Gold Member
I've been in tears many times just from feeling so exhausted. It just gets to you no matter how hard you try doesn't it? I haven't had a mini breakdown for a little bit actually, not since before I split up with John! No idea how to even begin to prepare myself for going back to work and how I will cope with that. The stress of doing the course alongside wont help to start with either. Once that's done at least I know work is just work and I wont have to worry about case studies and getting evidence and studying for stupid exams!!
Oh I am such a stubborn bugger it's unbelievable! I think I get it from my Mum
Although, when my Dad got ill he was a determined so and so too. So I guess I have it from both sides! I don't know what being ill will mean for me even short term, never mind the future, but I have some ideas of what to do. Even thinking ahead to jobs that will be less strenuous, but still with animals. I can't let it beat me and just give up and be on sick benefits forever. That might happen at some point, but I'll fight it off for as long as I can. I worked too damn hard to get where I am and I'm most certainly not willing to throw it away at the first hurdle 
Can't wait to meet my bunny! No ideas on names yet, think I would like to see her first and see what's she's like. Sometimes names come to me really quickly and then others it takes aaaages!
I love animation, I really do. Have quite a big collection lol. Studio Ghibli are my favourites, but I've got a all sorts like Disney, Dreamworks, a couple of French ones, some anime, etc... I am a bit of an animation fan girl lol!
We just watched this crappy film on Netflix because I saw it before. The Christmas Bunny. About a girl being fostered and she finds an injured bunny and stuff. Not terribly exciting and I HATED the Dad lol. But it was ok. I wrapped presents while it was on
Oh I am such a stubborn bugger it's unbelievable! I think I get it from my Mum
Can't wait to meet my bunny! No ideas on names yet, think I would like to see her first and see what's she's like. Sometimes names come to me really quickly and then others it takes aaaages!
I love animation, I really do. Have quite a big collection lol. Studio Ghibli are my favourites, but I've got a all sorts like Disney, Dreamworks, a couple of French ones, some anime, etc... I am a bit of an animation fan girl lol!
We just watched this crappy film on Netflix because I saw it before. The Christmas Bunny. About a girl being fostered and she finds an injured bunny and stuff. Not terribly exciting and I HATED the Dad lol. But it was ok. I wrapped presents while it was on