Oh, sorry, also wanted to send big hugs to Shanny! As you know i have had monumental struggles staying on plan the closer i have got to goal, and part of the reason i am doing so much reading around to try to understand/ stop it. So i have no answers or pearls of wisdom, but every bit of empathy with you. Try to think about why its happened? Can you identify what has contributed? I know that as i have got smaller, my need to 'reward' with food post WI has almost got worse. I wonder if its just because i am not so disgusted by the reflection in the mirror anymore, i don't have the same sense of moving to goal, 'cause i'm nearly there? Dunno, just thinking out loud. Hope you are getting on ok now hun.
Hope you are managing to curb the damage in the mess hall Pol!
Hows the ss going MM? Did you have WI yet, any joy with the anticipated 3lb?
Nicki, i get where you are coming from with the 'safety' of ss. What i am realising is that in reality it is no different to any other weight loss plan fundamentally. They can all work, if you follow them. The only way this is going to be different from previous diets, is that if we use the time away from food to its maximium benefit and really try to change the thoughts and behaviours associated with food that got us fat in the first place. This is why i love CD, because i have just never asked the questions before, let alone tried to answer them. Largely have minimins to also thank for that. Can point you to some good threads if you want. Try not to panic too much hun, but do start to think about it. In my limited experience, it only seems to get harder when you near the end of 'losing'. Hugs all xx