Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

I'm off to do some relaxing yoga type stuff. Had a bit of a dust and a tidy and a think about all my stuff and life and things. Quiet times at the moment. Debating whether to fulfil a dream I've had for 15 years and go and see Pulp tomorrow night. They're the only band out of all my favourites that I have never seen...and part of me wonders if it should stay that way.
And the post you have all been waiting for...THE SHRED RESULTS

Day 116 and 30 Day Shred stats « Keep off the arse

That's the link to the full blog post - you can click through and nosey at my full day by day weightloss if you've a mind to

30 day shred stats.jpg

That's the actual results. The shred works, but in my case for the first couple of weeks it looked like it was a muscle building inch-losing exercise rather than a
weight-loss one - but in 2 weeks at this stage on a VLCD, I lost 16 lbs. 16lbs. Two weeks.

So then - can you see why I get cross with people who post 'This isn't working. My friend on Slimming World lost loads more than me and she ate food.'

It takes every ounce of my being to stop myself from posting 'WELL B*GGER OFF TO SLIMMING WORLD AND SEE HOW THAT WORKS OUT THEN!'

Cambridge works. You just have to work in 4-6 week blocks. The scales do not go down every day SO STOP EXPECTING THEM TO. Take a look at how long the scales stayed the same in my 116 days. Did I get fed up? Yes. Did I whinge about it? A little bit, and only sometimes. But I thought about the big picture.
This is amazing and sooo good on you, all your hard work was worth the effort (and the wait)!
WAY TO GO:clap:
I've ordered my 30 day shred and plan to start in a few weeks. My fitness level is fairly low, with no back muscle to speak of, but I am able to do an entire spinning class so I guess it's not completely zilch.
Thank you for being such an inspiration.

I usually swim a mile on Sunday mornings...but today was so lovely that I walked down the heath and went for a swim in Hampstead Ladies Pond. It is beautiful. Fresh water, ducks watching you, dragonflies dive bombing you and after the first few strokes I barely noticed how cold it was. In fact in some parts of the pond where the sun had caught it, it was beautifully warm. I felt like a mermaid - so nice to be able to swim without a swimming cap. Think I've found a new place to catch a spot of exercise :D
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That sounds FAB

Those stat's blew me away...however in other news I also blew up my DVD player. BUMMED. I now have to get a new one. That said I do have my hexagonal hand weights at the ready so I am half way there. Gonna do my stat's tonight, get a new DVD player and then I will be ready to rock and roll. Brilliant.

I am so envious you have an outdoor non chlorinated pool by the way. Thats so jammy.
I also blew up my DVD player.

Surely there are easier ways to get out of exercising? :p

That pond sounds lovely Sarah, well 'jel' as I hear they say in TOWIE. I can't watch it though, stupid people wind me up!!
Talking about such things,Do you think thats where the TOWIE crew go to rejuvenate???? Go for a dip in the ladies lake, then get their vajazzle on? Ohhh its all too sordid, I personally like my vision of Sarah floating along in said pool with water-lilly's a bit like something out of sirens. :D
Oh blimey - I can't imagine the TOWIE girls in that pond! It's full of proper posh old London Ladies who would tut at the first glimpse of hair-straighteners! The shower only lasts 10 seconds!

Oh - and Nat - Ireally am very lucky - apparently the ponds are unique in the country...I can't believe that 2 quid buys you a piece of paradise in the most expensive city on the planet.

Ha! Sirens is exactly what I thought of in the pond! It was JUST like that!

Nat and Carla - I love the idea of committing an act of terrorism on your DVD player just to get out of Jillian Michaels!
I would like to note for the record that today - day 117 was the first day I've felt 'nibbly' in a while. This is usually a symptom of my Body Fat taking a dive...sure - I rode it out, but now that my skinny body is appearing, I remember the old tricks my brain and hormones play...I have decided to stand firm and ride out this bad boy in SS until at least the end of July. I have to keep thinking of the money I am saving by not splurging or starting to buy 810 food each day.

On an adiministrative note, if I go quiet, everything is fine - I've just realised that rather than having 2 nights off mid-week as I thought I had I am actually in rehearsals every night this week. I finished the 30 Day Shred just in time.

Also - on a Shred note - I kept active yesterday with a good session on legs and hips in yoga and walking and swimming - today was my first total rest day and I felt more tired and drained and lacking in energy than I have in weeks. Woah! Energy in = energy out really is true.

The director of one of my plays is really impressed my my shred results. I've lost 2 stone in the 2 months I've known him!

Sorry if posts are infrequent this week then...I'm just so so busy until Friday - and I don't even have Friday night off as I am auditioning...FOR A FILM!
Oh - quick little freebie tip - for those of you who are Tabasco users (it's not 100% CD - I assume because there are now so many types that people get confused, but LL allowed it (the classic red tabasco only, mind) so I see no logic in CD not allowing it and my CDC and I are both ex LLers so I have her blessing) they are giving away free sample bottles on Facebook - just "like" Tabasco UK's page for more info.
Hi Sarah,
Your Shred stats are great, I've just completed day 5! 3" off your waist and hips in 30 days is fantastic, I know you do alot more exercise than just shred but I wondered if you also had any results for thighs! As hips and thighs are my worst areas!
Good luck with the film audition! Wow!
Hiya Cheryl - er - I forgot to measure them on day 1 but I know I lost about 2-3 inches as they are now under 23 inches. They've become much much leaner bu I need to burn more fat to see the real results!
Well done on the shred results Cerulean. I'm no where as fit as you, but you still inspired me to start the Shred and I'm feeling so much better after a good hard workout (still can't do push ups, even Anita's, but that will come in time I'm sure :) )

I've realised after reading your posts that I really don't want to be a slave to the scales either. I just want to fit in size 12 jeans without a muffin top or having my thighs constricted in fabric and chaffing. I want to be toned and fit and not a 9st something lady with 40% fat :eek:

I'll be thinking of you for the film audition!!!! How exciting!
Warrrrghhhh....what a day....my size 10 M&S skirt (that I thought was a 12) does up!!!

My 2.5 kg (each!!!) dumbbells have arrived...as have two of my Jillian DVDs. For my next challenge...6 week 6 pack!
Ah...and as I reach the final weeks of Cambridge...Hummingbird Bl**dy Bakery open a branch opposite my office. UNFAIR!!!
Ouch!! Red Velvet cakes ooosh.

You're making me want 6 week 6 pack now! I said I wasn't going to buy it :p

You'll have to let me know how it is :D
At least it's down a side street I can avoid unless I go to my fave Chinese ;)

Carla...I am hopefully going to give it my first go tomorrow am...I will deffo take proper pics this time!

I have decided that as I only have about 2 weeks left of SS it's probably time to start running (don't tell anyone but I am in the ballot for a marathon place) So I have...I went to the gym thinking I'd give 5 mins a go - maybe see if I was up to a km seeing as Jillian's increased my overall fitness...I ran a mile...just like that. I can tell the difference in my legs and upper body since I last ran over a year ago. So I don't have to do C25k - I can start with a mile runner's programme. Whoooo! I heart you more, Jillian!