Day 76
Much better day today, shakes went down fine, only nibbled one crisp !
My period pain is awful

Boo Me !!!
Weigh in tomorrow but I am not expecting much, a STS or a 1lb loss.
I need not to feel sad about this as I had a fab night out and I knew that I wouldn't have a big loss this week !
I am just getting back into the zone, 26 days til holidays and I would like to have a BMI of 25 when I go !
I have planned to be sensible, fish, chicken, stay away from too many carbs. I am taking bars with me for during the day.
I know that I will probably SS or 810 when I get home for a while as my ultimate goal is 10.7.
My sister had her 4th Weigh in today and lost almost 7lbs !!! She is 27lbs off in 4 weeks, AMAZING !!!!!!!!!! She started at 15.5 and is now 13.6 so she is feeling and looking great, I am so proud of her !
I am glad I have her to keep me going every day as it is getting harder the closer to goal I get !
This diet does play havoc with my life hahahaha, it's mostly good but sometimes frustration sets in, especially when I have a period and my mind is all over the place !
I am pleased I haven't nibbled as much today and I can hopefully stay on track, only 8 more days of SS and then I can have chicken and tuna, cottage will be odd tho ????
I suppose then I will have to call this a maintenance diary, but I may change my goals, I would like to have some boundaries on weight, ie be 10.7 but be able to fluctuate by a half a stone (bearing in mind that a night out can add 3lbs onto me) !!!! So I would like to learn to control my weight, which is probably the hardest part, trying to stay a smaller person. Will I still be a greedy girl ? Who knows.............
Anyways, just checking in and I will post my weigh in tomorrow as always.
Good luck to those starting, maintaining, on the journey, I hope this diary shows the good, the bad and the ugly, but ultimately that if I can do this - SO CAN YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!