Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

Morning All

Today I will SS, today I am choosing not to eat.

Braved the scales and sure enough I stayed the same this week, but I'm happy with that as I have been more off than on. Will stay off the scales until next week when hopefully I'll have a few lb off. Now 11st 7lb, if I get 4lb off my ticker will be right!

Off to work in a minute, apparently the store has been invaded by maltesers! I am choosing not to eat any as I would rather be slim at our works party in October. Every nibble will truly make a difference.

DH finished his first week back on SS with an amazing 16lb loss! Have to give hime credit if he decides to do something, he does it properly.

Have a great skinny day everyone.
Evening All

Another day of Ssing almost done, just had a banana mousse and a glass of water. Tomorrow I am once again choosing to SS. Hope the weather is dry as I want to get out and tidy the garden up ready for the winter. That'll keep me out of the kitchen.

Quite busy at work today, did have a lunchbreak but resisted the pasty that was shouting my name from across the road, treated myself to a coffee in Costa and read the new LL magazine instead.

Have a few nice things to look forward to which I want to look my trimmest for. In October we have a works awards night; it's evening dress and I have a slinky outfit ready and waiting, we'll be staying overnight so should be nice weekend. First weekend in December we're off for a girly weekend down to the New Forest, we've booked a lodge at a holiday park and have decided to make it a Turkey & Tinsel break. Friday will be Christams Eve, Saturday will be Christmas day and the Sunday will be Boxing Day (reckon we'll stay in our jim jams!) We're going to have a tree and decs and presents and play games and watch chick flicks might even share our craziness with the neighbours and go carol singing!!!! Can't wait, in fact I think I'm looking forward to it more than the real thing!

Hope you all had a good day.
Hope this helps...this is how Chicken on a Mission explains it!

Private message Pierce if this does not work for you and he will talk you through.

Love Mini xxx

Click on your ticker to take you to the site to update your weightloss.

Do that and then copy the 'bbcode'.

Go to the 'user CP' bit in the blue task bar on the minimins site and then select the option to change your signature.

Click on the ticker bit of your signature which should put 4 little sqaures in each corner of it then hit delete on your keyboard.

Then click your right mouse button where the ticker was and selcet paste to paste in the bb code.

You can then use the 'preview' box to make sure it worked and then submit.

Maybe this will help you Jazzy, must confess it always takes me about 6 attempts before it works and it's a bit hit and miss!

Hope you're well and I'm really pleased that you need to change your ticker, assuming it's going down of course!
Ha Ha
managed to do it! Many thanks Cheb!
If only it was to reduce it! Just to correct it! Never mind!:(
Hopefuly it will start to move in the right direction soon!
Hi Jazzy

Glad you got your ticker sorted, shame it's not gone downwards but I'm sure it won't be long until it's freefalling! Heard you joined WW, how's it going?

So looking forward to our 'Turkey & Tinsel' weekend, we've done a secret santa and are only allowed to spend a fiver each and see how many presents we can get. Done this before and my record is 17!!!! Nice stuff too, not just a load of penny sweets cos that would be cheating!

We call 'em Christmas Crap Bags!

Been a busy bee today, didn't get out in the garden after all although the weather was nice.

I tidied my wardrobe and sorted out my shoes and handbags. It was a bit of a revelation and has left me feeling quite chirpy. I had a bit of a try on, the clothes I bought last winter still fit; a few things are a bit loose. So ok I may not have got right to my target but I have kept the weight off. Note to self 'Stop being so tough on myself, cos I'm actually doing alright.' Don't remember a time that I've been able to wear an entire wardrobe of clothes for 2 seasons running cos invariably I've gained weight and have to buy new stuff!

I have a skirt in my wardrobe that I bought 18 years ago in Next. I remember it costing me £34 which was a lot of money to me all those years ago, I soon outgrew it but cos it had cost me so much I couldn't bear to throw it out. I kept it and promised myself that one day I would get back into it, I found it tucked away today and tried it's now too big! It will go to the charity shop tomorrow but that's ok cos I don't suppose I'd want to wear it now but the point is, I kept my promise!

