Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

I've been in tears many times just from feeling so exhausted. It just gets to you no matter how hard you try doesn't it? I haven't had a mini breakdown for a little bit actually, not since before I split up with John! No idea how to even begin to prepare myself for going back to work and how I will cope with that. The stress of doing the course alongside wont help to start with either. Once that's done at least I know work is just work and I wont have to worry about case studies and getting evidence and studying for stupid exams!!
Oh I am such a stubborn bugger it's unbelievable! I think I get it from my Mum ;) Although, when my Dad got ill he was a determined so and so too. So I guess I have it from both sides! I don't know what being ill will mean for me even short term, never mind the future, but I have some ideas of what to do. Even thinking ahead to jobs that will be less strenuous, but still with animals. I can't let it beat me and just give up and be on sick benefits forever. That might happen at some point, but I'll fight it off for as long as I can. I worked too damn hard to get where I am and I'm most certainly not willing to throw it away at the first hurdle :)

Can't wait to meet my bunny! No ideas on names yet, think I would like to see her first and see what's she's like. Sometimes names come to me really quickly and then others it takes aaaages!

I love animation, I really do. Have quite a big collection lol. Studio Ghibli are my favourites, but I've got a all sorts like Disney, Dreamworks, a couple of French ones, some anime, etc... I am a bit of an animation fan girl lol!
We just watched this crappy film on Netflix because I saw it before. The Christmas Bunny. About a girl being fostered and she finds an injured bunny and stuff. Not terribly exciting and I HATED the Dad lol. But it was ok. I wrapped presents while it was on ;)
More crazy, crazy dreams! The last one was being in hospital but seeing my GP. My sister was with me and when we left the room it was like a massive big hall full of famous musicians and stuff and my car was parked over by a restaurant! My ex John was there and this guy who was his friend (dunno who it was!) At one point I ended up punching and hitting John because he hit Rachelle on the head with a bit of wood. It just went really nuts :confused:

When I properly woke up - it took me ages to wake up today and I kept going in and out of the dream. Was such a struggle to wake up! I checked my emails and I got one from my boss just really saying that their work email has been down for over a week (doesn't surprise me!) and could I go in for a chat next week because there's too much to cover in an email. I did ask a few things and I understand, but it really worried me! I felt so sick coz I just read it and instantly started worrying. I'm sure it is just about going back and stuff, but it's a bit frustrating because I don't have any info from head office or anything and I still don't even have a start date. I'm not getting any information and the communication is SO bad! Hope it is just to make a plan. surely if they weren't going to let me go back I'd be in there asap, not next week?
Just frustrating not knowing things, you know?

Anyway, have had lunch and watched Neighbours ;) Decided low syn obv for going out for tea later, but watching Walking Dead last night I started craving spaghetti hoops coz someone was eating them in the show. I am so easily influenced with food right now lol. At least it didn't make me want brains ;)

I'm looking forward to going to Ikea later, but not all the driving! I've got to pick my friend up who lives 15mins in the wrong direction, come back on myself and pick up Mum, then, another 15mins to pick up my other friend, and then I have to get on to the motorway using the horrible roundabout I really hate! I don't care what anyone says, I am going to be using the Sat Nav!!! And all this during rush hour as well. Not fun! I'm sure it'll be fine, but it's a lot of hassle. So glad I had this idea :p
Tuesday food: Out for tea and there will be naughties, so not really counting syns. But I do have most of my syns from yesterday too.

Lunch: 2 Italian Linda M sausages (1)
Spaghetti hoops
Cheese (half HexA1)
Half tbsp BBQ sauce (0.5)

Tea at Ikea: Vegetable soup and a crusty roll. They didn't have any wholemeal :(
A small chocolate coconut thing and an incredibly calorific caramel flapjack thing with chocolate chunks and pumpkin seeds on....

And after 2hrs walking round the bloody shop me and my friend decided we wanted a hot dog. You can't go to Ikea and not get a hot dog ;)

Also had 2 advent calendar chocolates

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Very glad I only used 1 syn yesterday!
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Hope ikea drive wasnt too stressful! Really feel for you and all the exhaustion :( there's kist nothing that can make up fornit is there? Tiny things become so much effort :/

Yay that Ralph will have a new friend soon :D I take FOREVER to name pets- hense why one of my cats is called Little One- he stsrted responding to that before I though of a proper name lol! Lil' Juan it is.
Cool that they are going to neuter her for you :D
The Ikea drive wasn't too bad because one friend finished earlier than expected and then the other one dropped out. So we missed the worst of rush hour and I didn't have to do the last bit. I did eat a lot tho :whistle:

I have an idea for the rabbit's name, but I do want to meet her first. Oh they so wouldn't neuter her if it was for me! My friend's not told them I'm going to be the owner, he's asked can they neuter it before it goes to a rescue centre. So sssshhhh ;)

I got an email back from my boss saying "Of course you're still coming back!" Well, I had to ask! Going in on Tuesday to speak to her. Dunno why she can't just bloody email me!

