Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Hey guys!
I survived, just about. OMG it was rough :(

On Monday we left mine around 9:45. We didn't get to the hotel till after 6pm! We only stopped twice!
By the time we got there I could barely stand up, I tried sitting and everything was spinning, my ears were roaring, and when I did attempt to open my eyes everything was 'sparkly'! I had to lie down and keep my head as still as possible for over 2hrs :(
We stayed here in a Captains Room : Family hotel leisure facilities holidays holiday accommodation Glencoe Kentallen Pier Seafood Restaurant hotels 4 star hotels Glencoe Fort William Highlands Scotland
It was absolutely incredible!! We had a balcony overlooking the loch, the room was huge and really beautiful, and the bathroom was incredible!

When I could get up I said we should go for a short walk - hoping the cold would help my blood pressure come up and help me get going. We found a cycle path running along the side of the loch and every now and then there were little waterfalls. We had a little robin hop along side us for a while and when it got dark there were loads of little bats :D Dunno how long we were out for, I keep losing time everywhere! But my toes had started to go numb and I felt dizzy, so we had to go back.
We'd stopped and gotten some food for tea and we had the table right by the windows so we could see out. I had the tiniest piece of quiche, a couple of spoonfuls of tomato pasta, a pathetic amount of salad, and a couple of crisps. I just felt so sick :(
Made an effort tho and changed my top and topped up my make-up and we went downstairs to the bar. Joh, the big eejit, had brought his suit with him!! A bloody suit for a drink in a hotel bar lol. He said he remembered me saying I like guys in suits with Converse so he wanted to do something daft. It was sweet, but I also had to try really hard not to be a sarcastic cow ;)
Had a couple of whisky's and had to call it a night. It was pretty late by then anyway! Had a nice long, DEEP, Lush bath and read my book for a bit. By the end of that though I could barely stand up or focus on anything so I had to call it a night. Felt so guilty, but really did feel on the verge of passing out or throwing up :(
I slept till about 3 and then was in and out. Was so tired when I got up.
We did go down for breakfast and I managed some muesli with low fat yogurt and a bit of honey. And then a couple of slices of watermelon with a couple of blueberries and raspberries. And some juice and coffee. Bit of a struggle, but I knew I had to eat! I really wanted the porridge, but it was cooked with cream. Cream makes me rather violently ill!!

We got our stuff and chucked it in the car and had a quick walk along the jetty and took some pics. Then it was back in the bloody car :( I did ok for a few hours and then it started again :(
We stopped twice on the way to Bradford and then spent almost 3hrs at my friends house. She made us soup, bread, and cupcake/muffin thingies :D It was SO lovely to see her!! Last time was my birthday! I so wish we could have stayed longer. Didn't want to say goodbye!
I just about made it to the motorway before I completely crashed. The pain in my head was incredible, I couldn't sit up straight and had to wedge my elbow against the door, slide down my seat as much as I could, and support the front of my head against my hand :( The pressure and pain was so bad. I couldn't open my eyes, had to cover my eyes from the lights on the roads, and every single movement, bump, dip, swerve was just awful. It made my head more painful and the nausea was so bad. I'm not sure if I stayed conscious or not because we seemed to get home very quickly.
It took me ages to be able to get out of the car and when I got in I crawled/ran up the stairs and just knelt by the toilet sobbing :( Had to text my Mum to come help me.
I did make it back downstairs but it was so bad. Couldn't keep my eyes open, had to shield my eyes from the light, etc...
I feel so, so guilty coz I do feel like I ruined it. And he tried really really hard! And made so much effort :eek: I know I can't help it, but I still feel really bad.

The bits I did see and could do were really nice and Scotland is beautiful. Will add on the few pics I took. I know I was ill coz normally I'd have taken pics of absolutely everything!!!

Sorry to hear you were so poorly, hope you're feeling a little better now.
The pictures look amazing, maybe you can go back when you're feeling better :) It sounds as though he went out to spoil you and well deserved too. x x x
Hey babe! Pics are SO nice! Showed G :D They are really pretty!

Feel so bad for you :( there was nothing more you could do, it sounds like you strained all your possible energy into the effort you did put into the trip and like it was pretty horrific for you- so he probably feels bad also :(
Glad at least you had the energy for the walk and enjoyed seeing your friend :)
John in his suit sounds pretty cringey but also SO sweet :D he must really really like you!!
Hey guys!
Just a quick update coz I'm having a truly sh*tty weekend!
It was my Dad's 8 year anniversary yesterday. Before I left to go to the cemetery I went to feed the bunnies and my newest girly, Ramona, had died :(
Didn't have time to bury her yesterday so took her out and wrapped her in a blanket. Gave Ralph lots of cuddles coz he's by himself again now :(
My friend Michelle met me at the cemetery, got Dad some little red roses. He always used to buy me roses :)

Then to do some fun stuff I went to see the house (and feed the cats ;)) where Michelle will now be living! Her work friends have asked her to be a lodger - she so needs out of her family home!! Then we went to the cinema and ate way too many sweets!

