Gold Member
I know I'm knackered anyway, but fast days make me SO tired!! Very odd because they're supposed to energise you and I know Tetris even has trouble sleeping from being so awake and full of energy on fast days. I guess maybe it's down to mystery illness? I don't feel bad or ill or anything, just really really tired. Good for me though in a way with the chronic insomnia. So if they help me sleep then yay!
Just realised how tiiiiiired I was and it happens every fast day.
Ah well, another one down
Once this film's finished I'm heading to bed with a mug of peppermint tea and to read for a bit.
Lovely to have so many visitors! You guys rock
Sleepy *yawn* Night all.xx
Just realised how tiiiiiired I was and it happens every fast day.
Ah well, another one down
Lovely to have so many visitors! You guys rock
Sleepy *yawn* Night all.xx