It makes-a no sense
So last night was perfect. Lovely posh steak in London's trendy Spitalfields and my dining partner didn't order starchy carbs so there was nothing on the table that was off limits. We had steamed spinach, a heritage tomato salad and the naughtiest thing on the table was roasted mushrooms which tasted delicious. We had prime rib. Probably about 550 calories of meat. The sides probably took me to around 750, I had about 1500 calories yesterday all told and a good long 45 minute run.
I was wondering what the scales would think of all that red meat this morning and almost avoided it. Weight was back to where it was this time week (which means the scales went down!), BMI still around 27. All good.
I did my shop for the week - my shopping bag is usually like this
Radishes, celery, romaine lettuce, cucumber, beansprouts, plums, strawberries, blueberries, granny smiths (these are good because they aren't too sweet and seem to keep myblood sugar in check)
I buy other veg like brocolli and cabbage through the week depending on what looks good/is on offer
2*450g tubs of low fat organic or greek yoghurt
4*chicken thighs (breast is too expensive, I'm afraid and thigh meat is far tastier)
Chick peas
2* tubs cottage cheese
Small bag of almonds (these are my snacky treat and I have a handful instead of bread/potatoes a couple of days a week)
Last night I bought 2 whole sardines (I'm a west country girl so they're pilchards really

And that pretty much does me. I buy a couple of M&S low fat yogs and some of their v expensive fruit during the week at work - and 3 packs of their sliced turkey in a 3 for £5 offer.
So there! My new way of eating!
Okay - have to go - rehearsal for the whole day! No time to do a gym workout this morning and rehearsal finishes an hour before my gym closes and is 45 mins from my gym so - pttthhh. So I am going to walk in to rehearsal.