Hi Hun,
Another AWOL week! The weekend was really good. I tried my wedding dress on for the first time, it looks good, definite room for improvement, but the main thing was not only did it fit, but it was too big (YAY!). My mum and sister were there and they made a few comments, none of them about the way I looked thankfully but more about the shop itself and how cheap it was etc. They are such snobs.
Anyhoo, I have the dress and I now have an idea of what weight and size I want to be - belly needs to go down and back fat and ARMS!
I have been good this week food wise, its weird, I am not doing strictly SW, nor am I doing CCing, I am just being mindful, and I have lost another 2lbs this week! Which I am really chuffed about.
Not sure how I have done it, but I think that my calorie intake (not that I have been counting) has been lower than usual. I have just been listening to myself a little bit more. Whatever it is, its working. Although I do have one thing I have stopped and that is that I have stopped drinking Pepsi Max. I would have about a pint of it a day, usually a big glass with dinner, and another in the evening. I decided I didn't like the chemicals and crap that was going in my body, so I bought myself a water filter jug and have been drinking water instead....I can't imagine it is helping me lose weight, but you never know!
Have a good weekend all, I hope to post more from now on (lots of things going on at work!)