Thanks for the thumbs up for PDSA guys
Good to know there are people who think we do good work.
Urgh today is not a good day
I barely slept last night and woke up at least a billion times! Lots of choking fits and more 'busy' dreams. Anyway, got up and was very wobbly and the vertigo was a bit crap. Had a drink and took the diazapam and walked over to the health centre for my blood tests. There were a fair few people in front of me, but not tons. Went through the usual explanations about me and having to take diazapam. I got a very shocked face when I told her the dose. Eeek
She tried both arms, with lots of hideous digging round, but couldn't get a drop off me. She found my veins, but couldn't get anything out of them :cry: She offered to go in to my hands but I pretty much begged her not to.
We had to give up because my hearing went and I was seeing stars on my right side. she said before I go again to drink lots and lots - more than I can stand. I assume to higher the blood volume. Hadn't thought of that actually *wally* So starting now with BIG cups of squash. Anything to help!
Just means that I have to go through it all again :cry: I had to sit on a bench outside the health centre for a good 10mins as I really felt like I was going to faint. I've never felt this bad afterwards, esp with the diazapam! We made it to Morrison's cafe and Mum bought me a grape and apple pack (I was very good and refused cake!!) and a big coffee. We went over to Wilkinsons to get the bunnies some timothy hay and then we had to go (picking up my new diazapam prescription!). Poor Mum even had to carry my bag. I kept getting really funny looks from people, it was so embarrassing! When I asked Mum she said I just looked really pale and a bit wobbly and, well, really sick
Got home and she made me a big lunch. Really hoped that would help, but it hasn't at all. I feel AWFUL! The diazapam usually makes me really cheery and quite good, but today I feel very week, wobbly, 'flat', nauseous, etc. Prob coz I wasn't feeling good before I had to take it
Supposed to be going to a special cinema screening tonight, but not sure now
Gah! I'm so so fed up of all this
But, I did turn down the cake. As well as walking past Sayers twice and really wanting a veggie sausage roll
So I did well not to cave in like I have been recently