Gold Member
I'm just exhausted mate. That's the best way to describe it. And I'm so sick of being so stressed about so many things. I got a big brown envelope from work today and I instantly felt sick and started getting really dizzy. It was just information about the new staff online services thing they're setting up. Feel so stupid to have such a bad reaction, but guess it shows just how worried I am about work.
I've wanted to go back to work for a while, but keep getting put off by my boss. So I've no idea what reaction I will get when I tell her I have to come back. And seriously asap! I guess if she isn't happy about it I'll have to go higher and speak to the woman from head office. I don't want anything to go wrong with my relationship with my boss, coz we do have quite a good one. But I really have to go back! It's not just the money (although that's obv a massive thing!) but I've been off work for 7 months now, I'm feeling pretty sure that whatever is going on with me may be around forever, so the longer I'm off now the harder it will be to get back.
I just finished the reading/lectures for the course. The thing is with it, there's not an awful lot you can do while not in work because a LOT of the assignments are practical based or case studies and things like that - also a lot of exams they wont let me do at home
I'm not entirely sure what's left, assignment wise, that I can do alone. But I can also start studying for the trickier exams. A lot of them have a 100% pass and there are apparently some quite difficult ones, so can certainly do more reading and studying for those subjects.
Going back to work and trying to juggle the course is really stressing me out. I think they'll have to be pretty understanding with deadlines and stuff now. But maybe once I'm settled back in and got a bit of a routine going on, especially with the practical stuff, we can start getting things ticked off and I'll get back in to the swing of it. But yeah, they're going to have to be pretty understanding about my physical and mental limits at the moment!
I didn't send my pizza back because we'd waited almost 2hrs for our food already and I was starving. We ordered desserts and they took about 40mins!! One of my friends ordered just vanilla ice cream and hers came last and about 10mins after ours!! We got to the restaurant at 8:30 and didn't leave till after 11:30! We had 2 courses each and 2 drinks
Absolutely awful, awful service!!
I loved Catching Fire! I think we're going to see it tomorrow - my Mum, Sister, and her boy haven't seen it yet. And Mum's away next week so wouldn't get to go on Orange Wed
I love all the books, probably the quickest I have ever read books! Think I read the second one in 2 days! xx
I've wanted to go back to work for a while, but keep getting put off by my boss. So I've no idea what reaction I will get when I tell her I have to come back. And seriously asap! I guess if she isn't happy about it I'll have to go higher and speak to the woman from head office. I don't want anything to go wrong with my relationship with my boss, coz we do have quite a good one. But I really have to go back! It's not just the money (although that's obv a massive thing!) but I've been off work for 7 months now, I'm feeling pretty sure that whatever is going on with me may be around forever, so the longer I'm off now the harder it will be to get back.
I just finished the reading/lectures for the course. The thing is with it, there's not an awful lot you can do while not in work because a LOT of the assignments are practical based or case studies and things like that - also a lot of exams they wont let me do at home
Going back to work and trying to juggle the course is really stressing me out. I think they'll have to be pretty understanding with deadlines and stuff now. But maybe once I'm settled back in and got a bit of a routine going on, especially with the practical stuff, we can start getting things ticked off and I'll get back in to the swing of it. But yeah, they're going to have to be pretty understanding about my physical and mental limits at the moment!
I didn't send my pizza back because we'd waited almost 2hrs for our food already and I was starving. We ordered desserts and they took about 40mins!! One of my friends ordered just vanilla ice cream and hers came last and about 10mins after ours!! We got to the restaurant at 8:30 and didn't leave till after 11:30! We had 2 courses each and 2 drinks
I loved Catching Fire! I think we're going to see it tomorrow - my Mum, Sister, and her boy haven't seen it yet. And Mum's away next week so wouldn't get to go on Orange Wed