Right, bloody knackered. Think I might watch a Walking Dead then head to bed. Will add my food now, please don't judge me.... :eek:
I was so hungry last night! Absolutely unbelievable considering what I'd eaten. I decided it would be better to have something relatively good rather then end up eating sweets at 2am... So I had a piece of wholemeal toast with a tiny bit of low fat cheese on. Definitely helped :)

Today I dunno. Going to a double bill at the cinema with my friend. She's on inpatients at work tonight and has to check the animals at midnight anyway, so thought we might as well use the time wisely ;) BUT we are going to McDonald's :rolleyes: She's such a Maccies fiend! And to be fair on me, the only other food places by the cinema are KFC and Frankie and Bennies. So Maccies might actually be the healthier option there :sigh: Ah well.... To be honest I'm feeling really crappy and just exhausted - getting to the point of crying and trying to fight it off! And I know we shouldn't reward or 'treat' ourselves with food, but I'm struggling to care at the minute. Everything is so damn hard!
I don't want to put more weight on though, I desperately don't! So it's really tough. Just keep doing what I am, good when I can. Any meal helps right? :)

Anyway, cinema! We're seeing Frozen in 3D, then going for tea, then the re-make of Old Boy. I'm SO excited about Frozen!! I'm not sure about Old Boy because I think the original is perfect and they shouldn't mess with it. But it was either Old Boy or Carrie.... I didn't really like the original of Carrie anyway and the things I've heard about the remake just sound awful, so think Old Boy is the better choice even though I'm grrrr'ing at it 'needing' a remake.... Anyway, FILMS!

All's I'll be doing before that is sorting the bunnies and stopping at the shops for a few bits on the way to pick up Michelle. Just cba! So tired!
Have downloaded a new sleep app for my Nexus coz it records your movements and stuff. You should see the graphs! I'm losing around 2hrs a night by waking up so much. Getting the smallest amounts of deep/REM sleep. Just urgh!xx
Today's lunch was a slightly failed Smash pancake (only using one egg), 2 veggie burgers, spaghetti hoops, a 'fried' egg, and half a HexA of cheese :)
Won't be eating till about 8:30 tonight so needed something filling. Was nice! Still not sure on the Smash pancakes tho....
I'm not surprised you're tired, lack of sleep and you sound as though you've been busy. I think you need a quilt day to recoup :) Your need for food is probably linked to being so tired, I know when I'm tired I get really hungry and crave sugar :(
Work will probably want to confirm your duties and hours and probably ask you to sign something to say you agree to what they suggest. I wouldn't worry too much about it, I know easier said than done.
You'd think your work would automatically neuter any stray animal that comes along, surely it's in the animal's and their interest to reduce the amount of unwanted animals.
I think there are too many re-makes and covers of songs it's like they've run out of ideas. There is the occasional remake that is better but as a rule not especially if the original was good. Hope you have a good time to night and don't tire yourself too much x x x
Urgh! Overdone it!! A bit...
After lunch I went out and did a big clean & feed (they got a feast!) for the rabbits. Then I de-poo'd the garden. Washed my dishes when I got back in. Played fetch with Dave for 10mins. Then headed upstairs to do the dreaded task of cleaning the chinchilla's. I'm such a bad chinchilla owner, but their clean-out takes me around an hour. But it was well overdue and I felt in the mood for it. But yes, it took me an hour... Then I hoovered all of upstairs and emptied the various bins up there.
Off out soon but having a coffee and a sit down for half an hour.
I know I shouldn't be doing all that but I don't really have any choice when it's the animals. Knackered now! Earned my tea I reckon ;)
I think I'm going to buy some cheap chocolates to take to the cinema with me. I know if I don't, the mood I'm in I'll buy a BIG bag of pick & mix. So I figure go cheap and probably less calories if I buy ready packaged stuff. I feel so bad admitting that, but :(

I'm ok about going in to work, but got a feeling they might not let me do the 4 days instead of 5. I'd prefer the 4 coz I'd get an extra day off, and it's only mean me doing an extra hour each day to make up for it anyway. I think that would be better for me! I really don't want all of my days off work to be recovery and sleeping time, I wont have a life!

