For a long time I was mostly veggie, but very occasionally ate birdies and fishies. But I always called myself a fake or part-time veggie lol.
It's different for me a bit because I don't have moral reasons for not eating meat or get outraged by it or anything. Obv I would rather someone didn't hide meat in a veggie meal! And that does drive me nuts! Anyway, rambling now. Restaurants and stuff need to get their act together with dietary requirements!!
Spoke to the garage earlier. The Warranty company have only agreed to cover part of the work

They will not go anywhere near the gear box leak - funny that considering that's been there the whole time yet the showroom garage couldn't find anything wrong

So the gear box is gonna cost me £110!
Thankfully they WILL cover most of the expensive job, the head gasket. They're falling £90 short, but paying out £300+.
It is a bit annoying, especially as my warranty covers me for up to £1000! But glad they're paying for some of it at least.
And this garage has stopped me from spending at least £180 in recent weeks - over the tyers and service - so the money was there anyway I guess.
Just had my hair done. LOTS of red in it this time!! Hope it doesn't fade too quickly. She'll come and sort it out tho if it does. Will take a few days for me to stop going
Just called the hospital and spoke to my referral Doc's secretary. Go me, two phone calls today!! She was really nice actually and really helpful!
She said my file's a bit confusing and it looks like there's either been a letter dictated 'urgent' or something's got a bit lost. Coz I should have/be getting something. She mentioned me being on the ward last week so wondering if they've found something 'interesting'. Esp if it's urgent!
She's going to request my notes, try and find out what's going on, and tell my Dr I'm not doing well. She said someone should get back to me
SO hungry today!!
Have had Weetabix, blueberries, maple syrup, and hazelnut milk for lunch. And a yogurt!
Going to have curry, rice, spicy spuds, and cottage cheese and salad for tea. BIG tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!