Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

LOL at the NHS quote... twits!

I think your gain was down to not pooping, next week hopefully you'll have lost it and more ;) I definitely notice better results when I've recently pooped.

Glad the doc listened to you! Hope the scan helps, would be so great just to get on medication for it and sort it all out, fingers are crossed for you!

Hot student doctor, meow! ;)

That pic was 2 years ago! Wow, you must look even better now then :O you look so slim there already to me!

I doubt very much I will have lost much mate. Not with what's going on at the moment. If it is truly thyroid then that'll prob stop me and it seems to have gotten much worse recently, so if it is that it seems to have taken another dip.
Lost count of how many times I nearly keeled over in Asda :( Even sitting down now my head keeps swimming :cry:

Feeling super, mega sorry for myself at the moment :eek:

Yeah that pic was almost two years ago. I've probably lost 1st since then? Maybe a bit less. But thank you :) xx
Really feel for you hun :( dizzy spells so frequently... yuck! When are you going to have the scan?
1 stone when you're already so small probably makes a fair difference though!
I wasn't small then :p That was a 14 with a waist nipper underneath ;) Kinda small I guess, but I don't see it.

I have to wait for an appointment to come through for the scan. The dizzy/almost fainting spells have gotten 100% worse since Sunday. If it carries on I'll be going back. i couldn't find a pulse AT ALL until I got home. This is just bollox! My head keeps swimming even when I'm sitting down.

Just read 30 of the best autocorrect things and almost died laughing! Also got Shaun of the Dead on and I've had nommy healthy snacks :)

Supposed to be going out for lunch tomorrow with the mothership and Rachelle. If I feel well enough to go or even drive us there!! So Will be wiping out saved syns coz I have a feeling that cake may be needed to ease my current condition. And I've got loads syns anyway. Plus, medicinal.... Will have a very low syn tea tho. Promise :)

Although if I use all my saved syns and my daily syns (tomorrow will be a green day I'd imagine) that would leave me with 31.5 syns for the day. That's quite a lot. Will see what I eat. xx
Wednesday: Green Day + ALL THE SYNS!

Off to town in a bit for shopping and lunch. I predict many sitting down sessions! Got my Nexus with me in case I need to hole up in a coffee place while Mum & Rachelle shop :(
I had loads of dreams last night about being ill in work and falling all over the place. One part was me lying down during a staff meeting because I couldn't get up :rolleyes:

Breakfast: Little bowl of blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries with an Activia snackpot.

Lunch: At The Egg :D Garlic cheese on toast with (rather oily!) cous cous, pasta, and salad. Some salad cream. Then me and Mum shared desserts between us - we couldn't decide what to get ;) So we shared a slice of orange and lemon cake and a BIG slice of chocolate fudge cake with a bit of custard. Vegan cake though, so, you know :p

At the cinema: Had some chocolate covered pretzels and low fat popcorn.

Tea: Oh it's all over now ;) Back to being good tomorrow. Might do low syn till weekend. Might not. We'll see :p

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Mountain Dew.

Syns used: Yeah, all of them. Start over tomorrow :)

Exercise: Attempting to walk round town.
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Getting round town was such hard work! It didn't take long for me to get my first dizzy spell and I had to keep leaving shops to lean on something and get some air. I coped well enough to not have to go sit by myself somewhere, but it took a lot of concentration and being sensible. Walking slowly, being careful to take deep, regular breaths, etc. Pulse was pretty much non-existant. After about an hour I started getting chest pains on the left side (yeah, angina's a thyroid symptom!) and I looked bad enough for Mum and Rachelle to take the bags off me and Rachelle even offered to let me lean on her lol. Just brilliant!! Was hoping this was going to be short lived.
I can't live like this!! How am I supposed to work?! SO worried about work next week :cry:

I'll see how I am tomorrow but might see if I could get an emergency appointment on Friday or at least speak to the Dr over the phone on Friday. What am I supposed to do?! :(

