Well last night I went out, I am going to try and remember what I consumed !
Small Tub of cottage cheese
Packet of cheese doritos
2 Mojito Cocktails
A Strawberry Daiquiri
A Woo Woo Cocktail
A Glass of Wine
A Bottle of Blue Wkd
A Bottle of Cherry VK
At the tapas I had:
2 tablespoons of spicy potato
2 tablespoons of garlic mushrooms
1 Spicy Prawn
1 Small piece of garlic bread with cheese
3 spicy chicken wings
4 pieces of spicy sausage
3 potato and chicken croquettes
A tablespoon on Garlic Dip
It wouldn't even have filled a plate, they were all teeny.
Got home had 2 choccy hob nobs and a cuppa
I actually had a pain in my tum and indigestion this morning.
Have had some water and 1 shake, obviously I need to get back into ketosis !
I tried resisting scales but couldn't 2lbs on, however I need a big poo and I know I will be retaining water.
Hoping in these next 3 days I can shift that 2lbs and maybe lose another 1. But even if I STS that will be good.
I thought I would let my hair down and enjoy myself, to be honest the others ate much more than me but I was STUFFED !!!!!!!!!!
So I am back on plan today, was worried I wouldn't want to, but I am feeling positive about my goal and know I can do this !!!!
Had a bit of a boogie, some nice company and chat, even went clubbing for an hour (hahaha I never do that) !!! Amazing how much more confident I felt being 3 stone lighter !
Off to have a lovely snooze, hubby and kids gone to inlaws for sunday lunch (would have loved that haha) but my tum needs a proper rest !!!! And of course need to sort out my bowels (TMI I Know)!
Will report back tomorrow on how I am doing, let's hope it won't take me 4 days to get back into ketosis, but I have told hubby to keep an eye on me and watch I don't go off the rails !!!!!!!!!
Me x