This week in a scary nutshell
(Bear in mind that every day contains The Shred)
Entertaining an very old friend
Hard Work
Night off
Hard Work
Run across town to get weighed
Run back again
2.5 hour readthrough of 2 plays
After rehearsal social
Hard Work
Run across town to the BBC - watch Richard E Grant do a radio play
Spend evening looking for monolgues for radio course
Hard Work (poss the hardest)
Saunter to Waterloo to have a coffee and browse scripts still looking for a monolgue, go and see talk on Tony Wilson featuring brief gig by OMD (with Ray Davies sitting at the front with a brolly)
Get home at 11.15
Practise scripts
Half a day of work
Run across town to radio class, nail monologue in 2 takes.
Hours back home in the be followed by disco nap, journey to Brixton at 11pm and 1am gig - home by 3.30am (I HOPE)
Up at 9.30 to feed friend's rabbits on the way to rehearsal
11am Rehearsal
3pm Walk over to Royal Festival Hall for free Guillemots gig.
6pm, home, shred, line learning, bed
Up at 9 swim sauna feed rabbits, rehearsal, home start learning more lines for other plays.
Why am I telling you all this?
Who says you have no energy and can't do exercise/have a busy life on a VLCD?
I'm not stressed, I'm incredibly happy and fulfilled and excited by is just a thing...people! doing! running around! is wayyyyy more interesting. I am going to a banging party till 3am tonight, I don't need to eat or drink. High on life, me!