Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Sunday: Green + 15

Breakfast: Porridge (extra syn for amount), banana, blueberries, maple syrup, and almond milk (Part HexA1 + HexB1 + 1.5)

First break: Tub of red grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and cherries with an Activia.

Lunch: Free curry from the freezer, mild curry rice, cottage cheese, and salad.
Leftover fruit & WW jelly (0.5)

Break: Quavers (4.5)

Tea: 3 Linda M Sausages, cheesy Smash, half a tin of bbq beans with shallots, mushrooms, peppers, and tomatoes in, wholemeal bread, + brown sauce (rest of HexA1 + HexB2 + 1)

End of week treats: Funsize Maltesers (5)
Animal Bar (5)
Double Decker (12.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. mountain Dew. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 30
Seyns left this week: 1 ;)

Exercise: Woooooork!
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Oh I haven't been feeling too good today. I'd been in work for about 10mins and was holding a little dog. I almost fainted!! I went suddenly hot, my ears were rushing, my head was swimming, and my vision went all 'sparkly'. That hasn't happened since I started working there! It used to happen all the time in my old practice coz I was still dealing with my vein issues and the place was hotter than hell (exotic practice!). But today I just didn't come out of it, I always felt like I was on the verge of it happening again :( I spent a lot of time sitting down and not doing much of anything. It didn't feel like low blood sugar - and it's not like I didn't eat. It seemd like a sudden drop in low blood pressure. I was pale, my heart rate was a little slow, I had a very faint pulse, etc... Yes I was monitoring my own vital signs :p
Luckily we weren't too busy, but around 2pm it just went MENTAL!!!

I even ended up being the only assistant on an emergency cat caesarian! An emergency op is bad enough, a cat is worse, but a caesarian?! Jeez!!!! So I had to do everything a nurse would do from start to finish. I restrained her for her induction and she was, erm, spirited!! I even got a well done from the vet :eek:
I had to help prep the op site, bolus her with fluids IV, pass stuff to the vet and open the instruments and crap, obv monitor the cat's breathing, heart rate, colour, everything... AND I had the bloody emergency phone which did not stop!!!
But the cat, me, and the vet all survived and I got out almost on time :)

And it appears that a massive rush in adrenaline kinda fixes low blood pressure. And also gives you a massive headache!

Hence the comfort food this evening. I was going to go for an EE day today, but it was either a full on Green Day comfort meal or a takeaway. So I think I chose wisely :)

Hope all are ok and having nice bank holiday weekends.xx
Feel a bit odd today, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. Only had one dizzy spell, but have a horrible, heavy headache.

So far I have watched Cool Runnings and caught up with Ice Age Giants - which was amazing!! Like Walking with Dinosaurs, but Ice Age creatures and some archaeology and natural history and stuff too. Very interesting!

Can't really be bothered with food today so I have a feeling convenience will be key. I just wanna eat junk though, so need to be careful! But I was very good and ignored all the chocolate, biscuits, and crisps being forced on me yesterday by well meaning work friends. AND the takeaway I desperately wanted! So not too bad really.

I'm just gonna read my book for a while. Should be doing coursework, but I'm ahead of schedule and I really don't think I could cope with it today. Will see how I feel a bit later. Always work better in the evening.x
Monday: EE day + 15

Lunch: Jacket spud, tin of ravioli, feta & grated cheese, salad, and beetroot (HexA1 + 2)

Tea: Decided to make a bit of an effort. Shallots, red & green peppers, peas, spinach, new potatoes, and Quorn pieces in a tin of chickpea dahl. Mild Curry rice, salad, and lightly toasted wholemeal bread (HexB1)

Snacks: A passion fruit Danio + cherries (1.5)
Mini Malteser Bunny (3)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Squash. Peppermint tea.

Syns used: 6.5
Syns saved: 8.5

Exercise: Not a chance ;)
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I don't normally have low blood pressure. Coz I'm a heart patient they keep a close eye on everything and I only had my scans and stuff last year. Hoping it's just a one off, but I will mention it when I go.
I'm only thinking it was a dip in blood pressure from the symptoms. It seemed to fit, but I don't actually know. Will get my Dr to check it next week. If I can get a bloody appointment!!!!! x
I just looked it up and dizzy spells are also a thyroid symptom. I didn't realise a "lump in the throat sensation" was a thyroid problem, I get that a lot too :confused:

I could list a few others I've noticed getting worse recently, but don't want to appear a hypochondriac :eek:

Although my joints and muscles have been really, really bad this week :(
Ouch, sounds like a tough time. Are you feeling any better now? Sounds like it is def the thyroid issue, get the papers from your doc soon?? X
It was! And not the best time to be in control of an emergency op either. Although it did give me my pulse back LOL!

