Mmmm, well came a cropper last night when I found myself with a tiny piece of chocolate cheesecake in my mouth.....and then another tiny bitesize piece......and then another:sigh:
Line drawn and a fresh day has dawned but WHY, WHY, WHY do I sabotage myself?????????
Feel bloated and puffed up today, rings feel tight, now is that the cheesecake or too little water yesterday.......probably the lack of water led to the cheesecake
So, must keep busy and away from the kitchen. Just going to give the dog a good brush before we go to the vet, him not me! Just a final (hopefully) check for a skin condition.
Not sure what else we'll do, probably a bike ride with DS, maybe we'll go to the seafront and spend a £ in the 2p machines
Also need to cut the grass, tidy my bedroom (can't moan at DD when my own room is a sty!), sweep the drive, hang the roll of wallpaper in the loo........
Catch you later, be good.....