Gold Member
Did you think the original lead singer for the guys looks like a chubby Chris Pine?! I did really like it and it surprised me so much. Rachelle's boyfriend was NOT impressed though lol.
He reminded me SO much of Jack Black actually! Like his attitude and lines all seemed Jack Black esque. Her boyfriend was unimpressed? I dragged G to see it twice ahhahahahaha! He actually liked it though! Not as much as me I saw it like 5 times :| insane how much I loved it lol, I listen the the music from it all the time- it's so feel good!
It's funny actually because I really couldn't stand Glee, but I loved Pitch Perfect
WELL DONE on your blood test!! Very cool that you managed it with even less drugs! You go, girl!
NHS secretly sell off all the extra blood that they don't need from the blood tests, because they're tight mother f*ckers (I mean, why the f*ck do we have to pay for inhalers? I have to pay for medication to enable me to breathe? It's a chronic illness I've had since I was a child, I really think it's mental that it's costing me like £8 a month!) /rant over
Bet the clear out felt really good? I always feel awesome when I throw stuff away SPACE FOR NEW STUFF, WOOO! *wastes life savings in Tiger*
I got a shoe rack thing (a fabric one with pouches) from a pound shop once. Quite tacky (zebra print) but it does the job, maybe look in those sort of places! I looked online and they seem really hard to come by and not cheap :S maybe I looked in the wrong places. I think nic-nac places probably do them too.
Diazapam come down? Ouch. Hope you feel better now!
I thought the Notebook was pretty blah too, but when I re-watched it with more fondness for the actors I liked it more! I want to re-watch actually, I really love the actors now!
Blue Valentine however... yikes. It was soooo slow and dull and just... nothing happening for hours and hours. Gerard got so p*ssed off watching it and we both felt really dissatisfied after, lol. I wasn't paying it that much attention though because I was on my lappy! A writer friend of mine said it's his favourite film!
Bunny couple... awww, that's a really cute saying I can just imagine them sniffing noses all cute and coupley hehe.
Sounds like you've been super productive and busy, make sure you have some 'me' time too! x