I'm exhausted! Got to bed late last night and didn't sleep very well - didn't expect to really coz I knew I had to get up and it was a double trip to work lol.
The dog relay went ok. Took Ellie first and she's all good and healthy for an old lady

We got stuck in horrific traffic on the way back. I'd forgotten about major roadworks on one of the route's in to work. Actually, both routes have a load of roadworks, but the slightly longer way round isn't as bad.
Took Davey in and everyone loves him so much! My boss was crouched in the middle of the corridor with him on her name giving him cuddles and letting him give her kisses

He got cuddles off her when we first went in too! I think I should rent him out for posters and stuff

They've had far too much attention today so just going to ignore them now. Well, I would if Dave wasn't sitting between me and the laptop ....
Spoke to my boss and she's emailed the head office lady and is waiting for a reply and a plan - think they have to come up with the phased return plan. My holiday will last to the 21st Dec. I have a feeling I'm owed more, but they can't carry it over. Tbf, I shouldn't complain having been off most of the year

I've also been put down to work 3 bank holidays next year - lotsa extra money

I mean, oh no I have to work bank holidays I don't care about

One is Boxing Day, which sucks coz I do kinda like Boxing Day. But Rachelle always has to work Boxing Day too. Will have to tell Mum

Maybe she could spend the day with her family or summit. I dunno, it's 13months off so doesn't really matter.
But yeah, I earn a lot from bank holidays and weekends, so even though I know it'll be tough it'll be worth it money wise. We get extra pay and the time back too
I did a quick trip to Sainsbury's for a top-up shop and decided to get some Xmas presents. Finished off my wife's (Michelle), got Mum The Wolverine dvd and a cute Owl decoration, and finally something for my Sister. She has a thing for jam and everyone buys her jam from wherever they go. And Sainsbury's had a Nordic gift set - strawberry jam with a ceramic jar with a heart on saying "For the love of jam"

Just something silly. And Sainsbury's have already started reducing their Xmas gifts!
I feel so much more relaxed about money now. I know the next 2 or 3 months will still be low pay, but at least I know it's not stopping and my tax credits wont either. So don't mind using some savings for Xmas stuff knowing I will have money coming in

And the bank holidays will help to save towards Sweden! Can't wait to be able to give Mum money again too. I've felt so guilty not being able to give her money. Think it's been 3 or 4 months since I've been able to

She understands, but I still feel bad.
Food next...