Silver Member
Yeah the problem with me and Mike is we're both SO laid back. I'm used to being the laid back one in relationships, so in some ways me and Mike are perfect for each but in others I get confused as to why he just doesn't do more! Haha. Yeah I think we probably are the complicated ones. I doubt men think this hard into things haha. You haven't outed your fella as a pain in the arse though don't worry - there's nothing like have a little moan every now and then
. Me and the OH sound very similar though, we spend our lives goofing around and making each other laugh,but it works so I'm happy!
Ooooh I want to see 12 years a slave but I think it'll traumatise me so I might wait until it comes on Sky. I didn't really get into Dallas buyer's club but wolf of Wall Street was really good! I wouldn't say it's lighthearted (although it is compared to 12 years a slave!) but it is hilarious. Long though, the actual film is 3 hours, without adverts!
Thanks for the nice comments, pretty pleased with the weightloss so far. It's going slow but pretty steady
how's it going for you? Yeah Brighton's fab, I actually live a little north of it but it's where I kind of spent those all important growing up years.
The thing about your fella not wanting to get out of second gear made me laugh so much! Hilarious! I can only imagine how infuriating that must have been for your friend, haha - yet so weirdly logical in his mind! Great story!
Ooooh I want to see 12 years a slave but I think it'll traumatise me so I might wait until it comes on Sky. I didn't really get into Dallas buyer's club but wolf of Wall Street was really good! I wouldn't say it's lighthearted (although it is compared to 12 years a slave!) but it is hilarious. Long though, the actual film is 3 hours, without adverts!
Thanks for the nice comments, pretty pleased with the weightloss so far. It's going slow but pretty steady
The thing about your fella not wanting to get out of second gear made me laugh so much! Hilarious! I can only imagine how infuriating that must have been for your friend, haha - yet so weirdly logical in his mind! Great story!