I LOOK awful! Got massive dark circles under my eyes, my eyes look a bit sunken, I'm beyond pale, and I just look ill. Really really ill! Caught my reflection in the shops a few times and I almost cried :( This is ridiculous. *sigh*

Luckily between lunch, driving, and the cinema I have spent most of the afternoon sitting down. I did do a proper clean of the bunnies that left me a bit lightheaded, but not too bad. This just SUCKS!! Really tired now. Might put a funny film on, but don't know how far I'll get in to it. Feel exhausted.xx
Oh gawd, you sound a right state :( poor thing!
Do you think it's safe to drive while having these dizzy spells? Guess they are happening mainly when you are on your feet? Stay safe :/ wouldn't want to be dizzy while driving...

Do go for that appointment, sort it out asap or it'll be holding you back for longer. Sucks that you're having nightmares about it too and stressing about next week :( you need a day off (off your feet- I mean!) do you have a chill day off soon where you can just read and rest?
*hug* x
I've not done much of anything today. Having to lie down a lot. Luckily not had any near fainting spells, but I'm on the ball with looking for signs of that happening now. Yesterday and today I just feel like I'm in a constant state of hangover. That's what it feels like and the best way to describe it. It's very odd!

I let myself sleep today and didn't get up till the afternoon. Was still a struggle to get up even after 10hrs sleep. I know I say it a lot, but I'm just exhausted, I really had to force myself to get up. My head was swimming so had to sit down and close my eyes as soon as I got downstairs. Mum made me a coffee when she got in.
I managed to make myself some dinner and then just lay down reading after that.
I did go wash my hair coz I've got a banging headache and thought that might help. It didn't, but at least I'm less manky :p I couldn't face driving my Mum to my Nan's so she asked her Sister to come get her. Feel awful, but was probably for the best.
I probably shouldn't be driving, but don't have much choice about it really. I am worse standing up and having to concentrate on something like driving actually helps a bit :)
I wouldn't do anything dangerous, I promise :)

But yeah, still feeling very very sorry for myself and very worried. My plan for work is to go in as normal on Monday, speak to my boss, see how I go, and at least if I can't cope people will have seen me and will know I'm not having them on.
Think I'll call the Dr's tomorrow to make an appointment for some time next week. I can't see me getting drastically better, so I might as well make a pre-emptive appointment. Can always cancel it if I do make a miraculous recovery. Just so worried :(

Yeah I had more nightmares about this last night too. Not being able to cope and stuff. They're really not helping coz I'm waking up panicked and already stressed. I'm just full on joyful at the moment :p

Low syn so far today. Probably going with a comfort food Green Day, but we'll see where the rest of the day goes.x

Lunch: 2 Linda M sausages, half a tin of spaghetti, mushroom and red pepper cheesy scrambled egg, wholemeal toast, and brown sauce (half HexA1 + 1)

Tea: Mediterranean Pasta N Sauce with fresh spinach and a Laughing Cow stirred in, cheese, 2 Quorn fillets, broccoli, carrots, and extra light mayo (rest of HexA1 + 1.5)

Snacks: Cherry Danio with raspberries and blackberries (1.5)
2 Weetabix, banana, blueberries, 2tsp of maple syrup, and Almond Milk (Maybe half HexA2 + HexB2 + 1)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Syns used:
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*big hug* sounds really horrible. Dont get stressed about not being able to drive your mum and such, it's for the better :(
Ta la! Could really do with a hug at the moment. Just watched the 5 Year Engagement (again, I know!) with my Sister. I'm way too emotionally attached to that film...

