Happy New Year everyone
Had a really nice time yesterday with Mum. I picked her up from work and we grabbed a few last minute things from Morrison's. Drove to the cinema but we were super early so stopped at McDonald's for a coffee to kill some time. We went to see Anchorman 2. Alright, it was a little long and really really f*cking stupid, but I loved it

It's not as good as the first, but I really enjoyed it and laughed a lot. I would totally just watch a Brick movie tho! There were only 2 other people in the screen with us!! But we all laughed at the same things, so that was good

Was very pleased that Baxter made it in to the new film - Dave will be thrilled! It's not the same Baxter, but I will let them off. I LOVED the end, totally didn't know about any of that!
We ordered our Indian takeaway as we were leaving the cinema and I cleaned the bunnies quickly before it arrived. We watched I Love You, Man

Which I love, but have only seen it maybe twice before. Going to watch that again soon! And we took our sparklers out to the front door at midnight and watched some fireworks

Watched John Bishop's stand-up tour from last year to finish off the night and he was so funny. I know loads of people don't like him, particularly scousers, but I do. Think he's brill!
Couldn't sleep at all last night. Was awake till past 5 before I gave in to taking half a sleeping pill

Had really bad anxiety and heart palpitations worrying about going back to work. And when I did sleep I had these weird nightmares about there too. Was hoping to get a decent sleep last night because I know I wont sleep well tonight. Ah well, will just have to look as knackered as I feel lol!
Doing 3 hours each on Thurs and Fri. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's a start and I'm really nervous about it. I think the first couple of days will be catching up with reading and health and safety. Have to do at least one online assessment thing for manual handling apparently. But yeah, feel so nervous about going back! And going back knowing I have to take a week off isn't helping. I know I shouldn't care what people think, but I cant help it
Also, obviously, sh*tting myself over the hospital visit. Boredom is one thing, but I'm not looking forward to being away from home for so long by myself, the animals will have to be looked after by someone, and I can't even drive myself there coz I'd have to pay 4 days of parking, so money wasted on taxi's. Money I really don't have. Meh!
It's the blood tests I'm more worried about. I sort of learned to cope with one off ones, but knowing I'll be there for 4 days with at least 3 full blood tests on the first day is just making me feel physically sick and very panicked. Need to call them tomorrow to confirm I'm going so will ask if I can take diazepam before the first lot. The letter says you shouldn't take any medications that morning, but I'll have to ask.
Also worrying about stuff like showering and washing my hair if I'm honest!
Have just sorted out my UV film collection on my Nexus and downloaded them to the device, so I don't need wifi. Wifi access would be awesome because I have Netflix! Might watch the odd thing from there by using my phone as a wifi hotspot

Also got loads of books on there and I downloaded a few new games last night too. Bought Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - the one with Tails in

Got some comics for Christmas too and a few borrowed copies of The Walking Dead.
Haha Barbette, my 2nd year doing SW over Christmas I gained a stone LOL! My best year yet

I'm sure they'll weigh me in the hospital. They're obsessed with weight! Would be interesting to do a before and after wouldn't it? I suppose it's one way of shifting some of the extra weight.
It would be easier if I was on a nauseous/didn't want to eat week, coz then I wouldn't care. Urgh, so don't want to do this