Monday 11th June
Morning All
Life in the CD House is about as up and down as the BB House

My mood seems to change hour by hour, I can feel so motivated and my resolve so strong yet within minutes I can find myself in the kitchen with a slice of cheese in my mouth! It seems that food continues to have this power of me.
Just having my first shake, banana; I never usually have shakes as shakes


I have fruity ones as a mousse and non fruity mixed with a black coffee. Must have still been asleep this morning cos somehow I made up a banana one,

fortunately I woke up in time and I didn't get as far as mixing it with my coffee.
Off to work in a minute, want to get in early cos we have an audit today

Think I'd quite like to be an auditor ooh the power of knowing people have been sent into a frenzy of preparation before your arrival
Going to cycle along to the beach hut after work to meet the family; they're planning fish and chips

.........sadly I'm not! My choice though - have to keep reminding myself!
Then I have committe meeting for our Residents Association, gotta keep busy and out of the kitchen y'know.
Have a good day.