Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

No, I haven't been to Scotland since I was very little. I was supposed to be visiting my friend there sometime this year but she's had to move to London for work!!
Haha I guess he could grow a beard ;)
I've been on OK Cupid before. I just find being bombarded by weirdo's and people who just want sex tedious. It's hard work weeding through everyone! The first message I got this time was "Do you want to meet up for a few weeks of fun before I have to leave Liverpool" Well, flattering in a way I suppose. Yet my profile clearly states I want a long-term relationship. Just annoys me!
That's cool that you met G on there. I met a nice guy last year and we dated for a few months, but it just didn't work out. We were still in touch as friends till he met someone recently, so I backed off.

I know you're all super worried ;) But I woke up to pee this morning and it was the right time to call the Dr's. I've got an appointment for Wed at 4:10. I'm supposed to be in work 4-8 on Wed, but if I survive that long I'll just have to tell them I'll use some lieu and go in late. Far too worried about ME to be worried about missing an hour of work.
Was hard work getting up today. Was quite dizzy and it took a while! Had a really restless sleep with stupid dreams too.x

Before I met Ian I went on a couple of sites but like you said you get a lot of strange men, ones who just want sex and I used to get a lot of men from Africa, Tunisa & India messaging me all the time, most of them just wanted to get in the country :( So in the end I gave up.
I think it's more important for you to get yourself sorted and missing an hour at work. Be persistent, tell them you'd like it sorting out, you can't keep on worrying it's not good for you. And while you're off work don't do anything you don't have to, rest up x x
Before I met Ian I went on a couple of sites but like you said you get a lot of strange men, ones who just want sex and I used to get a lot of men from Africa, Tunisa & India messaging me all the time, most of them just wanted to get in the country :( So in the end I gave up.
I think it's more important for you to get yourself sorted and missing an hour at work. Be persistent, tell them you'd like it sorting out, you can't keep on worrying it's not good for you. And while you're off work don't do anything you don't have to, rest up x x

It's hard work isn't it? The thing is, I don't know where else I'm supposed to meet anyone. I work mainly with women. We have two male vets and one is married and the other gay. We have a guy VCA, but as nice as he is, I just don't like him like that. I don't go out drinking or clubbing very often coz all but one of my friends are settled down/married/etc... I've been taking myself off to coffee shops and stuff. But yeah, at a bit of a loss where to meet someone.
I have considered a paid site, because I think you're more likely to find serious guys there. But they're SO expensive!
The guy I'm talking to at the moment seems very nice. But another long distance? I'm not so sure. But no harm in chatting and maybe becoming friends.

Where did you meet your Mr?x
Sorry to hear you've not been well :(
Hope you can get sone answers soon... must be frustrating to not know xx

I'm lucky regarding dating... I met my other half at the age of 15.. got together at 17 and been together since (12 years)!! Xx
Oh guys, I've been naughty again. Food wise, before anyone jumps to any conclusions ;) I got to Costa early so I could read and managed to avoid all the naughty foods there. Even though I desperately wanted Tiffin!
God it was horrible sitting there. I kept having to make myself sit up straight because I kept slumping sideways. My body's trying to lie down!! And then when my friend arrived she was quite animated and a bit jittery from the caffeine and trying to concentrate on her made my head swim. I felt so nauseous and got very very hot. Had to keep looking away or at my cup!
I got a medium soy milk hot chocolate to take to the cinema as my treat. But when we met her husband there we all caved in to pick and mix! I NEVER get sweeties!!!!!! :eek: I was seriously craving sugar tho. I'm craving all sorts of crap at the moment. I only got £2 worth of sweets and you know how expensive pick and mix is! But still, sweeties.... AND my hot chocolate!
Sitting in the dark at the cinema really helped. But I'm so tired I almost fell asleep a few times and my eyes were streaming from trying to stay awake.

Didn't help that the film was total balls!! We went to see The Purge and my GOD it was boooooring!!! The storyline was totally wasted and not one bit was tense or jumpy or anything. My fake brother didn't even jump and he's a total girl. So yeah, don't bother. I'm incredibly easily pleased with films, so for me to admit a film was bad generally means it's absolute bollox ;)

I had a wonderfully healthy syn free tea to help me out a bit - low fat Supernoodles, 2 Quorn fillets, and about a 1/3 of a tub of Chinese stir-fry veg cooked in garlic salt, paprika, and soy sauce. Nommy veggies :D

Might have a HexB in a bit. But not sure. Feel rather wibbly.x
I met my fella through a friend who had met him on a site and had been friends for a couple of years. He broke his ankle and was stuck in the flat and was bored so my mate asked if I could text and talk to him as friends as I was single. We got talking and it never stopped, I used to come over to Leeds every week on the train from Warrington and moved in with him 3 and a half years ago :)
I totally get the craving for sugar, in the middle of the night when I get tired that's all I want to eat is sugary crap, that's why I bring snacks and loads of fruit so I have something to nibble on. This is going to sound like a daft question but do you drink enough? I've noticed my blood pressure is worse as in low when I don't drink enough x
Aww that's so sweet! :D Nice way to meet someone like that.

Last year I told a friend I had met online about 10 years ago - we text a lot and had met up a few times - that I really liked him. We started dating and then it ended spectacularly badly when I basically told him I wanted to hear from him a bit more and maybe see him once a week. Apparently wanting to see your girlfriend is a bad thing, so he ended it :confused: Eejit!

