Dammit! Just typed a nice long reply and it vanished. *sigh*
Insomnia and exhaustion do not go well together do they?! I know you've both had issues with this. Absolute nightmare isn't it?! I think when I know I have to get some sleep I get very anxious about it and end up stressing myself out and staying awake. Although fighting through 1.5 prescription sleeping pills was pretty special. Had a health of sleeping pill hangover after that!
Dunno how I stuck to the fast day after that. But I honestly enjoy them!! In an odd way. Yeah I feel hungry, but I know it's doing me good and I like the challenge. I feel really good about myself after doing them

And also, it's making me look at food a little differently too! Good stuff! The weight loss is a very nice added bonus I reckon. Still in shock that I am actually losing!! It's been a very long time!
I did manage to sleep ok-ish last night. Not for long enough and I had some bizarre dreams, but better than 4hrs!
Mum's thing was very odd. I mean this happens fairly frequently and has done for a very long time. We're dead good at dealing with it now

But there was some new stuff and it was much much more prolonged than normal. Some of it was pretty scary - muscle twitches/spasms, complete paralyses when she woke up she could only move her eyes and we had to communicate with blinks!!! Her pupils were MASSIVE as well (prob from muscle relaxation). And when she did begin to move only half her face "woke up". We were >this< close to calling an ambulance, thinking she'd had a stroke. We're both pretty savvy with medical sh*t, so if it was needed we wouldn't hesitate!
It was just awful to see it happen so badly. And when she couldn't move she looked genuinely terrified!

Stupid f*cking illnesses!!!
She has an appointment at the Dr's in a bit, just a locum but she needs to tell someone, and my Sister's taking her. usually it would be me, but my car is at t'garage.
Work was ok-ish. Had an interesting catch-up session with my mentor. The pressure is most certainly on!! It looks like I will not get any special consideration or help or extensions! My official re-start date is the 17th Feb and I don't have a start date yet, but my boss has a feeling that they will give me something like 3 months. Which is an absolute joke!! Have explained to my mentor that I can't do prolonged use of a laptop because I can't look at the screen for very long. Never mind the millions of other symptoms!! So yeah, it's not looking good! I mean I will give it what I can, but I'm so over wanting merits and distinctions, just passes will do. Just don't know if I have the physical or mental capabilities to do this level of work in such a short time!
Will have to though because it's in my contract that if I don't pass they will fire me

Sh*t! Looks like no social life for me for a few months then. At least it'll be cheap!! I guess 3 months and keeping my job, getting a pay rise, and getting it out of the way forever is worth it though. I just need to remind myself of that when I'm weeping from frustration and pain!
Dropped the car of at the garage after work but had to leave it with them coz they were swamped. Everything crossed it's not expensive!! I don't have expensive car things money

I trust these guys completely and they treated me so well last year. But you do hope and pray that it's not something scary wrong with it!! Stupid bloody thing....
I'm kinda lucky Katie that I'm not overly painful like all the time. I do get joint pain and sometimes just random pain in places. I do have a headache which varies in intensity, but doesn't go away - have had that for a year now!! Doesn't respond to pain relief!! But yeah, I don't get very painful very often, at least not at the moment. I did after my weekend at work and I'm slowly getting a bit better. But yeah, I don't have the super horrible pain that seems to be a significant factor of ME. Which is a bit odd but *shrug*
Hope you two are having good days anyway