Bad timing probably but last week I decided to re-join the (free) dating site I met that guy on last year - the one I dated for a few months? The only nice guy I've got a message from lives in f*cking Edinburgh! WTF?! Lol. But we're just chatting. Bet he's got a lovely accent :whistle: No beard, but then you can't have everything can you?!
A nice looking guy messaged me before, but he's got two kids. Really dunno if I could deal with that! But I guess people over 30 do have kids and I'm gonna come across this more and more. I dunno though.
I got a funny email from the site saying they'd done a "best country to meet people" in thing for me. My number 2 country was Sweden! Made me larf. And yeah, a Scandinavian would be rather nice ;)

Anyway, headache is still raging, but I don't feel quite so wibbly. My head does feel odd and fuzzy, not quite dizzy, it's hard to explain. But not right anyway. But a little better than earlier. Think I'll watch another film before bed.
I'm craving Weetabix as well, so might have a late night snack in a bit.

Hope everyone's alright.x
:( Really wish you weren't feeling so rubbish! Hope your doctor gets to the bottom of it so you don't have to feel like this anymore. My friend has really low blood pressure and gets the dizziness and hungover feelings a lot, and she finds that increasing her salt intake helps, though I don't know whether that's an option for you with your heart stuff. I'm glad you let yourself sleep, you need all the rest you can get at the moment. And I know it's really difficult not to feel guilty over work, your mum etc, but you honestly have nothing to feel guilty about. The people around you just want you to feel better! Big hugs xx
Thanks matey! I've never had to deal with low blood pressure before and it's horrible!!!!!! I've only ever felt like this when I've had a virus or the very odd occasion I'm hungover.
I hope they find out what's going on too. My money's still on thyroid (I'm like a dog with a bone me ;)) but I just want them to find something and make me feel better. I eeep'd myself out googling enlarged thyroid gland and quickly closed the page because it started going on about cancer. There are other reasons why it could be enlarged, obv, but I jumped off that as quickly as I could. Getting too far ahead of myself! Self diagnosing is bad enough, but it's so easy to do when you've been around medical stuff your whole life, studied bits of medical stuff, and do what I do! :eek:

I must admit I really don't take in that much salt. We use lo-salt or I don't bother. Maybe I could increase it a little? But then there are salt in lotsa things too. I really haven't found much on self-help for low blood pressure, there doesn't seem to be much out there. I did read that frequent eating (which I kinda do anyway) and regular caffeine (yup!) can really help. But *shrug*

Just fed up and worried!!

Supposed to be meeting a friend tomorrow. Have already said we'll have to do something that involves sitting down lol! So if I feel up to it, hopefully coffee and maybe the cinema. We'll see.xx
Scottish ;) he can always grow a beard, right? Also Edinburgh is LOVELY. Have you been?
Give it time on the dating site. I met Gerard on - I wasnt even on there for dating (they have great psychology quizzes and I got reeled in and enjoyed chatting to people so stayed on there) but after a while of being badgered to meet G I finally invited him over and he never left, haha. That wad the only guy I met from the net- positive result :p I recommend that site, it is free too and currently run by who took it over a year or so ago. It was set up by harvard boffins who created a really in depth matching set up.

No, I haven't been to Scotland since I was very little. I was supposed to be visiting my friend there sometime this year but she's had to move to London for work!!
Haha I guess he could grow a beard ;)
I've been on OK Cupid before. I just find being bombarded by weirdo's and people who just want sex tedious. It's hard work weeding through everyone! The first message I got this time was "Do you want to meet up for a few weeks of fun before I have to leave Liverpool" Well, flattering in a way I suppose. Yet my profile clearly states I want a long-term relationship. Just annoys me!
That's cool that you met G on there. I met a nice guy last year and we dated for a few months, but it just didn't work out. We were still in touch as friends till he met someone recently, so I backed off.

I know you're all super worried ;) But I woke up to pee this morning and it was the right time to call the Dr's. I've got an appointment for Wed at 4:10. I'm supposed to be in work 4-8 on Wed, but if I survive that long I'll just have to tell them I'll use some lieu and go in late. Far too worried about ME to be worried about missing an hour of work.
Was hard work getting up today. Was quite dizzy and it took a while! Had a really restless sleep with stupid dreams too.x