Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

So glad you got it all sorted at work yesterday, I bet it's a huge weight off your shoulders :) At least now you know roughly when you'll be starting and what to expect so you can get yourself ready for it. You can enjoy your christmas and then get your head back into work mode.
:( to your 4 stone award going but I agree now you can focus and get it back and I know you can :D
Hope you have a good evening x x x
Honestly mate, I'm bloody terrified about going back to work! It's really, really scary. I think it's just because I don't know how I'll cope. But, like I keep saying, I have to try don't I?!
I've been talking to my fake brother today coz he used to do 5 days of 4hrs shifts. Different type of job completely, but he said he found it much better for him and he was so much more relaxed and enjoyed his job more. I'll give it a go. Just worried about having to get up early 5 days in a row and how tired I will be. But, again, will just see what happens :)

Haven't been very well today. Don't know if it's just coincidence, but since I started taking the anti-inflammatories regularly my headache's have gotten worse - much more sharp and powerful. This happens sometimes anyway, some weeks are just worse than others, but it's a bit like what happened taking the migraine meds, but without the burning. Have been really wobbly and a bit dizzy today too. Almost cancelled my cinema trip, but didn't want to let any one down - they were relying on me getting someone in for free with my Unlimited card and an Orange Wednesday. I'm glad I went, but I did have a few dizzy spells during the film - not happened much since I started wearing my glasses to the cinema. I stopped at Tesco on the way home too coz I'm seriously running out of stuff! And I was quite dizzy in there too. But I just kept telling myself to keep going and I was alright.

Just had my tea and now I'm sweaty and dizzy. So wondering whether that group of symptoms has come round again - for whatever reason. I dunno. Stupid mystery illness!!

Anyway, third time seeing Catching Fire and it's just as tense and attention grabbing as the first time I watched it. And I've read the books! I'm still tearing up at the same bits too :eek: I'm such a sap ;)

Just watching an episode of The Wire while I recover from my huge tea lol. Gotta be up early tomorrow to get the dogs in to work for their vaccinations. I can't take them together - various reasons - so doing a doggy relay lol! If it goes well it should take about an hour 2 get both in and back and sorted :) The hospitals shut to the public (except for emergencies) coz the water's being shut off for the morning. So my boss suggested going in while there's no one there lol. Should be better for Ellie. But need to have gotten them both in before 12:30! Race against the clock lol!

Realised I've not had any HexA's today. So unlike me!!! So gonna have a yogurt as dessert to get a bit of calcium in. Not the same as an A, I know, but something. And I don't wanna just sit here eating cheese :p

Hopefully I will get my 4 stone award back one day. Thought I'd better take it off and properly earn it back :) xx
Fantastic re: going back to work! Totally understandable that you are stressed about it though.
I can imagine that working half days dailynis annoying to have to get up and in to work but bet it will be good to get into a routine... Distract from the pain of your illness by keeping busy?

Sorry to hear your symptoms have gotten worse :( awkward that it may be the new stress but could be new meds... How do you feel it is? Does it feel stress related?
Your 100% statement was cute :D we all like a bit of cheeeeese here! ;)
I'm just worried about getting more and more tired. It gets worse the more I do :( Have had a busy week this week and it's already starting to show.
I'm trying to be positive, but also realistic of my capabilities. But I want to try and i'm really f*cking stubborn ;)
Nothing distracts me from the illness, I wish it bloody did! But even doing fun things stresses me and makes me tired, so I can only imagine how I'll be going back to work.
One thing I do know is that I will be SUPER nervous about going back and I know I can expect to react quite badly, probably for a good few weeks. Going in for these informal chats and the dogs meds is stressful enough and really sets me off. So I have to remember that if I am struggling with fatigue and dizziness, especially in the first few weeks, that's why and to push through it and see if it gets better. I'll probably be bad each time I start a new section - they're prbably going to put me on the easy one first (theatre) and work me up to the super sh*tty kennels ;) And I don't know how long I'll get before I have to do a weekend, which used to near kill me anyway, so I can expect to get completely wiped out from them. But I know that I can set time aside and not plan to do things for a day or two after a weekend.
I think if I plan and re-learn how to cope and do things I'll be ok. But I am aware that it will take time, I don't know for certain if I'll cope, I know there are some very bi*chy unsupportive people in work, and I have to hope hope hope that my true friends will back me up and help me out - like I would them.
And my friends outside of work, including you lot ;) Will just have to put up with me moaning and worrying and stressing. So y'all have that to look forward to lol!

