Gold Member
Thanks for the hair compliments guys!
I know it's thin because you can see my scalp and bald patches when I put my hair up and when I style it or move it
Just shows my hairdresser did a great job if y'all can't tell
Which is what I want!!
I didn't get any cakes or anything at the garden centre. Just a black coffee!! They had some Christmas drinks but I didn't see they had soy milk till after
But probably for the best! I did pick up a beautiful looking florentine but put it back. None of the sweet things really jumped out at me and I didn't want to get something just for the sake of it. Mum felt a bit guilty coz she had a scone, but I'm not overly fond of scones so I didn't really care 
There were so many nice things in the foody bit but all I came away with was Cyrpus potatoes and corn on the cob
Go me on the will power!!
Feeding the chickens wasn't fun because I thought one of them was dead! And it was dark and they were smelly lol! Plus I didn't know what I supposed to give them so just chucked grit and food everywhere
Gave them all a poke and picked up the one that was playing dead - who just glared at me looking very unimpressed!!
Didn't buy anything naughty in Asda. But kicking myself for not getting the reindeer jumper that was in the sale. Never mind... Got some Quorn, veg, Chewy Delights, and a few other bits. Some good offers! Still no blackberries though because they were out of stock :cry:
I was so bloody hungry while I was out and rather lightheaded. So I probably should have got something, but had coffee, some Coke, and then a handful of grapes when I got in before I sorted out the bunnies
It wasn't true hunger though because my lunch was quite big and feeling and full of sugar! So think I'm just having a run of bad, dizzy days.
I did manage just over an hour of lecture reading before. Sooooooo boring though coz part of it was health and safety and another bit was about taking payments and petty cash :zz: The next one is a 16 page lecture on COSHH ..... yay.....
I know it's thin because you can see my scalp and bald patches when I put my hair up and when I style it or move it
I didn't get any cakes or anything at the garden centre. Just a black coffee!! They had some Christmas drinks but I didn't see they had soy milk till after
There were so many nice things in the foody bit but all I came away with was Cyrpus potatoes and corn on the cob
Feeding the chickens wasn't fun because I thought one of them was dead! And it was dark and they were smelly lol! Plus I didn't know what I supposed to give them so just chucked grit and food everywhere
Didn't buy anything naughty in Asda. But kicking myself for not getting the reindeer jumper that was in the sale. Never mind... Got some Quorn, veg, Chewy Delights, and a few other bits. Some good offers! Still no blackberries though because they were out of stock :cry:
I was so bloody hungry while I was out and rather lightheaded. So I probably should have got something, but had coffee, some Coke, and then a handful of grapes when I got in before I sorted out the bunnies
I did manage just over an hour of lecture reading before. Sooooooo boring though coz part of it was health and safety and another bit was about taking payments and petty cash :zz: The next one is a 16 page lecture on COSHH ..... yay.....
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