Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

I somehow managed my 4.5k scheduled run tonight (bless LA Fitness for staying open in the city until 7.30pm - your staff are stars) - running has become fun! (It always kicks in once I've licked the 5k) I had forgotten my socks - so I could have given up earlier but I just bloody did it anyway.

I have now not done the Shred for 2 days. Yesterday needed to be a rest day, today I woke up with swollen glands - and frankly the running is more important to me at the moment (I need to burn off 5% of my body fat!) I could do it now...but I just want this weird half cold out of my system and I have a total day off tomorrow.

I have to say that Twitter could have driven me insane today. People spouting rubbish about 'It all kicking off' when it really wasn't. The Macdonalds by my house is where all the police are hanging out. There may be trouble headed this way as there were no police last night, but they all look pretty casj and relaxed, talking and joking with locals.

Had my turkey and apple before my workout which was good as I was delayed getting to rehearsal so there wouldn't have been time after.

So I've had about 1000 cals today. Go me!
Just to let you know, I feel a bit headachey and under the weather...wil probably still do a swim and steam as exercise seems to clear out my pipes and makes me feel better. Not hungry, have had a bar and an apple and not had my mid morning snack bar as I am beginning the weaning process and the apple replacement makes me feel okay but a bit 'sugary' I am not hungry but I can tell I need some protein to counterbalace the fruit! Should really just have it with yoghurt but I can't get 0% until my home supermarket opens up after 4pm. I should really have some nuts, but we're not at that stage yet...baby steps! good that I'm noticing this stuff.


With the extra fibre and food it feels like I am poohing ALL THE TIME! It's exhausting! Its all healthy proper - er - poo but to go from once every couple of days to twice or even thrice a day is tiring!!!!
Waaaaaahhhhhhh diasastrous!!!!! Yoghurt disaster!!!! Alert alert! ;)

I decided to have some plums and yoghurt for a snack - I did a big organised shop of prawns and salad and allowable fruit and dried chickpeas and turkey - go me.

I swear I spotted that I had Total Greek Yoghurt in my hand and switched it for a 0% on on the shelf. I only had a spoonful in my bowl, but I knew the minute I ate it I knew what I'd done...I don't mind 0% it's kind of nice in a punishing way...but this was soooooooo gooooood. It had to be 10% fat. Oh well - time to test if I really am a full-fat munching metabolic type then!

Even if my weight is not shifting I can tell my body is changing again - there is a loooot less of my thighs and bum and if I poke my waist, there's absolutely no fat there or on my hips. I have quite a lot of size 14 work trousers which I've just been getting as much wear out of as possible (for some reason most of my 12s are dresses and my 10s are mainly jeans and skirts, I must have gone 'Whoooooo! Look at my legs! at that weight) which are now getting comically loose to the degree that I can pull them on and off without unfastening them. So I am really a 12 now.

Feel a bit peaky - haven't been sleeping well and the cold is being a bit rub - but I did 50odd lengths in the pool so y'know. I'm doing 30 mins a day unless it's a total day off.

Might go to bed early.
Weight coming off! Whoop! Maybe 10% fat is the way forward (I think to myself hopefully ;) ) allegedly according to my metabolic type I am not supposed to eat low fat alternatives, I am supposed to eat the real deal of everything. Next week I may try adding some high quality oils like walnut, avocado and olive.

The only objection I have to the eating promoted by Cambridge in the little spirally book is that at the end it suggests a lot of processed low fat low sugar foods. Those are terrible for my metabolic type.

So yesterday...I did not stop eating when I stopped writing! I had a spot more fruit and another bar (I was due a second pack) and some more cottage cheese and light green veg.

I lost a 1lb this morning which is reassuring, but I'm not going to take it as too much of a sign unless I keep that weight for another three days! So I haven't got that eat food/put on the weight you've eaten thing going on - as long as I stay off the simple carbs, eh?
Oh! I forgot to say! I got the feedback from my visit to Granny's!!!

'She looks stunning'
"Really healthy, so much better than when she came off the diet last time'
'She's got muscles in her arms and everything! You can tell she's really fit now'

My sister says she can see the difference that doing the exercise has made this time round - I look healthy (apparently I looked weak at a healthy BMI after LL)
So nice to hear those kinds of remarks, eh?