I've taken these meds before, while I've been sick too, for my horrible shoulder pain and I've been ok. So wondering if it is just the symptoms coming back round, like they do, or if it is just coz I'm stressed out, or if it is the meds. Seems bloody weird that these pain/anti-inflammatory meds are making the pain worse. It makes NO sense! My eye sight has been really bad today too - so must be linked to the pain and dizziness and stuff.

Haha you gotta throw a bit of cheese in haven't you. And I did apologise to my boss for it LOL! But it's also true and I will truly try my best.
I'm already thinking ahead, coz I like to plan (it makes me less stressed if I have a plan), to when I maybe can't do such a physical job. I may have the option to be a receptionist at PD, which would mean I get to keep my amazing pension. But I could always look for a vca/auxiliary/reception job at a smaller, quieter, private practice. And I could also re-visit pet sitting now I can drive too. Lots of options really so I don't feel so desolate at the thought of having to maybe give up my job in the future.

Anyway, I really had better go to bed...x
I'm exhausted! Got to bed late last night and didn't sleep very well - didn't expect to really coz I knew I had to get up and it was a double trip to work lol.
The dog relay went ok. Took Ellie first and she's all good and healthy for an old lady :) We got stuck in horrific traffic on the way back. I'd forgotten about major roadworks on one of the route's in to work. Actually, both routes have a load of roadworks, but the slightly longer way round isn't as bad.
Took Davey in and everyone loves him so much! My boss was crouched in the middle of the corridor with him on her name giving him cuddles and letting him give her kisses :rolleyes: He got cuddles off her when we first went in too! I think I should rent him out for posters and stuff ;) They've had far too much attention today so just going to ignore them now. Well, I would if Dave wasn't sitting between me and the laptop ....

Spoke to my boss and she's emailed the head office lady and is waiting for a reply and a plan - think they have to come up with the phased return plan. My holiday will last to the 21st Dec. I have a feeling I'm owed more, but they can't carry it over. Tbf, I shouldn't complain having been off most of the year ;) I've also been put down to work 3 bank holidays next year - lotsa extra money ;) I mean, oh no I have to work bank holidays I don't care about :p One is Boxing Day, which sucks coz I do kinda like Boxing Day. But Rachelle always has to work Boxing Day too. Will have to tell Mum :( Maybe she could spend the day with her family or summit. I dunno, it's 13months off so doesn't really matter.
But yeah, I earn a lot from bank holidays and weekends, so even though I know it'll be tough it'll be worth it money wise. We get extra pay and the time back too :)

I did a quick trip to Sainsbury's for a top-up shop and decided to get some Xmas presents. Finished off my wife's (Michelle), got Mum The Wolverine dvd and a cute Owl decoration, and finally something for my Sister. She has a thing for jam and everyone buys her jam from wherever they go. And Sainsbury's had a Nordic gift set - strawberry jam with a ceramic jar with a heart on saying "For the love of jam" :D Just something silly. And Sainsbury's have already started reducing their Xmas gifts!

I feel so much more relaxed about money now. I know the next 2 or 3 months will still be low pay, but at least I know it's not stopping and my tax credits wont either. So don't mind using some savings for Xmas stuff knowing I will have money coming in :) And the bank holidays will help to save towards Sweden! Can't wait to be able to give Mum money again too. I've felt so guilty not being able to give her money. Think it's been 3 or 4 months since I've been able to :eek: She understands, but I still feel bad.

Food next...
Thursday food - bit of a super free mad day lol! Also super tasty ;)

Lunch: Jacket potato - a yummy Cyprus spud!
2 Italian Linda M sausages (1)
Beans with cherry tomatoes and mushrooms in
Salad and beetroot
Cheese (HexA1)

Tea: Quorn pieces
Red onion, garlic, peppers, carrot, broccoli, mushrooms, and beansprouts
Whole Wheat Soba noodles
Soy sauce, spicy Chinese sauce, & Worcester sauce.

Snack: A bowl of broken up Alpen Lights (HexB1), blackberries, raspberries, Shape 0%, and Maple syrup (0.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Squash.

Syns used: 1.5
Syns saved: 26
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I bet Dave loved all that fussing :D Sam would be in his eliment lol.
I'm sure you'll be fine once you start work, you'll probably do better than you think. As for the b*tchy so and so's ignore them they'll soon get bored if you don't give them any ammunition. Just work at your pace and rest if you have to, you may surprise yourself.
The jam sounds fun, quirky little gifts often make the best ones :)
Your food looks brill for today x x
Urgh! I don't feel very well :sick:

Had a really bad night and really busy dreams. Woke up absolutely sweating and had to take off my jumper and socks! This sounds silly, but we don't have heating so it's bloody freezing ;) My head and ears are really sore too. My Dr did say it looks like I have a build up of mucus in my ear canals - joy! It's a bit painful and making my headache worse :( I just feel generally sick. Have probably just picked up a cold or something, but urgh!!!

I'm worried about work because I will need to go at my own pace and wont be able to run round after everyone - like is expected. My friend, who does what I do, says there's a lot going on at the moment and there are a lot of nurses out to get VCA's and are being really hard on us. How nice eh?! We're treated like slaves and PA's as it is, but I know why this has happened. It's because our boss wants us to be more involved in the nursing team and doing more of the jobs we're trained to do, but don't get to - monitoring anaesthetics, working in dispensary, etc - but the nurses don't like it and some think these jobs are way above us and we shouldn't be trusted to do it. So apparently it's gotten much worse :(
The last few times I've been in to work I can really see a difference in the staff and no one's happy at all! Some big changes happening the beginning of next year too. So major stress for everyone I think.
Not a nice environment to go back to!

I really enjoyed my food yesterday. And an EE day I believe lol! Always feels like an achievement when I manage an EE day lol!xx
Friday food

Lunch: 2 free Quorn sausages
Half a tin of spaghetti
Cheesy scrambled eggs (half HexA1)
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
BBQ sauce (1)

Tea: Chilli (1)
Sweet potato chunks
Salad & beetroot
Cheese (HexA2)
Bit of Quark
Graze tortilla chips & salsa (3)

Snack: Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash. Highlights made with Kara milk (rest of HexA1 + 2)

Syns used: 7
Syns saved: 34
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Poor you, poorly on top of mystery illness :( Hope it doesn't last long.

As for work you can only do what you can do. Give it your best and no one can say anything and you hold your head high. Everyone has different abilities and they shouldn't judge everyone the same. Your work's sounds like our place where certain people think we're not good enough to do certain jobs, well f*** them if you can do it show how it should be done :) The rank system creeps in everywhere, it just makes me more determined to show them I'm just as good as them.
Another good food day :D x x x
I'm not very good at holding my head high and getting on with things with criticism flying round. I don't have a lot of faith in myself anyway and think I'm always doing stuff wrong - even though I know I'm not. So I know this is going to cause a lot of stress for me :(
I hate all this hierarchy bollox! We know we're not nurses, but part of our own training and the course is learning how to do things like pharmacy and anaesthetics. But we're only VCA's and so many people just don't trust us. It makes things very, very difficult.
We need to start fighting back though and at least having each others back's on stuff, we need to be our own team and stand our ground a bit! Difficult though because we're spread out through the hospital on different sections. Like you could have 5 VCA's in the building at once and you wouldn't see the others all day!
I'll just have to see how it is when I go back. It'll probably be more obvious to me and I'm all for speaking to my boss about this stuff - have done it before! It's unfair treatment and it verges on bullying at times. Some people never grow up do they!? :rolleyes:

I don't feel quite so sick today. It's still lingering though and my ears are driving me insane!

Meeting my friends in a bit to do some pet shopping ;) Then for coffee. Michelle's coming round for tea and we're having carbonara. I didn't plan my food at all and didn't really think about it, so I will eat a few eggs today lol! Might treat myself to a low fat garlic bread :D Got loads syns! x
Saturday food - added some super free to my lunch today :innocent0002:

Lunch: 2 free Quorn sausages
Half a tin of spaghetti
Cheesy scrambled eggs with mushroom and yellow pepper (half HexA1)
Grilled cherry tomatoes
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: SW carbonara
Onion, garlic, an egg, and Quark.
Quorn pieces and chorizo (3)
Veg or salad
Cheese (rest of HexA1)
4 Low fat garlic bread slices :eek: 3 with a small amount of grated mozzarella on (20 syns :eek: + HexB2 for the cheese. Why not...)