Also sorted out my memory box and found the top that I wore when I met DH 20 years ago. Ahh how sentimental, anyhow tried it on and that now fits again too!

Never thought the day would come. Think it's dawned on me today that I really have lost the weight that was dragging me down for all these years, I have finally achieved what I thought would only ever be an ambition never realised.

Hope you've all had a nice Sunday.
Never thought the day would come. Think it's dawned on me today that I really have lost the weight that was dragging me down for all these years, I have finally achieved what I thought would only ever be an ambition never realised.

Aww, raising my last glass of water to you. So pleased you have had this realisation ;)

Been a busy bee today, didn't get out in the garden after all although the weather was nice.

I tidied my wardrobe and sorted out my shoes and handbags. It was a bit of a revelation and has left me feeling quite chirpy. I had a bit of a try on, the clothes I bought last winter still fit; a few things are a bit loose. So ok I may not have got right to my target but I have kept the weight off. Note to self 'Stop being so tough on myself, cos I'm actually doing alright.' Don't remember a time that I've been able to wear an entire wardrobe of clothes for 2 seasons running cos invariably I've gained weight and have to buy new stuff!

I have a skirt in my wardrobe that I bought 18 years ago in Next. I remember it costing me £34 which was a lot of money to me all those years ago, I soon outgrew it but cos it had cost me so much I couldn't bear to throw it out. I kept it and promised myself that one day I would get back into it, I found it tucked away today and tried it's now too big! It will go to the charity shop tomorrow but that's ok cos I don't suppose I'd want to wear it now but the point is, I kept my promise!

Also sorted out my memory box and found the top that I wore when I met DH 20 years ago. Ahh how sentimental, anyhow tried it on and that now fits again too!

Never thought the day would come. Think it's dawned on me today that I really have lost the weight that was dragging me down for all these years, I have finally achieved what I thought would only ever be an ambition never realised.

Hope you've all had a nice Sunday.

Hi Cheb,

How wonderful to read your post and to feel you have definetly achieved what you set out to do...finding that expensive skirt in your wardrobe and it being too big for you must of been such revelation to you and what a nice one at that.

It is funny the things we hold onto from the past...I have a collection of silly things, but could never bring myself to throwing them out and they only mean something to me.

Worthless to others, but priceless to me.:rolleyes:

I can totally identify with you when you say you can't remember a time when you wore your wardbrobe for two seasons running...I forget what it is like to be able to fit into the clothes in my wardrobe, even though I have thrown out all the fat clothes, I have smaller clothes that have been hanging and waiting for me to get into them since March...they were bought in anticipation:eek:

Just hope they have not gone out of style by the time they fit me...

Congratulations on your achievement and thanks so much for sharing that with us as it is inspirational.

Love Mini xxx
Morning All

Thorntons kidnapped me yesterday and despite putting up a brave fight they managed to hold me captive all day. I was force fed rich sickly chocolate for most of that time before escaping just after 10pm.

Feel a bit sick this morning and quite nervous in case they strike again. I will be keeping a low profile today so I'm not re-captured!

Hope you're all still doing well, off to work now to give myself a head start before we open up.
Morning All

Managed to stay at liberty yesterday, the Thorntons mob seem to be leaving me alone!

I actually had a choc bar in my handbag and it was shouting to me at lunch time, managed to ignore it and gave it away! I feel cleansed:D

So yesterday I did a day SSing and plan to do another today. It's far too long that I've been haning around the 11 1/2 st, I don't want to start finding it acceptable cos before I know it another few lbs will creep on and that will soon be acceptable too.

We were planning our 'Turkey & Tinsel' weekend and most of the talk was about the food we should take with us! Seems that despite losing the weight, we're all still obsessed with eating and will over indulge at any permitted opportunity! I'm sure that naturally slim people don't behave inthis way, so why is that we feel the need to gorge? I guess if I knew the answer to that particular question I wouldn't have ended up 7st overweight!