Wasn't looking forward to today at all and refused to get out of bed before 2:30 :eek: Had to wait for the rain to stop, but buried Ramona in the back garden. Never gets any easier :(

Food's up and down and all over the place. Especially the last few days! But will try and have some proper SW days this week.

Hope everyone's doing ok. I'll be back soon with proper updates, just not been using the laptop or going online.
Lotsa love everyone.xx
It's sounds like you have a rough ride the last couple of days, it never gets any easier no matter how long it's been since you've lost a loved one, on special days it's like it was only yesterday. It's nice you took him some roses, I always let a balloon off for my nephew.
I'm so, so sorry about ramona, poor bunny I hope Ralph doesn't pine too much.
I'm not surprised your food is up and down with what's been happening the last couple of days, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
sending you big hugs x x x x x
Feel sososososo sad for you to have lost your bunny :( gosh, as if your dad's anniversary isn't a hard enough time already!
When my cat, Zombie, died last year it was the day before my and G's 1 year together anniversary- which massively sucked consequently! I have never cried so much or been as heartbroken, though have never lost a relative or close friend so can't even imagine the pain to lose a father.

Felt so sad to read what you said about Ralph being on his own :( aww... glad you gave him lots of cuddles. Will you find him a new lady to keep him company?

*big e-cuddles* for you too, muchos love x
I ended up drinking a bottle of wine and eating a few silly things last night. I don't often comfort drink, and I'm super careful about my drinking, but I just really wanted a drink. I mean I know it was a bottle, but I drank it over 6hrs with food and other non-alcoholic drinks in between lol.
Watched Insidious in the dark with the dogs and then read in bed for a bit.

I'm going to have to get Ralph another companion. I'm already thinking ahead to that, but I really can't face it just yet. It was quite a shock! Even though she'd been losing weight and I knew she wasn't 'right', I didn't realise it was that bad. Bloody rabbits give you nothing to go on because they're prey animals. So they're fine and then they're dead :rolleyes: She had been seen by a vet too. But I feel really guilty about not doing more for her :(

Food's been ok so far today. Will try and keep a food diary on my good days. I'd feel really guilty writing out the bad food on here when you're all trying so hard and doing really well! Wouldn't want to be giving you bad ideas lol.x
Monday food:

Lunch: 2 free Quorn sausages
Red pepper & mushroom cheesy scrambled eggs (half HexA1)
Half a tin of beans with some cherry tomatoes in
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Pasta sauce- Onions, garlic, peppers, sweetcorn, plum cherry tomatoes, spinach, and chopped tomatoes. Herbs & stuff ;)
Quorn mince.
Wholemeal pasta shells.
Cheese (HexA2)
Salad and very low cal dressing with a bit of not so low cal dressing lol (0.5)

Snacks: 2 Alpen Lights (HexB2)
Small Milka bunny (5)
2 slices of Quorn ham with some sliced red pepper and a Laughing Cow Extra Light (part HexA1)
6 vegan jelly sweets (6)

Drinks: Coffee. Teapigs Rooibos Creme Caramel. Squash.

Syns used: 12.5
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I think you did well with just a bottle of wine, it would have been a bottle of vodka for me lol.
You shouldn't feel guilty, you know yourself it can be really hard to tell when an animal is ill, they can't tell you. All you can do is look after them and give them love.
If it helps you not to write it down, that's good but don't worry about anyone else. We all have days/weeks like that, we're all human.
Take care x x x
I'm very, very careful with drinking Tace. Have had issues with drinking since I was old enough to be able to drink! I didn't even start having a couple of drinks till I was well in to my 20's! It's coz my Dad, and I'm pretty sure some of his other relatives, was an alcoholic. Just want to say, he wasn't mean, violent, or anything. He was just an alcoholic. I believe it was probably depression fuelled as he had a breakdown when his Dad died and he did have some problems.
But, anyway, without going in to it too much I hardly ever let myself drink and I really dislike being drunk. Of course, some times it happens and I've been sick. But think I've only ever had 3 hangovers just because I don't drink that much.

