Hey guys!
The tests do sound vile! Is it the 4 hour glucose one you've had barbette? But did you have low blood sugar during normal blood tests? Coz mine has been normal every time. Even when I've been for bloods first thing in the morning when all I've had is a couple of pints of water - usually wouldn't have had food for about 12hours! It's just so frustrating because I want them to not give up on me and try and find an answer, but I am so sick of all these blood tests

I thought they were done and I could forget about them a while and not have to rely on people for lifts and stuff so I can spaz out on diazepam. It's just really unfair. As childish as that sounds
Anyway, I have had the busiest day today! Early start (for me) and was out the door before 10am. Stopped in at the chemist to give them their Christmas card and hand in my prescription - thank God it'll be ready by Friday! I hardly ever forget to order my meds, but had a bit on my mind lol!
Then we went to Morrison's. Holy crap it was insane!! There were just a handful of parking spaces left, no trolleys in the store, etc. Absolute nightmare! We managed to do the shopping in about an hour and a half. Most of that was queuing to get down the bloody aisles! I don't remember any Christmas being that busy in the shops.
We took the shopping home and put away the frozen bits then headed to the retail park. And I thought the carpark at Morrison's was bad
Mum took me for lunch at MacDonald's. Neither of us are particularly fans but it was the handiest place at the park. They have a couple of Costa's, a Pizza Hut, and a Maccies. And I reckon Maccies is probably the healthiest and cheapest out of those!! Mine wasn't too bad actually, they made a slight effort with the veggie burger. Tbh I was starving by 1:30 coz I'd been up early and not eaten anything.
We had a wander round the shops. I bought myself (with all my money

) the Frozen soundtrack

Got My Sister's boyf an extra thing - shower gel to go with his duck flannel lol! He has a thing for ducks

And Mum got a few bits. Had a quick look round M&S (their party food is stupidly priced now!) and got some nice looking mince pies. And also Pets At Home for a last few things. I did spot a sign that said there are now parking restrictions of 3hrs there and we got back to the car in time, but it took a very long time to get out, the queues were insane. Hoping if I do get caught out I can blame the queues. Surely they wouldn't get people on a super busy day like that where you're queueing to get in and out?!
We didn't have time to do Asda on the way back because I had to get back for my Dr's appointment. He was really nice, as ever. I told him about the referral Dr I saw last week. He agreed it was stupid that they only did half a brain MRI last time! And also thought it was really good that I'm being referred the the M.E/CFS peeps. I asked if there was a difference between M.E and CFS and he said not really, it just depends what someone feels like calling it that day lol. He did agree that by now it is probably the most logical diagnosis. Yay.... I told him about the letter from endochrine and he brought it up on the system. When I told him about the 3 day fast test his eyebrows went RIGHT up! Was slightly comical lol! He also agrees that that is pretty excessive and they really are just trying to tick the last few boxes. He agreed with me that there wasn't much evidence to support the diabetes related stuff as my blood sugar levels have never, ever been low

He just said to try and get through it and it'll probably just be another step closer to an M.E diagnosis. He said that even though they do quite like to test for insulinoma he has never met or treated anyone with one, they really are that rare. So that's kinda good. Just feel like I'll be putting myself through this horrible thing for bugger all reason!
He said he's never known anything like this and it's good that they've not just given up on me and fobbed me off and that by the end I'll be the most investigated person in Liverpool. It did make me laugh!!
He sorted the prescription from the referral Dr too. Got new antihistamines - they're 120mg!! My regular ones are 10mg! Ok so a different drug and I dunno what 'normal' dosages are for them, but holy crap! Also has a steroid nasal spray to have a go at
Got back from the Dr's and chilled out for an hour before we headed back out to Asda. It was nowhere near as bad as the other places today!! Busy, but not mental! Got our last few bits
I bought some gingerbread dough in Ikea last week (lazy I know) and I'm going to do Viking shaped gingerbread biscuits for the pub get together tomorrow! My Sister doesn't get on with ginger and I'm super lazy so bought her some biscuits from Morrison's. They're called Disco Pants and are described as "Crunchy biscuit people with snazzy chocolate findant trousers"
Looking forward to tomorrow but will be another busy day. Need to sort out the bunnies and do another proper clean on them. Get a shower and make my hair look nice

Bake the gingerbread and try and work out how to do icing

Picking my Sister up from her boyf's after work, picking my friend Michelle up when she finishes work, and then picking up my ex on the way back *phew* Then we're either walking the pub or getting a taxi. No way am I driving! I seriously deserve some alcohol!! Won't be much because I'm becoming more and more alcohol intolerant (symptom yay *glares*) but I can have a couple and then switch to Coke

But yeah, cannot WAIT to get a day off from driving on Christmas Day

Very much looking forward to our sit in pyjamas and stuff our faces day
The money thing will get sorted. I'll try and survive on the £40 a week - I sound so spoiled! So many people would kill to have £40 a week to live on!! And just take the odd bit from my savings if I need it. Definitely the car insurance anyway.
I did email my boss on Friday about the money thing and asked if my sick note had been sent off in time and if our practice manager had put me back in as working, but on holiday. I finally got a reply this afternoon and it was just "I have nothing to do with the wages now. You'll have to call head office" No reply to any of the stuff I'd asked about, which she can check coz she gets my sicknote and she must be able to check if I'm 'back in work' FFS!!! This lack of communication is so damn annoying. I still haven't been officially given a start date, time, anything! So if I hear nothing I'm going to turn up on the 2nd Jan at 9am and see what happens. Can't plan anything or try to build myself up to it. Feels like it's still floating around! More frustration!!
Believe it or not, really trying to be cheery and not let it get to me. I've had my sulk and tantrum and all out panic. So f*ck it, nothing I can do about it any of it right now so b*gger it!!

It's Christmas and well everything else can be forgotten about for a few days.
Food's not been awesome today. But, again, could have caved in and gone nuts and I didn't really! Over syns, obviously, but not like binging or anything.
Lunch: MacDonald's veggie burger with large fries (thank you Mummy!)
Tea: 2 1 syn veggie burgers, 'fried' onions and orange peppers, an oaty wholemeal sub roll, low fat cheese slices, and a pack of French Fries.
Watching tv: A gingerbread man from Morrison's - another Mum buy lol!
Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Coke. Diet Mountain Dew
So yeah, come on, not THAT bad for a busy day out shopping and rushing round like a loon