Chapter Now Closed :D

Yuppers - probably Jan. I was so determined to get yesterday 'right' aswell but it just wasnt meant to be! :sigh: Nevermind. I will get this right ... someday! lol

Off to pick the bf up now - its howling a right gale out there!!!! :eek:
Maint day 6

Saturday 14th Nov

B- 1 slice toast with dairylea. Banana. 50g muesli, 70ml s.s. milk.
L- Tuna salad sandwich. LF Yog & apple.
D- In torquay so will have something in the union rooms before our night on the town starts!! :)

So breakfast; Got up 1.5hours earlier this morning to pick the bf up from work - bless him couldnt let him walk in the atrocious weather! - just got back had 1 slice of toast and a banana. Will still have my muesli in work though - i know it seems like alot but toast is now (5:30) muesli will be 9:40. Lunch 1pm then its off to Torquay for the weekend!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Doesn't seem like too much to me over all that time! AND you're busy too.
Have a BRILL time! xxx
Have a super time in Torquay - just have plenty of exercise with your bf ;) and you will soon work those squares of choccy off girl.
:giggle: Marrryyy!!!! LOL!
So i'm back :( Poop!
Had an absolutly awesome time!

Saturday me & the bf went out on the town - had some vodka & diet cokes, a bottle of rose and a shot of apple sours. Food wise i had my brekkie and lunch here and i had a roll and some doritoes in the hotel room before going out. Didnt get anything in the wetherspoons for tea. Had a small slice of the bfs pizza after being out and i bought a subway for brekkie in the morning! lol (worked off that slice of pizza i reckon sunday morning ;)) hahahaa

Sunday had a bottle of rose and a mexican meal. For brekkie had 6inch subway. Then had some doritoes and biscuits. Then we went for our mexican meal at 8pm .... oh my gosh!!!!!!! It was GORGEOUS!! But there was sooooooooooooo much on the plate i only managed around 1/4 of it and i had paid £13 for it so i asked the waitress if i could have a 'doggy bag' hahahaa i felt a little scabby but she even agreed with me that there was just too much on there to eat! Even my bf didnt finish it all! So i have my left over mexican for tonights tea! lol (i had a chimmychanga sp? which came with mexican rice & refried beans ... i ate half the chimmychanga and a spoonfull of rice and that was it) Oh and we had nachos, guacomole, cheese & soured cream to start.

So now im back :( Today hasnt been too bad. Had a nutrigrain for brekkie, a yogurt and 2 biscuits.

Tomorrow will be back on track. Will write my menus up later :)
Glad you had a good time Tanya. Your weekend away sounded really good. Mmm Mexican, only once I went to a Mexican restaurant, and I cant say I was that fussy on it, it was just too dry for me. I forget the name of it, but its one of the well known Mexican places around most large cities.

Glad you got some exercise Sunday morning to work the food
LOL!!! ;)

Heres the pic of the meal i had ...

Mexican aint for everybody and i can see it being dry if there was no soured cream or guacamole ... prob why they use it so much! lol


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haha it wasnt the most well presented meal but was delish! :drool:
Delighted you had a great time hun! Glad you fitted in some exercise too haha! You werent too bad at all. Cant wait to see your menu always great so i can steal some ideas haha!
Maint Week 2 Menus

Tuesday 17th Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Jacket pot with chilli & salad. LF Yog & apple.
D- Baked salmon & veg.

Wednesday 18th Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Quorn piece salad & balsamic vinegar. LF Yog & apple.
D- Baked chicken & veg.

Thursday 19th Nov (2am start)

B- porridge, s.s.milk. Banana. Satsuma. (spread out between 2am and 11:45)
L- Tuna salad & boiled egg. LF Yog & apple.
D- Off to my friends tonight for tea - she's cooking im bringing a desert :eek: lol

Friday 20th Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Tuna salad. LF Yog & apple.
D- Baked salmon & veg.

Saturday 21st Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Spag bol - cooked by me best burd.
D- Off to see Lilly Allen this night at the pavilions so am off to my friends for the day. Vodka will be involved. I'm making cupcakes for today also :p

Sunday 22nd Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Ham salad sandwich. LF Yog & apple.
D- Sweet & sour chicken made with LF sweet & sour sauce. Small small small brown rice.
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Looks great Tan! x
Looks great again. you have lots to look forward to this week and your in control of desert thats very good.
Fantastic menu's Tanya, looking really good girl.

Your Lilly Allen night out which includes wine and vodka just got me in the notion for a glass of red wine, so just texted my OH to buy a bottle of red for tonight. Seem to have gone off vodka since getting p*s**d on Friday night - this is the first time I have fancied anything alcoholic since!!
Relief to know the 2 maintainence queens think my menus are good :worthy: hehe

Tuesday 17th Nov

B- 50g muesli, s.s.milk. Banana.
L- Jacket pot with chilli & salad. LF Yog & apple.
D- Home made cottage pie (made by moi!) Weight Watchers chocolate sponge pudding (only 186 calories and tasted gor-ge-ous!!!!)

*packet smoky bacon crisps
*packet go-ahead orange & sultana bar thingys
*slice of cheese
*4 seafood sticks
*3 fox's cream biscuits
*packet salt & vinegar quavers

*1litre pure water
*3 mugs black coffee

So nawty day today so far :doh: But about to go have my lunch then think i might do some jogging and hula hoop on the wii fit or maybe go for a run - i shall see :sigh:

Edit; So i done it! I went for a run, outside!!! Where people could see me!! I ran for 15minutes and tested my heart rate and it was 142beats per minute. Which, according to the chart thingy (i looked online) for my age and my non exercise level is where my heart rate should be for optimum fat burning but it says i should be doing atleast 30mins in that 'zone'. Just couldnt today - my chest felt sooo tight whilst running i was more or less jogging and fast walking but still - it was exercise! Im thinking maybe its cuz its pretty nippy out and me breathing heavy led to the cold air on my chest - just duno - not good with things like this lol

Edit; to say im having cottage pie for tea - made by me!

Tomorrow will be back to basics for a few days untill i can some control back :)
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Well done Tanya.

I am getting the Wii console for Xmas, do you recommend the wii fit, or wii fit plus, or wii fit resort????............jeez, so many things I dont know about. Whats the best one in your opinion?
Well done Tanya.

I am getting the Wii console for Xmas, do you recommend the wii fit, or wii fit plus, or wii fit resort????............jeez, so many things I dont know about. Whats the best one in your opinion?

I only have the wii fit so can only comment on that one but i think its good. The boxing, hula hooping and jogging are the better ones for a decent work out - theres lots of stretches & yoga stuff on there too but i havnt done any of that yet.

glad u had a good time away. that came round really quick.

r u still getting weighed now ur maintaining. think im just gona weigh myself at home from now on.

i adore mexican food, so jealous.

x x

Im not going for weigh ins but am weighing myself at home on the wii fit. No weigh in this week though as i wasnt here monday morning so weigh in will be this monday :D
Ahhhhhhhhhh :sigh: :doh: i've been a right pig today! little pickers wear bigger knickers is what i have to remember.

Thats it no more picking this week! I've got to get a grip!!!! :whoopass: feel free to :whoopass: me guys - i think i need it!