Oh don't get me started on the neutering thing ;) This is a massive issue for staff and it's quite divided. It goes on and on and on.... I guess for us, we're a charity and we can't really afford to be doing hundreds of free neutering, because other charities do that as part of their scope of service, so it's not technically our job. But it would certainly help if we could!

I know, we totally need original ideas! I LOVED Pacific Rim because it was so different, I love the director, and it wasn't a remake or from a book, etc... But it got a bit slated in reviews. I think I saw it 4 times at the cinema ;) And I bought the Blu-ray last week. We NEED original films! Wish the funding would go to these over remakes. I get the book adaptations and I'm ok with them because some people just don't read and the stories should get out there! But yeah, endless remakes is frustrating.

Anyway, will let you know what I think of the fillums :D Today will be 281 & 282 of the year ;) xx
Blowout done! And I feel a bit sick, but hoping it's out of my system!! Going to try for low syn days the next couple of days then take it from there :)

Frozen is fantastic! Beautiful film and proper Disney :D It's not helping with my reindeer obsession tho....

Old Boy I was pretty impressed with. Going to rewatch the original soon, maybe tomorrow, and compare. But I thought it was done pretty well. Not as tense or dramatic as the original, but not a bad effort. There were two really, really annoying guys who looked like they were with their Dad. I dunno what was going on with them, but they laughed at the most inappropriate points of the film and during a MAJOR plot reveal. I was so f*cked off and I knew the storyline. Really p*sses me off when people ruin a film for others. If you don't like it, shut up and rant later or get up and leave. Really annoys me!

Anyway, going to pick something to watch on Netflix and chill out. Not going out tomorrow now because my Mum's sister I don't like is going in to town with them (sulks) But at least it means I can stay in and do bugger all and try to relax a bit. lets see how long that lasts ;)
Night all.xx
I'm not surprised you were tired, it's sounds like a hectic day hope you've had a nice chilled one today.

That's a lot of films in one year, I'm so jealous :) I'm a sucker for disney, it's the only girlie thing I like. I loved it when my kids were little because it was a good excuse to go and watch them all.
Fingers crossed you've got your craving for junk out of your system now, I think we all go a little mad sometimes. x x
My quiet day did not happen :( Not long after I got up I got a text from my Sister saying she was coming home and could I dye her hair for her.
Then Mum text to ask if I would meet her in town anyway because her sister's wouldn't be staying out for very long and she wanted to go to the Hotel Chocolat opening and then for tea. I almost didn't go, but felt really bad! Picked up my friend Michelle along the way and we had a wander round the shops.

When I knew I was going out I had a half syn lunch using just half a HexA. Had the garlicy cheese on toast with the mixed salads for tea. And I've had a few Hotel Chocolat chocs and a Graze tub because it was super out of date lol! Not too bad I guess, but not the super low day I wanted. And certainly not the day at home, in my pj's, watching films!!

Because I wasn't doing anything today I've washed all my usual, every day clothes - excellent timing! And arranged to go out with my friend Caz tomorrow. :rolleyes: Going to post all my Christmas presents off on the way. Or, give Royal Mail all my money....

I'm so, so, so tired! Was nearly in tears before :(

Also looks like I'm getting the new bunny Saturday morning so will be up early then too. Can't catch a break! :faint2::zz:

BUT, my new Ikea pillow is superb!! It was a Family Card deal and a fiver! It's on of their "side sleeper" pillows and it's incredible :D Super comfy.

Oh I love Disney too! Always have done. Me and my Sister were (still are!) proper tom boys but we love Disney. We used to have the sing-a-long videos!
What's your favourite? My all time favourite film ever, not just animation, is the Lion King. It's a huge thing for me. It's the ONLY film we ever saw at the cinema with my Dad that he didn't fall asleep in. And he cried! I will never forget that :D And for my 21st birthday my Mum paid for me and my ex to go to London to see the stage show. And then for my 30th a gang of us went to see it in Manchester. I adore the Lion King :) I can still talk along with the entire film :eek:
Food today was within syns, used my Hex's, and had lots of superfree.

Went to my friends and we walked to the retail park for shopping and coffee. Was nice to walk for a change and not too cold today! Nice to just spend some time with Caz and have a chat and look round the shops. Walked back to hers and sat with the dog and had a coffee. Stayed till Tim got home so I could say hello then left them in peace to have their tea.
I stopped at Asda on the way back for a few foody bits. Cleaned out & fed the bunnies when I got back. Didn't have tea till 11!

