Hi guys!
Sophie that must have been awful so young

My parents had been divorced for a very long time, but they'd become pretty good friends. When we found out he had cancer when he wasn't in hospital he stayed with us and I was his carer. He got diagnoses in the March and died in the September, just a month short of his 50th. He died in his own flat, but me and Mum found him.
It's very brave of you moving away from your Dad and lovely of him to tell you to go

I know my Mum would never ask me to stay, but I wont be going far! My sister and her fiance have just bought a house which is about a 5min walk away too lol. So relieved because for a while they were talking about moving to the US or Canada. They may still do that at some point, but for now at least I know they'll be around.
Oh Patty fits are awful!! I've never dealt with a person having a fit - my Mum has coz she used to be a first aider and stuff. But I deal with dogs ALL THE TIME fitting and it's one of the most horrific things I think you can witness happening to something you love. I can't imagine what it must have been like to wake up to your husband having one

Not surprised you didn't sleep well for a good long while! Did they find out what happened?
We still haven't gone out lol! Going to be tea now! We're finally going to The Harvester

I've wanted to try here for ages coz I'm sad

But I have heard they have a brilliant salad bar!! Veggie heaven

My options really would be a veggie burger or a pasta thing. I do want dessert tho, so think I will be sensible and go for the goats cheese and broccoli pasta and stuff myself with salad, then maybe get an ice cream'y thing. I think if I got the burger and chips as well as unlimited salad I would make myself a bit sick
Mum had a missed call from the hospital yesterday and called them back today. They want her in at 9am tomorrow at the stroke clinic at our main hospital. My Sister has called work to say she wont be in and I'm not in till 4. And if it comes to it, I could potentially not go in till 6:30 on that shift. The late shift means I have the emergency phone, which would come to me at 6:30. So worst case scenario I think they'd be ok with that and I'd just lose those hours of pay. Surely it wont take that long tho!
Just had a light-ish, low syn lunch too.
I had 2 free Quorn sausages, 2 boiled eggs, wholemeal toast, and 1.5 syns worth of mustard and tomato sauce

Just the one meal off plan

Don't know where this will power and enthusiasm has come from!!
Need to try and do some more course work before we go out. This assignment is an absolute b*stard and took me months to do! It's a report on radiography health & safety and stuff like that. Talk about making an interesting subject boring as hell! I love radiography, but not all this balls they want me to talk about

I know myself it's badly written and laid out, but the brief was very confusing. Hoping I just need to add a bit of info in some places and just change the layout and re-jig it a bit. My friend (who's just qualified as a VN) has promised to help me out too
Right. Coffee and lets go...... :coffee: