can fix them. I'm a proud little madam who was really embarrassed when I screwed up so royally and I still came back. Only you could always come back and finish the job quicker than I did, I've been fannying about with this for 4 years.
6. I drank way more Coke Zero this time round than you will ever get me to admit. I am somewhat ashamed of that mainly cos of all the rotten chemicals, but I just wanted to tell you that no one's perfect

- I also love Boots Shapers American Cream Soda...3 calories a bottle, lactic acid rather than citric and a complete life saver for me - see - not such a goody two shoes, am I? Oh and I weigh myself every day just cos I like maths - the scales make no sense even when you do that - even I can't spot the whys and wherefores.
7. Finally - keep the big picture in your head. It is always about today, tonight and tomorrow morning, sure...when you start, tell yourself 'Just today. Just three days. Just til my first Weigh In. My next Weigh In. Lets do 28 days. Okay - how about 8 weeks?' (By that point you'll be in the zone and your body will go 'Oh YOU SWINE! You TRICKED ME!) But all the time do not think about the weekly losses - do not see anything less than 3lbs as a failure - make a note of the date 12 weeks from your start date and think about the fact that as long as you have 4 stone to lose you will definitely have lost 3 stone by that point as long as you stick to it. The Big Picture.
And finally finally...Never. Ever. Ask me if you can have an alcoholic drink in ketosis. (Unless you want me to shout).
Emz - good to see you here - I love reading your replies - you already seem like a force of nature on the forum - and I love your smiley photo