Just finished watching Scrooged :D Surely the best Christmas film ever?! Think I'd better head to bed. Home alone tonight so need to be up at a decent time to let the dogs out and feed them in the morning. Urgh, so tired!!
Hope everyone's doing alright and have had a nice day.xx
Food out of the way first.... Meals have been SW and low syn. Snacks on the other hand... Yesterday I probably had about 25 syns :eek: And all my Hex's. Today was about 20syns but I had 1 HexA and 2 B's.
Monday will be a 100% day. Yes it will!

New bunny - Anya ;) Is doing well! She's not been messing with her stitches, she's already got a pee corner going and not going in her bed YAY! She's eating well. And we had cuddles today and she even hopped around for a bit while I was cleaning out the cage. She's a funny little thing! She was grunting and jumping at the brush and shovel I was using hahaha! Peggy used to do that but I just push her out of the way with the brush and she gets annoyed :p
Will be great when she can live with Ralph - hope they get on!! But it's too soon yet. Hopefully her living right next to his hutch & run will help, like it did with Ramona. Bit nerve wracking when you know they have to get on. Eeeek!
Not got a decent pic of her yet, but I will.

Yesterday was a bit busy. My work friend text me to say he would drop off Christmas bunny about 1:30. He turned up at about 12:40. I didn't get out of bed till 12:30 :eek: BUT I managed to get dressed, kick the dogs out for a wee, hoover the living room, and quickly de-poo the garden lol!
Once she'd been dropped off and microchipped (poor thing!) I realised I had the smallest amount of woodflakes so had to brave the local shopping centre :hide:
ZOMG it was busy!! I had to park almost at the petrol station next to Morrison's. Don't remember seeing the car park that busy ever!
I ran over to the shopping center and bought 3 small packs of woodflakes, a cheap food bowl for the bunny, some Pasta N Sauce (you have to in Home Bargains!!), and some Coke. Then nipped over to Greggs and bought me and Mum a mince pie each. If I'd have bough a box I'd have eaten them ALL - Mince Pies are my Christmas nemesis!! I had it after my tea and it was gorgeous! Was so impressed with it. Lovely pastry and excellent filling. Was well made up :D Then I had some biscuits .... :doh:

I watched 4 films yesterday! The Tall Man, The Lion King, Disney's A Christmas Carol (the Jim Carey one), and Gremlins. Was awesome!!

Today was a bit quieter. I got a decent lie-in, about bloody time!!! Then spent all afternoon helping Mum put the deccies up, half watching Christmas stuff on tv, and I went out to the bunnies. Played fetch with Dave in the hall for a bit and it ended up with both balls in the hall and he was sat next to me, in the living room, looking at me like "Are you going to get them, coz I'm not!" He's such a funny dog! He even waits for stuff to stop moving before he goes to fetch it :rolleyes:

Decided to start a Christmas photo thing on Facebook. Will post my favourite ones from today too. Including the tree I was allowed to decorate :eek:

This evening we watched Red: Werewolf Hunter. God it was terrible!! Only watched it coz I love Felicia Day, but even she didn't really save it! And I just finished watching The Shawshank Redemption. I thought I hadn't seen it, but remembered bits as I got through it. A fantastic film tho! Can't believe I didn't remember it :confused:

Anyway, off to bed to read.
Night all and see you tomorrow.xx
Monday food: Going well so far! Determined to be a low syn SW day!! Come on!! Lots of superfree for tea coz I'm so bloody hungry! Hoping the veg & pasta overload will help. Have a HexB saved so I can have a cereal bar later. So sick of being so hungry!!

Lunch: 2 Weetabix (HexB1)
Maple syrup (0.5)
Kara milk (part HexA1)

Tea: Quorn pieces & Chorizo (1)
Onions, mushrooms, peppers, spinach, and chopped tomatoes
Cheese (HexA2)
Wholemeal moose pasta
Veg bag - green beans, carrots, and peas

Snack: Advent chocolate (1)
2 Alpen's (HexB2)
Shape 0% crumble flavour (0.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash.

Syns used: 3
Syns saved: 12
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Anya sounds adorable, so glad she being a good girl :) Hopefully it won't be long before she's in with Ralph.
Love the christmas pictures :D We've got the smallest tree ever as Ian is so not into christmas lol.
A film-a-thon, awesome. I love the muppets christmas carol I watched last week. The Shawshank Redemption is one of my favourite films, it's brill x x x