Snack: I super wanted chocolate and picked up and put down choc and cakes in the 3 supermarkets I've been to today. Settled on a Malteser Reindeer (8)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 32 ouch!!
Syns saved: 17
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So my will power didn't complete hold out. But I didn't buy a BIG bar of chocolate or any of the reduced cakes I saw on my "shopping for Mum" and "desperately looking for an Advent Calendar for Mum" trips.
I almost bought some beer, then decided on a small bottle of wine, then decided to stick with Coke Zero :)

So I used more syns than I wanted today. But I think I did ok considering the circumstances.

I also only got black coffee in Costa!! So yeah, not so bad I guess.

I'm going to this artisan Christmas fayre thing tomorrow and I really want to buy some nice cake or something ;) So syns will probably go over tomorrow, but will keep my meals low syn and start over on Monday :) xx
I'm not very good at holding my head high and getting on with things with criticism flying round. I don't have a lot of faith in myself anyway and think I'm always doing stuff wrong - even though I know I'm not. So I know this is going to cause a lot of stress for me :(
I hate all this hierarchy bollox! We know we're not nurses, but part of our own training and the course is learning how to do things like pharmacy and anaesthetics. But we're only VCA's and so many people just don't trust us. It makes things very, very difficult.
We need to start fighting back though and at least having each others back's on stuff, we need to be our own team and stand our ground a bit! Difficult though because we're spread out through the hospital on different sections. Like you could have 5 VCA's in the building at once and you wouldn't see the others all day!
I'll just have to see how it is when I go back. It'll probably be more obvious to me and I'm all for speaking to my boss about this stuff - have done it before! It's unfair treatment and it verges on bullying at times. Some people never grow up do they!? :rolleyes:

I don't feel quite so sick today. It's still lingering though and my ears are driving me insane!

Meeting my friends in a bit to do some pet shopping ;) Then for coffee. Michelle's coming round for tea and we're having carbonara. I didn't plan my food at all and didn't really think about it, so I will eat a few eggs today lol! Might treat myself to a low fat garlic bread :D Got loads syns! x
Glad you're not quite as sick as you were :)
You need to stick up for yourself otherwise they'll do it all the more, bullies really annoy me, they make me very mad Grrrrrr!! If it ever gets to the point of bullying, keep a diary and report it, it's not acceptable in the work place. Like you said some people never grow up :(
You didn't do too bad yesterday you resisted some naughty food and made good choices like the cke zero and the black coffee :D
Hope you're ok and have had a good day x x x
Sorry to hear that you were feeling so sick but glad it wore off a bit! Was just about to say- 35 syns saved = cake time! So I bet it was well deserved ;)

Cute that Dave got so fussed over LOL at you ignoring them after hahaha! Cant let it get to their heads eh? ;)
Ahh I really wish I had a dog :D I love my cats to bits but would love an affecrion wh*re dog who is just always after cuddles!! I guess I have G who is always after cuddles but he isnt furry enough LOL.

The xmas pressies sound great- I am awful at buying presents! Great that you feel a bit more secure with money :) I am the opposite at the mo- waiting to get oaid and praying I do before bills hit as this is the lowest my balance has ever been *cry*

Your food diary has been sounding great so well done for getting back into thigs so well! We'll ignore the last post hehe ;) x
Hey guys!
Well yesterday went completely off plan after lunch lol. I was good and just had Weetabix and banana before going out. But at the fayre I had a hot chocolate and a small glass of beer. And I bought a reindeer cupcake to take home. But Mum was back yesterday and asked me to pick up chips and I had chip butties for tea. Ah well, I had syns saved and I'd been pretty good. And it could have been much worse coz there were SO many food stalls!
Oh I had a cheese & fake chorizo toastie a bit later on :eek:

I had a really good day yesterday. Fake brother and Sister didn't make it (what a surprise!) and poor Michelle was really sick. So I picked up the ex and we had a wander round and a sit down by ourselves. Rachelle and John came for about 2hrs and then had to go to John's Mum's. So me and M stayed for ages, he tried all the Mad hatter beers on offer and let me have a taste of them ;) He bought me my little glass (American Psycho ale!!) and then a coffee. We had a bit of a walk round, but most of the time we just sat on the steps of the palm house having a massive catch-up. We probably got to the fayre just before 2 and we didn't leave till 6! Rachelle and John got there just after 2.
It was just really really nice and so relaxed! Hope this might be the start of it being less awkward between us and I think we'll probably do more stuff together. Have really missed spending time with him. When he left we had about 2 years where we didn't speak and then when the relationship he was in ended we got quite close again and did quite a lot together. Then he met the girl he's been with for the past 2 years, but we really didn't get on and I honestly think she was a bit threatened by me (bloody stupid) and I just really didn't like her lol. Only saw him at family stuff and around Tim & Caz's wedding and it got a bit awkward. She did not like him spending time with me and my family :rolleyes:
But now she's buggered off it might give us a chance to be friends again. We'll see. I said if he wants to do stuff let me know.
We were talking about Tim and Caz for a bit and he was under the impression that they didn't do much with him but saw other people loads! And I've been thinking that they see him loads but don't see me very much lol! So kinda reassured each other that they're just a bit crap lol. They are horrible to him tho. Me and Rachelle have spent years trying to fight in his corner. I dunno, families eh?! Lol!