I'm going to force myself to get up early tomorrow and go to the walk-in clinic at my Dr's. My own Doctor is off this week so I'll try my luck with the nice lady Dr I've seen a few times. Tell her how worried I am and how much worse everything's getting :( And also get my jab in the ass cheek while I'm there. Oh and get the results, hopefully with no trouble.

Just so fed up of feeling sh*t all the time :(

I am feeling a bit better. Just incredibly tired, more so than normal! Only had one dizzy spell today. Very achey as well.

Oh and to make me feel that much better, I put on the 1lb I'd lost earlier in the week. Just brilliant. So STILL at 72.5kg's.x
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You look so slim! Was that from the summer?
Sucks about the 1lb gain :( *hug*, maybe it was extra fluids or food from that day (you weigh after breakfast, right?)
Good luck getting what you want out of your dr appointment! It sounds SO frustrating that you relate so strongly to the symptoms and pretty much KNOW what is wrong but they wont help you with it because of the blood test :S
Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol. I shouldn't be happy, but.... I saw the lovely lady Dr I see sometimes. Got my jab in the ass and barely felt it. She is nice!
She also listened to me really well. I told her what happened on Sunday (mostly!) and that it was pretty scary not being able to find a pulse in my neck and really difficult to get a wrist one. She asked the REALLY hot student Dr to take my blood pressure and surprisingly enough it's low. Well, on the low side of normal. 100 systolic if anyone wants to know. I'm a bit sh*t with blood pressure values :p She said that being on my feet for such long periods of time at work and stuff is likely to cause what happened to me on Sunday. Balls!! Going to have to talk to my boss again and say I will occasionally need to sit down now. Awesome....
Anyway, I told her about the 'lump in throat'/swallowing issue and she had a look in my throat and said she could see "something" :confused: Then had a good ol' feel of my neck. I have an enlarged thyroid, what a shocker *sarcasm sign* So she's sending me for a scan.
I also told her about the symptoms getting worse, particularly my tiredness. I explained it's so bad now that I'm just beyond exhausted and sometimes when I wake up for work I just cry :eek: :(
She's concerned about me and I really could see it in her face. She had a look at my blood results a couple of times (and I have a copy) and said they're normal.

But she listened and it's a relief to know we're going to have another look, you know? I want to rule it out completely!

I had a look at my results at home and the free t4 is well within normal range, so that's good. But the TSH is just above normal going by the "universal" guidelines, but the NHS' guidelines are 1.5 HIGHER than others :( So within normal for us. There's an interesting bit on the Thyroid UK site saying that other European countries and America have actually lowered their normal range to 2.5!! So if I was elsewhere my results would be very high at 4.7! *grumble grumble*

But, we're having a go and trying something else and having a look :)

Anyway, I'm sick of myself talking about this.

The gain could be from food/not going to the toilet. As bizarre as this will sound, when I work a lot I hardly poop. I'm so stressed and basically don't have time to sit on the loo :eek: So I tend not to poop at all over the days I'm working LOL! So could well have been that ;)

That pic was taken almost 2 years ago. July 2011 :) July in a massive greenhouse..... :p
Tuesday: Going for another EE Day today. Made the brave decision to go cheeseless for lunch.

Breakfast: Activia Snackpot.

Lunch: Jacket spud, 2 Linda M Sausages, half a tin of bbq beans with onion, red, orange, and green peppers, and cherry tomatoes in, and a big salad (half the plate!) Syn free and nommilicious :D

Tea: "Chicken and Pepperoni ratatouille" with an added tinned plum tomato and fresh spinach, with pasta, feta and cheese, and well over a 1/4 of a plate of salad. (HexA + 1.5)

Snacks: A chopped nectarine, handful of blueberries, crumbled Alpen's, passion fruit Danio, and 1 tsp of maple syrup (HexB + 0.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Squash.

Syns used: 2
Syns saved: 21.5

Exercise: Stumbling round Asda count? I also carried some really heavy stuff from Pets At Home ;)
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Well done NHS website: "Having low blood pressure provides some protection from developing high blood pressure in the future" Really helpful that....
Sorry, this made me laugh XD. I can't believe someone actually said that!!