Nice day planned today, been for a walk with the dogs which was lovely in the sunshine. Now going to have a bit of a tidy round before heading off to meet up with an old school friend for coffee.

Have a lovely day, 'talk' again later.
Evening All

Today has gone ok so far, but evenings tend to be the time I start picking so it's not over til I'm tucked up asleep in bed!

DD has had her hair streaked with copper lowlights today, I think it looks lovely; she hates it and said people laugh at 'gingers' at school. So er..... why have it streaked copper then????:confused: I'm confused but trying very hard to be understanding and sympathetic. Teenage girls, I don't get 'em, funny cos I used to be one!!

Met up with an old school friend today, it was lovely to catch up and find out how life's been treating her. Worried we might run out of stuff to talk about but no such problem, we can still talk til the cows come home!

Hope you've all had a nice day.

Today has gone well dietwise not really wanted to eat cos everything else has been rubbish and it's affected my normal appetite, I always try to find a positive!

Work quite stressful today, had an admin day which I don't often get time for, usually I'm in early and out late to catch up. When I do have the luxury of a whole day in the office I usually feel cleansed as everything gets ticked off my list but today I didn't get through it all. Now feel I want to go in on my day off to finish up, but I've got too much on at home so can't consequently I now feel I'm being pulled in different directions.

DD is being evil to DS this week, think she is finding things tough at school. She's just 13 but has started her GCSE's and will sit some of them after just 1 year instead of 2. She's bright of that there is no doubt but I think she's stressing about it and I think some of the teachers forget how young she is and do not always give the extra support and encouragement needed. Unfortunately she plays things very close and does not tell us what's up 'Everything's fine' Now have doubts if we were right to allow this, we're concerned she may get poor grades and be discouraged, is it better to have 15 GCSE grade B/C or 10 Grade A*? It's a dilemma!

Anyhow she takes her stresses out on her brother so it's like a war zone in our house. DS has got into trouble at school again today and I have to see his teacher again tomorrow. We are considering referral for an asessment for Aspergers at the schools request; not sure how I feel about it. I've had thoughts of my own for many years but now it comes to the crunch, not sure if formal diagnosis will be helpful for him.

Managed to get to my yoga class tonight which has calmed me and helped to get things a bit clearer in my head. But I just feel things are all getting on top of me. Sorry to go on, just needed to get it off my chest and thought it may not look such a big deal written down. Thanks for listening, any advice on stressy kids very welcome.
Morning All

Pretty grey and drizzly here today, bit like my mood. Kids still at each others throats this morning. Anyone fancy adopting a stroppy teenager who behaves impeccably for everyone else but not at home!!

Dietwise, all is going well, not straying from the chosen path as yet, but it's only 10.30!

Intend to blitz my house this morning as it truly does look like a war zone, my DH is officailly the untidiest person in the world. He once suggested we went on life laundry in order to tidy up. I was all for it but when I pointed out that all the clutter belonged to him he went all quiet on the subject! So going to make a big pile of stuff in the middle of one room for him to sort out instead of loads of smaller piles in every room as there are presently. Oooh, looking forward to the inevitable row tonight when he gets home. Ha ha he at least he will know where everything'll be in that big pile there!!!!!

Have a good day.

Been AWOL for a while, sorry; anybody miss me?

Lost the plot over the weekend and decided to eat, which of course escalated into a 'lets stuff as much as possible into my poor, starving deprived body before I start dieting again' mode!!!!!!:mad: :mad:

Predictably enough some weight has gone on and I'm back to living on packs again. Don't know why I do it and I'm fed up analysing it so I'll go with the flow!

I have a work social bash in a couple of weeks, the thought of a particularly green eyed colleague from another branch looking smug and superior if she's thinner than me on the night will surely help keep me on track until then!

Hope you're all doing ok.
Morning All

YES I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!:D :D

Feeling ok dietwise today, but I'm a bag of nerves as I have to attend the small claims court today - not anything I've done!! I am representing my company, still quite a scary thought though. Oh well, I guess it will be a new experience that will make me stronger and more confident.

Wish me luck.