Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

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Ooh Carla, forgot to ask...What's the 30 day slimdown??? My Macbook has run out of Region 1 handovers, so if I play that DVD it will be forever stuck on region 1 :(

Book-worm...allllll shall be revealed on Day 31 (Sunday) is when I shal unveil my magic spreadsheet and measurements and bodyfat composition and answer the final question about SSing and the Shred...does it slow weightloss...

Ooooo, the suspense is almost killing me :D Well, whether it slows down weight loss or not, I decided to give Level 1 a try today and.... OUCH :eek: But OUCH in a good way if that makes sense. I couldn't do the push-ups though, even with my knees down. So I tried to stay straight and go up and down as much as I could. It still burnt though :eek: Thanks for sharing your Shred experience Cerulean, it really helps :)
So today is Day 114

Last night I went to rehearsal - the guys hadn't seen me in a couple of weeks so I got a shedload of compliments!

I'm really looking forward to Sunday as that is when I do my final Shred stats (the final Shred is Saturday)

Which reminds me, I'd better get doing it right now or I'll be late to work :)
So this is me in my flowery dress at about 12.5 stone. All going well and day 28 of The Shred done.


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How amazing Sarah - what a transformation already, is it Jillian - is it SS? Is it the water? Was it the light? I lurrrve that dress by the way.
Awwww you guuuuyyyyys!

I must admit it's more flattering when you get me full length as the tulip skirt gives me a bit of a belly I don't actually have!

I think it's a combination of everything - can't wait to reveal my spreadsheet - I'm actually going to show you every day of weightloss from March 10th up to Sunday (120 days, or thereabouts) so you can judge for yourselves!
Oh - the dress was bought just before I did a half marathon in 2009 and I never quite got back to that weight...it's UTTAM from Dotty Ps...I think I bought it in Bristol...
Oooh the suspense!!!!! I cant wait! I wish I had tracked my measurements more, I think maybe they have gone down this week. I am squeezed into a dress I couldnt wear at christmas (or indeed in april) and its actually got a tad of room!
I walked into work today - almost 4 miles - I think nothing of it - didn't even get fizzy legs...(you know when your legs tingle when you use them for more than 30 mins or so) so I must be super fit these days.

Screwed up fluid intake a tad today - prefer not to talk about the stuff I do that's a little stretching the limits of 100% but today for some reason was one of those days (I never eat, let me make that quite plain, but I do love me some Coke Zero - if that's a bit of a hint)

The reason I was drinking forbidden fizzies was it was the end of term party for my drama class - I'd been dreading it as the tutor had told us all to bring wine and nibbles. There was so much cake and crisps and wine everywhere so I just sipped my drink. And cos of the way the classroom was it was right there and people kept walking around offering more biscuits. Luckily I really am at that total in-the-zone stage where I can't even contemplate food - but it's really weird staring at a swiss roll and thinking 'What is it for?' and having no sense of desire about it. It made me think of that Gala song from 1997 'Freed from desire' (how old am I?) - the world is simpler when you have no cravings. Strange also to be around lots of people a little tiddly on a couple of glasses...I'd sort of avoided that recently. Afterwards one of my classmates needed a coffee and some carbs to sober up for her evening class so I sat with her. We talked about carbs (if anyone asks me what I'm doing I never mention CD or LL unless they already know about it - I just say I've cut out all carbs and I'm on a diet with supplements) and she said 'So you wouldn't even want one of these chips?' and I looked at it and went 'No - I have no interest in it'. This stage of VLCDs is very weird though - cos your refeeding hormones can attack at any stage - as they did once when I was at about 6 months of perfect abstinence! So I remain cautious!

Still - I'm home now and I have to do the blimmin' Shred (I love it really) - can't believe that in about 16 hours or so I will have completed the entire 30 Day Shred without stopping - well - as long as I go and get it done now! (Just waiting for my soup to go down)
DID IT! DAY 29 of The Shred - can't believe that 4 weeks ago to the moment I'd just finsihed Day 1 Level 1 and could barely complete the cardio sets and now I'm doing all the Level 3 moves in advanced (apart from the travelling push-ups all the way)
Well done Sarah! You'll have to run up your stairs Rocky style after day 30 :D
Carla - I have an iron spiral staircase which I live in fear of falling down!! UNLIKELY!

Good morning!

I am pleased to report that as of 8am this morning (yes, I started at 7.30 on a Saturday) I completed the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.

I am going to do my official final measurements and weights and body composition stuff first thing tomorrow morning as that is 30 days from starting and I like things to be neat! But, yes, I have definitely lost well over a stone in 30 days. Which is what I would usually lose on a VLCD...but at this stage and BMI it is unusual for me to lose any more than 13-14lbs in a calendar month. So no - it definitely doesn't inhibit weightloss - however, for the first two weeks, it looked like it did. I didn't say anything because (and I wish there was a forum sticky on this as I am tired of saying it) weightloss should never be judged on anything less than 4 weeks stats and I proved myself right - I will say more on this tomorrow, I promise.

So yes, you can do Jillian Michaels whilst on Cambridge SS or Lighter Life Lite and not have any ill effects. I add to that that although my core, upperbody, high impact aerobic and circuit training strength was weak at the beginning, I did start from a level of fitness which meant I can do up to 15 mile hikes on SS and I can swim up to 2 miles - so I have a good base level of endurance and stamina - a sort of slow and long and steady fitness - I regularly walk to and from work as if it was just down the road (it is 4 miles away) so the lunges (lol - I just typed lunches!! Freudian slip!) and the plyo work were actually quite easy for me to pick up as my legs are exceptionally strong - but I was unable to do press-ups - and today...today...

I did 4x2 travelling push-ups in each set and picked mself up and finished the sets with modified. THAT'S 16 full-on grown-up push-ups! 4 weeks ago I could just about squeeze out two before swearing at Jillian. I did every exercise in advanced - and I mean it this time - I even did pike crunches and a full, non-stop set of almost Natalie level scissor crunches. Not too shabby, eh?

And relax...
Congrats warrior Sarah :D

I can't wait to see your stats either :)
Ooooh JEM - I feel your pain - have you got Jillian's Jelly Arm syndrome yet - I could hardly type up my blog entry on Day 2!

CheeseGirl and Carla - you are too too lovely about me. I'm just a wobbly lady in ill-fitting lycra with a stupidly stubborn streak :p
You don't give yourself enough credit! I am on day 3 of Shred, all because of your success! I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few more who have started it too!
I'm hoping to lose a few inches and 11lbs!
Well done I am looking forward to seeing your stats tomorrow!
Aw wow Cheryl! that's brilliant. It feels a bit crazy to say that something I've only done for 30 days has changed my life, but boy, has it!