Oh God! As if I'm not stressed enough!!!
I was talking to a friend the other day about tax credits and she said she'd speak to her friend for me, who knew more (they work for DWP). She text me a link today and basically disability tax credits (I assume regular ones too) will only be paid for 28 weeks of sickness like SSP. So, Not only would I not be getting sick pay and have to claim for ESA, I will lose my tax credits (understandable seen as I'm not technically working).
I can't let this happen! I just can't. My tax credits are kinda what I live on and they also pay for my car repayments and part of my horrific insurance.
This has got to stop and I HAVE to go back to work. I just have to!
I thought if I write out a list of things that are within my job role that I know I will be comfortable and safe to do, insist on a phased return, ask to use holidays to 'pad out' the phased return and bump my hours up to my basic hours (19hrs per week), offer to do the early or late shifts to help out and 'ease' me in as they can be a little less hectic - and also help out for all the extra hours and stupid shifts people will have done for me.
I know I'm not 100% but even seeing the Endo consultant in 2 weeks I'm not going to be instantly fixed. BUT I'm not a complete invalid or a vegetable and surely it would be better for me to go back and be doing 'something' and building it up slowly to my regular job is better than me not being there at all?!
I would have to ask maybe for some extra 5 or 10min breaks or have the option of being able to sit down while I do parts of my job. There are a few things I could do sitting down. And yeah, I'm going to be slower and I'm still rather 'fuzzy', but I'm not useless!
And, tbf, these considerations I am asking for (hopefully short term) are the sort of things that get granted to pregnant women! I'm not asking for super special treatment, just to maybe sit down when I need to and probably avoid heavy lifting or something physically straining. I can still do stuff! Just not to the level I used to. But it wont be forever.
Tace, seen as you're awesome and know about all this stuff is this unreasonable? I know it's a different type of work, but yours is quite physical and stressful too. Is it too much to ask in the short term?!
My phased return would be 6 weeks anyway, and who knows how far along I could be with the specialist by then. Alright, that might be a touch optimistic. But we don't know!
Is Ian's job still open by the way?
My Sister's offered to help out and pay my car bills if it comes to it. Which was totally unexpected and incredibly sweet! I hope it won't come to that.
I wonder whether if I had to claim ESA, even just for a month or two, would my tax credits kick in again when I went back to work. The rules are a bit all over the place for disability credits. But surely being off sick and still having the original disability would mean I would qualify?!
Good Lord, why is life so f*cking difficult?!
I got the text and link this morning and stupidly read it. So spent a few hours in bed between crying a bit and snoozing and panicking. Managed to fall asleep at some point and woke up super panicked at 1pm

Just catching up on the Wright Stuff and then going to attempt some work.
I feel shocking though. Still think I'm on the verge of getting sick and just feel so mentally fuddled and exhausted. Meh....
But, aye, I'm well impressed with how I avoided the cakes yesterday!! I almost bought the Frosty Fancies in Sainsbury's, coz I know they're 5 syns each, but they weren't in a decent offer LOL!
But yeah, considering recent stuff, I did well with the food yesterday

Today will be good too. Forced myself to eat some Weetabix for dinner and I've defrosted some beany casserole to have with burgers, Smash, and broccoli for my tea. Om nom!!! xx