I haven't seen what Cambridge recommend in your spiral book, but I think most nutritionists will tell you that processed low fat/low sugar foods are not the best choice for anyone as generally, to compensate for flavour lost in the process of making these foods low fat/low sugar, they add all sorts of horrible chemicals and (hidden) carbs. You'll know it when you are doing your body good :)
Hi princess - there's an explanation further back in this thread, but as everyone is different and its quite complicated I'd suggest you google the tests. Basically, I burn carbs quickly so if I don't exercise straight after eating them they convert to fat almost instantly. I burn protein and fat slowly so they give me lots of energy and make me feel good! Sone people are the opposite or a combo.
Just remembered a brill thing...I don't have any cravings any more!!! I'd forgotten I was off SS as I walked through the farmers market and when I was offered a wild plum to taste I almost refused out if habit and then went 'oh yeah!!!' Smelling food is no longer a cruel and unusual punishment!
Cor - it's all coming back to me now! Last time I was addicted to builders tea with sweetner as soon as I could have milk!!!! And not just addicted, I was having 2 bags in each cup at least 5 times a day!

I just made myself my first cup in weeks and it's nice, but no better or more interesting than earl grey or black coffee!
Just did the test online apparently I'm mixed type. It say I should have 50% carbs but I really don't think that's right for me as I get bloated and also eating too much carbs was the reason I gained weight in the first place! Confused :S

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Mixed types need to eat abit of everything! My bookexplains it as eating one way one day and one way the next day. Also mixed types can be confused due to previous imbalances. If I wasn't so obviously a protein type, I'd have gone for a consultation with a professional.
Hi princess I have the book and also came out as mixed but feel the same as you about it. Maybe leave it for now?

Sarah, it's interesting your reaction to free samples and tea!! Well done on your new journey !
Sorry I'm sure if I read back a bit I'd find it myself but I'm lazy lol, what's the book called, sounds interesting.
I just googled it and done it online so maybe if I read the book it'll explain more. Had my WI today and lost 1lbs and a quarter not as much as I hoped but I am now 8 stones 13 at least I'm in the 8s :D
3 weeks until the wedding so the most I'm probably going to lose is another 3lbs which I will e happy with, then the honeymoon and I'm prob going to gain half a stone haha

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Amazon.com: The Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet to Your Own Unique Body Chemistry (9780767905640): William Linz Wolcott, Trish Fahey: Books

I have to admit that if you come out as mixed it really doesn't explain that very well (I've read it since someone came out as mixed and went 'oooh - that's not very well explained!') so best to do an online test first (one of the ones with more than 30 questions is best) - if you come out as a protein type, get the book as it's pretty much dead easy. I think carb types are rarer in northern Europe as protein types are generally Celts and Scandiwegians (cos we mainly lived off fish and plants 10,000 years ago)

Anyway - enough about you - ME ME ME time...

In exercise NEWS, I smashed my 2 mile record...yeah! And I had my top average pace for any run EVER!
Princess, that's actually a great loss at that weight - I'm only losing 2lbs a week at the moment, but I have about 3 times more energy and my workouts are getting more oomph!
I love ur energy! I keep promising myself to exercise even went and bought an exercise bike but I just can't motivate myself:( the best I have done is to walk from the station from both end to work and back which is just under 2.5miles with my reebok easytones. I just feel like I'm shattered and have no energy for the bike but might try some squats and lunges to tone up my flabby legs!! X

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I had a majorly long rehearsal last night - over 3 hours. I left work at 5, did 30 mins running and 30 mins swimming, walked over the the reherasal rooms and then got home at 11.

Lost more weight...I can always tell when my scales are on the downward trend in advance...they sort of flash up a preview weight before going to what it thinks my actual weight is (sort of like, yeah, you're lighter, but I'm erring on the side of caution - I know what you used to be like) It's wrong that I anthropomorphise my scales thus, isn't it?

So I am in the 11s with single figures. This is my teenage/student happy weight. My Body Fat and Muscle composition is changing for the better - am now 4% away from healthy BF (suspect that kicks in at my healthy BMI) - I can now get my hand down my M&S trousers. I am glad I live alone...I spend far too much time trying to get my hands down my trousers (only to see if they classify as loose ;) I hasten to add)

Now - in terms of metabolic typing, I have been eating fruit and obviously less heavy meats than I am recommended to eat...and it's still working out for me. Although I must confess that I eat the majority of my fruit before I am about to burn off far in excess of the calories consumed so any fast burning means I am using the carbs in teh fruit immediately.

Whatever else, I am doing very well - I can't remember where I got o with calories yesterday, but it was around 1100.

Our plays start next Saturday, so this Saturday is an all day rehearsal, unfortunately due to gym opening times, I'm not going to be able to get a swim or a run in tomorrow (unless I hit the streets, GULP - I find street running far harder) - at least Sunday I can spend some real time in the gym.

Stop wittering love, I need to go to work! (So tired)