God, that's quite a waffle. I guess I just mean that it was really out of character for me. I had a bottle of Swedish cider the night before too! :eek:

Have been very good with my food so far today. I'm annoyed that I haven't done any proper shopping in ages so I've not got any yogurts or fruit or usual syn free snacky things. But I do have some low syn stuff as well and Alpens/Chewy Delights. Really need to do some bloody shopping :p
I didn't have the car for a week and a half and I've been pretty busy since, so just haven't gotten round to it :whistle:
Quite proud of the last snack I had. I felt really hungry, even though I had a massive tea and the other snacky stuff :rolleyes: So sick of this hunger!
Can't believe some of the symptoms I'm getting are worse than my friends, who is actually taking steroids! Thanks for that one body :mad:
Understandable that you are careful with alcohol and also understandable that you had a bottle of wine! Anything to dull the early stages of greif :(

Don't worry about seducing us with naughty food in your diary- if you dont want to put it down then that's fine but dont be scared to because of us ;) we can salivate and rhen go eat an apple (miserably...) :p

I seem to remember you saying you had taken Ramona to a vet and they said they could see nothing wrong?
Dont blame yourself :( you gave her a lovely life! X
Grrr! I ate 6 vegan jelly sweets in bed last night. As usual, forgot about it until I saw the bag when I got up :sigh: I know it didn't 'ruin' the day as it was probably about 6 syns. But just really annoyed me coz I'd had a good, sensible, low-ish syn day. Ah well...

I think the wine was an accumulation of all the crap that happened at the weekend. My Dad's anniversary is never predictable. Sometimes I'm fine, but last year I spend the day in work sobbing! That was really unexpected! And then this year I really wanted to visit his grave - which I haven't done in over a year. It's odd how we react to stuff isn't it?!
And I was ok digging the grave and burying Ramona right up until I'd almost covered her and I just caved in :(

Honestly, animals are so much hassle ;)

I did take her to see one of the vets at work and she said she may need a dental, but couldn't see much of anything wrong. And I spoke to my other vet friend and she suggested worming her, which I did when my other girl got super thin, and I was just waiting for my friend to get the wormer from her work for me. But, unless it was a massively heavy worm-burden that wouldn't have killed her. I wonder if it was one of the nasty tummy bugs bunnies can some times get. They can get nasty bacterial infections that can kill them in 24hrs! But she was eating and drinking and producing poo's. So, I actually have no idea! She wasn't well, I know that, and she was losing weight, but other than that I dunno :(
I do feel guilty though because I should have gotten her checked sooner and pushed to get her 'officially' registered at work sooner. Nothing I can do now and I will feel guilty about it :eek:

Have got my "general medicine" referral appointment tomorrow. I don't think I put it on here but I got a new letter about my endocrine referral. They've moved it back by TWO weeks! So now it's the 21st Nov. I actually laughed!! So I need to really lay it on tomorrow with my Dr to show how bad things really are.
Got my meeting at work with the lady from head office on Friday too. And it would be great to have something to tell them! I really want and need to go back to work :(

My friend, Michelle, is finishing work early to come meet me for lunch and come to the hospital with me tomorrow. And we're gonna have a wander round town and maybe go see a film :)

Food coming up.... another good day if my night time self behaves!! I actually feel more full today tho. So fingers crossed!x
Tuesday food:

Lunch: 2 free Quorn sausages
Red pepper & mushroom cheesy scrambled eggs (half HexA1)
Half a tin of beans with some cherry tomatoes in
Crispy potatoes
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tea:Leftover pasta sauce from yday.
Quorn Meatballs.
Wholemeal spaghetti.
Cheese (HexA2)
Steamed broccoli and very low cal dressing with a bit of not so low cal dressing lol (0.5)

Snack: Chewy Delight (HexB2)
Pack of Snack! biscuits (5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Vimto. Coke Zero.

Syns used: 6.5
They pushed it back two weeks?? Why not months?! A*ses.

Food looks good! I do love cheesey scrambled eggs :D I had it yesterday but you always remind me when you have it, to have it more often.
Chewy Delights are 99p a box at Morrisons at the mo! Bought a couple but recently wheatabix has taken over my HexB's :p and when I nees something out and about I take alpen light's so I can have two... Wish ChewyD's were two per Hex too!
I'm too tired and annoyed to do a proper update right now. But I'm SO annoyed and fed up! I was, however, very very brave and had bloods done cold turkey - just the hand holding of my friend Michelle!

Food has been surprisingly on plan! Had soup and a slice of cheese on toast at the veggie place. NO CAKE!

I did have a toffee nut caramelletta with soy milk at Costa.

NOTHING at the cinema :eek: but a Pepsi Max - urgh!

And tea was two 1 syn veggie burgers, 2 light cheese slices, tomato & herb Pasta N Sauce, salad, beetroot, and a bit of dressing.

I actually feel full!! Also very, very tired and ouchy and annoyed ;) Proper update when I can. Going to the zoo tomorrow :)

Night all and lots of love.

PS. Save some outrage and ranting for me!!
Sorry to hear you're so annoyed :( well done on the blood taking without tablets. Just concentrate on having a great day tomorrow, you've waited ages for this day, have fun x x x
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