Back on plan today. Going to my works Christmas thing on Saturday then out for lunch and to check out another Christmas thing. So will be trying to have low syn days to 'save' for that. Don't really have much else planned this week, so should be ok :) x
Monday food

Lunch: 2 Weetabix (HexB1)
Maple Syrup (0.5)
Kara milk (part HexA1)

Tea: Quorn pieces and Chorizo (0.5)
Onion, mushrooms, peppers, plum cherry tomatoes, and chopped tomatoes
Pasta shells
Broccoli and beetroot
Cheese (HexA2)
I made enough for 3 portions :)

Snack: Broken up Alpens (HexB2), raspberries, blackberries, a Shape 0%, and maple syrup (0.5)
2 Advent Calendar chocolates - forgot yesterday!! (2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 3.5
Syns saved: 11.5
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I feel so exhausted today! Think the busy weekend has really caught up with me.
Have been out and de-poo'd the garden and did a full clean for the bunnies. Just feel so, so tired. My eyes are quite achey and feel super tired. Didn't sleep very well again last night and just feel very drained.
I know this will probably be what I'm like forever now. Which worries me being in work 5 days a week, even if only for short shifts. Will just have to see what happens. But I dread the thought of having to waste weekends trying to sleep and recover. Stupid whatever illness this is!

Having a bit of a pyjama day with Mum coz she got back from her 'holiday' yesterday. It sounded horrible though and I wish she could walk away from her family again. There is seriously only one good sister!! I felt so angry having to sit and comfort her while she just sobbed and sobbed telling me about all the drama that went on. Bloody family!!!

I'm really, really hungry today!! Had to start making my tea at 5:30, which is unheard of for me!
Planning fruit, yogurt, and cereal bar dessert later if I'm still hungry. Determined to be low syn!!!
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Sounds as thought you had a great weekend, so glad you managed to have a relaxed time :D
You're probably right about why you're so tired, that and the emotional week you've had. Hopefully you'll catch up a bit this week. You'll probably find once you've started back work you'll get used to it to a certain extent.
Your poor mum, I hope she's ok now. Families are terrible, I know mine is that's why I don't bother with most of them. x x x
Hey Barbette! Hope you're doing ok. Seems like you've had a really stressful time recently too!
Yeah I think last week has caught up with me a lot. Had a really restless night and some super weird dreams last night. I did wake up a number of times thinking wtf?! It was one of those nights where the same dream just carries on and on no matter how many times you wake up. So a bit extra tired today!
My hands aren't working very well today either. I was drying my mug and slammed it in to the washing machine! I nearly lost grip on it and tried to catch it and just rammed it in to the machine. Luckily, not even a chip or a crack! Then I was carrying it in to the living room and lost grip on the handle and spilt half of it :confused: Stupid cold fingers lol!

I don't understand my Mum's family at all. They stopped speaking to us when my Dad died. Erm, they're my MUM's family, not his. We still don't know what happened . and Mum has decided to put it behind them. But me and Rachelle are not happy with this at all. They left us when we needed them the most. When me and Mum found my Dad dead and my Mum called her Mum to tell her all's she said was "Now you know how it feels" (coz my Nan's Mum had died fairly recently) Just :eek: They didn't go to the funeral, didn't visit, absolutely nothing. The only contact we had with them was Christmas and birthday cards.
We still spoke to the nice on in Cornwall occasionally and she had no idea what was going on. Anyway, I could go on about this for ages coz I'm still really angry with them all and I want an answer. But it's not my place and Mum can speak to them if she wants. They're far more hassle than they're worth tho, absolutely! If it were at all possible we should stop speaking to them all except for the nice one. Just grrrrrr :mad:

Off to Dobbies with my Mum and Rachelle in a bit. Very rare time together!!! That'll be nice :)