Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

Just read the last page as brief catch up! Remember....

You don't fail until you stop trying!

Well done you on the cycling to work. I keep meaning to on my office days. Need to get organised with water proofs. think I grew out of my last ones and threw them out. given the weather at the mo couldn't cope with squishing round in soggy clothes all day. It would save me scouring the house for parking money.
In my last job I used to cycle and and I found if I'd have a sh~t day by the time I'd peddaled home it was all out of my system.

Big hugsxxxxx

Hi Jazzy,

Waterproofs:eek: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm definitely only a fair weather cyclist:D I do enjoy it though, it puts me in a good mood at the start of the day and cheers me up after a a hard slog at work. Slightest chance of rain or wind and you'll see me back in my car though.:eek:
Evening All,

Going ok the last few days, last week I was hopeless but I've been ok since Thursday. Missed my WI on Friday but will definitely be setting foot on those scales this week.

Just been for a 5 mile bike ride with DS along the seafront, it's been gorgeous here today. He passed his cycling proficiency last week so is really keen at the mo, so we've been out a few times for a ride this week.

Also went to collect his new drum kit :eek::eek: we promised him a gift if he did well in his SATS. Are we crazy parents??????

Hope you're all well
Hello All

Been away for a long weekend, camping in Somerset. Had a great time, helped by the fantastic weather.

Came off SS for a planned break bt just having my first pack of the day now. DH back on track too, so here's hoping we'll both be nice and slim for our next jaunt; a trip up to Blackpool to play the tourist in October. We both used to live there so it'll be nice to re-visit and show the kids our old stamping ground. Plus of course when you live somewhere you tend not to do the touristy stuff so we're looking forward to being Grockles!

Not venturing towards the scales just yet......:eek:
Well didn't get my hair done, mix up with appoinments but never mind.

Had a funny turn today, went all shaky and lightheaded. Felt totally unable to function, I couldn't speak coherently and just felt like I was on another planet. Quite scary really, I'd had a pack 45 mins before I'd drunk plenty and I'd had a coffee but I felt I NEEDED sugar! I listened to my body and had 4 Haribo Strawberries and after 15 mins felt fine again. Disappointed I didn't get through a day SS but I just physically couldn't do it. Hope it doesn't happen again (never has before) cos I felt so awful and it really made me stop and think about how I treat my body jumping on and off the wagon, messing about with CD; if I'm going to do it I MUST DO IT PROPERLY or heaven knows what harm I'm doing.
Hi Cheb,

Your doing well to get to day three!

Just hang in there and you will be in ketosis soon.

Enjoy your walk.:)

Love Mini xxx
Day 5 today, been ages since I got this far, hasn't been easy today but I've stuck at it and although I had my bum dragging along the ground at one point I didn't actually fall of the wagon!

So proud of DD today, makes a change cos usually she just infuriates me! She's only 13 but is a bright spark and took some of her GCSE'S early, she got the results today and has passed them all.

She got C in German, B in English Lit, 2 A's & 2 B's in Science & B in Food Tech (just as well she can cook cos I only seem to be able to whizz up a pack!), she's chuffed to bits and was actually spotted smiling once or twice! I'm a very proud Mummy especially as not only has she done them 2 years early, she's also done the courses in a year rather than 2:)

Okay, bragging session done (sorry) just wanted to share!
Cheb well done to your daughter and of course your glowing as a proud mum!