I drink an immense amount lol! Seriously, it's crazy how much I drink. I usually have a hot drink as well as a cold drink on the go. And as soon as I finish a drink I re-fill the glass/cup. I must admit since March when all this got really bad I've been incredibly thirsty. Like no amount or type of liquid is enough :confused:

As for the cravings. I think my body is just struggling :( Have decided to not go nuts and binge, but eat whatever I want this weekend. Going to pop to Sainsbury's in a bit to get something nice for my tea. Basically just giving in :eek: It probably wont make me feel better in the long run, but might help to curb the constant hunger I have at the moment.

Gah! Sick of it all!

My Sister invited me out tonight to go bowling. I LOVE bowling! But I can't really stand up for very long at the moment and watching moving stuff is making me sea sick :(

I de-poo'd the garden before (what I could see!) coz my Sister's boyfriend said he might do the grass for us tomorrow. Bless him. It's like Jurassic Park out there! And I've put some washing out and hoovered downstairs. I feel exhausted!!! The dizziness isn't actually too bad today. I mean, it's still there, but my head hasn't been swimming and my stomach hasn't been flipping. Still feel weaker than a weak thing tho!

Got one pair of bunnies in the garden run - can't see them the grass is so long lol! And I'm going to reply to my nice Scottish guy and then read for a bit before I swap them and put the other pair out. Think that's about as useful as I can be today. Definitely an improvement on the last few days tho!xx
If he finished it just like that just because you wanted to see him more you're better off without him. After my marriage break up I had some disastrous relationships, it took me 5 years to settle with someone decent. I'm sure you will find someone nice :)
If he finished it just like that just because you wanted to see him more you're better off without him. After my marriage break up I had some disastrous relationships, it took me 5 years to settle with someone decent. I'm sure you will find someone nice :)

Oh yeah I know. I just thought it would be really nice to end up with a good friend, you know? Obv not meant to be and he acted like a child! I've been properly single for 8 years now and I'm so over it! I've only had one proper relationship! Have had a lot of first dates and a couple of short, didn't get anywhere, relationships. I feel like I'm a bit of a disaster area when it comes to relationships. And the longer I'm single the more independent I become and the more set in my ways.
But honestly, I'd love to meet someone and I really want to get married :eek:
OKC is a nut house, but I enjoy winding up the weirdos. I have about 8 very good internet friemds from that site, people I wished I knew IRL but I am too chicken to meet because I'm a fattie :rolleyes: maybe one day!

I'm sure work'll understand re: Dr appointment. To be honest, I've made a fair few emergency appointments when I've been really rough (asthma, kidneys, etc) and I think your being on the verge of passing out all the time woukd qualify for a first thing monday morn appointment!
Hope you're having a nice restfull weekend. x
Our Dr's has a walk-in clinic every morning. But I think I need to speak to my boss tomorrow morning and find out whether I can stay in work doing whatever I can cope with or whether they're going to make me go home. I mean I could probably sit and monitor anaesthetics or sit/lean and package kits. But I don't know, it's down to them really and how safe they think it is. I really don't want to take more time off :( And I hate being a burden, you know?
I'm being well looked after today. My Sister and her Mr are staying here tonight and making dinner for us all :D Going to have a chill-out evening watching films.

I have some bits I need to use up so I don't waste them, so tomorrow's work lunch will be something like this:
Jalapeno and tomato pasta, potato salad, coleslaw, salad, cheese, and Quorn ham. Not syn free by any standards, but not horrific either. Will just do a low syn tea tomorrow.

I had a horrible night last night. I tend to sleep on my left side, but I couldn't because my heart was beating SO fast and LOUD I just couldn't sleep. It felt like it was trying to make it's way out of my chest :rolleyes: Had a really restless night and some pretty 'interesting' dreams. The best sleep I had was between 10am and 12:30! Going to have to sleeping pill it up tonight and hope that it works. Really, really worried about work tomorrow :(

Feel ok-ish today. Not so dizzy and have a little more energy. It's probably all the sugar and fat I'm eating LOL!! I just feel so lame right now, sick of being sick, sick of talking about being sick, etc... I do apologise for all the whinging I've done on here of late!

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You don't need to apologise, you're having a bad time of it and you shouldn't have to pretend to jolly and happy so you don't offend other people. Anyone worth their salt will help and support you and they might even put a smile on your face :)
I would go in work and explain exactly how you're feeling so they can make a choice as to whether you're well enough to work, you might find they will send you home till you are. And you're not a burden, you can't help not being well, I'm sure you help people out when you can so they should also help you when you need it, swings and roundabouts.
I hope you get it sorted this week or at least get some answers and help x x
Ok, Monday food: Probably wont count syns considering I dunno what they would be in the salady bits. But I've got less than 2 table spoons of each thing!

Breakfast: Weetabix, banana, maple syrup, and almond milk (Part HexA1 + HexB1 + 0.5 syns)

Break: Red grapes, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries with an Activia.

Lunch: Jalapeño pasta, low fat potato salad, coleslaw, salad, red & orange peppers, plum cherry tomatoes, alfalfa and radish sprouts (om nom!!!), cheese rolled in Quorn ham, and feta. (HexA2 + I dunno, 6 syns?? Probably more)
Any leftover fruit.



Drinks: Coffee. Squash.

Syns used:
Syns saved:

Work lunch and fruit.
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Looks yummy! :D nice to have such a range of foods on the plate.

Hope tomorrow goes well. It sucks feeling like a burden, but what can you do? They should send you home really to rest it out :( not your fault that you're physically incapable of pushing yourself to your normal standards.
It really isn't coming across as moaning, don't worry :) obviously it is pretty life consuming when you are so dizzy and such all the time, so you're allowed to talk about it!
Gerard has had deep throbbing heart stuff before and says it's really scary :( happened to him a couple of times when he had a bath that was too hot too and he nearly passed out. Eesh. Hope the sleepers work tonight! x