Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Week 39

No weigh-in this week after a weekend of awesome naughtiness ;)

Green Day

Lunch: 2 Choc Weetabix (HexB1 + 2), raisins (2), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Tea: Spicy sausage casserole made by my Sister! Only thing in the recipe that needed syning was apple juice from concentrate and my portion was around 25ml-3 syns.

Dessert: 2 Alpen lights (HexB2), 1tsp of honey (1), and some strawberries.
And 1 Mikado (0.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Rooibos vanilla tea. Diet Coke. Highlights dark choc (1.5)

Syns used: 10
Syns left for this week: 5

Exercise: A good few hours of walking.
Green Day

Breakfast: 2 Weetabix (HexB1), raisins (2), honey (1), and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Lunch: Tuna, prawn, and veg sushi (1.5), chicken Mugshot, and a Shape Zero.

Tea: Chicken savoury rice, cracked black pepper Quorn fillet, peppers, sweetcorn, broccoli, and carrots.

Snack: 2 slices of wholemeal little bread (HexB2) and just over a tbsp of Nutella (5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 9.5
Syns left: 10.5

Exercise: 15mins walking.
4 and a bit hours at the vets.
30mins walk home.
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Green Day

Lunch: 1 Weetabix and 1 Chocolate Weetabix (HexB + 1), raisins (2), banana, honey (1), and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)
Activia Fat Free. Had a pineapple one, nom!

Tea: Home made veggie chilli with white and wild rice and a small jacket spud. HexA2 low fat cheese.

Snack: 50g Ben and Jerry's Phish Food frozen yogurt (5.5) and 3 Mikado (1.5)
2 Alpen Lights (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Irn Bru.

Syns used: 11
Syns left: 14.5

Exercise: Half an hour walk to the post office (which wasn't bloody open) and the chemist on the way back.
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Taking Ellie hound to the vets with me today. She needs a weight check, vaccinations, and a blood test. If you listen carefully you can hear More Than crying :p

Green Day

Lunch: 1 Weetabix and 1 chocolate Weetabix (HexB1 + 1), raisins (2), honey (1), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Tea: Leftover chilli with SW cheesey chips (HexA2 for the cheese) and a slice of wholemeal little bread (half HexB2) Salad, dressing (1), and 1tbsp of el mayo (0.5)

Snack: Time Out (8.5) and an Alpen Light (rest of HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 14
Syns left: 15.5

Exercise: 20min walk.
3hrs at the vets (not counting the half ann hour waiting for my consult :p)
45min walk home with the hound.
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Playing the field eh??! Good for you.

Can't believe 5.5 syns for 50g B&J, well actually, I can because i wouldn't have thought for a minute that it would be low in syns!!
Is 50g a tenth of a tub?
You know what tho, it's a decent amount!! Very much worth the syns :D I think Phish Food is the highest in syns coz it has so much 'stuff' in it. It's my favourite though and I love it!

Yup, I am apparently playing the field. Looks like I have a date on Sunday. Guy sent me his number before ;)

Quick update on Ellie. She has put on 2kg's and is almost back to her healthy weight! Very happy with her being at 28kg tho so we're gonna try and keep it around there. So no more treatment or tests for her gut illness :D
Green Day

Lunch: Wholemeal little bread (HexB1), Quorn ham, Sainsbury's veggie ravioli (2), and low fat cheese (HexA1)

Tea: Veggie kiev (4), low fat Supernoodles, broccoli, carrots, sweetcorn, and soy sauce. Half HexA2 low fat cheese.

Snacks: 2 Alpen lights, raisins (2), and Activia fat free.
4 mikado (2)

Drinks: Coffee (milk half HexA2) Diet Lemonade. Squash.

Syns used: 10
Syns left: 20.5
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Green Day

Lunch: Wholemeal little bread (HexB1), half a tin of beans, and 2 Quorn sausages.

Tea: Quorn paella from the new Quorn recipe book. Absolutely nothing needed to be syn'd YAY! Had it with some baby jacket spuds, salad, and HexB2 low fat cheese.

Snacks: Mini Fudge (3)
Thornton's Choccies (going by calories they're 13.5)

Drinks: Coffee (milk half HexA1) Diet Coke. Diet Lemonade. Squash.

Syns used: 16.5
Syns left: 19

Exercise: A couple of hours walking to and around the shops.
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I just wanted to say how fantastically well you have done. I've just read your diary from start to date and it's definitely given me some inspiration which is what I need at the moment!

I am starting "again" on Monday to try and lose before Crimbo to give me some flexibility, before then having to lose more in the NY.

I hope your date goes well.... you know the saying about having to kiss a few frogs before finding your prince! :0)

Have you got over the "vein" issue now at the vets?Just curious!

Good luck for Monday, and keep posting! x x x
Hi Sukibix!
Wow well done for reading my whole diary! How on earth did you stay awake?! ;)

Lol! It's safe to say that there hasn't been much kissing, but there have definitely been a fair few frogs :p

Nope, definitely not over the whole vein thing. Really sucks :( Will prob end up having to ask for a referral to the clinical psychologist over it as I really don't think CBT is gonna help. I'm so nuts :eek:

Good luck with your re-start! I dabbled in SW around this time last year and it gave me a good couple of months to check it out and see what all the fuss was about. I stupidly put on most of what I had lost over Christmas, but it came off in no time in the new year :)

Thanks again for reading and saying hello. I love getting visitors :D
Had a nice couple of hours with date guy today. Much nicer than the one I saw earlier this week! Not sure how well it went and I don't want to get my hopes up, but I would like to see him again :)

Had a lot of syns to use today as I'd saved up because date guy had suggested for going for something to eat, but we changed our mind and stuff.

Green Day

Lunch: Wholemeal little bread (HexB1), 2 Quorn sausages, half a tin of beans, and 2 'fried' eggs. 1tbsp of tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Mashed potato's (1syn for horseradish sauce), 8 Quorn nuggets (4), broccoli, carrots, peas, 3tsp of low salt gravy granules (3), and 1tbsp of Lingonberry (still counting it like cranberry jelly 2)

Snack: 100g Phish Food frozen yogurt (11), mini bag of chocolate buttons (4), and 4 pieces of Green & Black's mint choc (6)

Drinks: Coffee and a small cappuccino at Costa (will count as 2 HexA's for all milk today) Diet lemonade. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 32
Syns leftover this week: 2

Exercise: Around 45mins of walking.
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Week 40

Wow, week 40!! Never thought I would have gotten this far with a diet and stuck to it. And, to be honest, found it quite easy most of the time. Just shows how good SW is I guess!
I will be getting weighed this week, so hopefully I will have myself a little loss.
Still waiting to hear from the PDSA :( My friend who left at the vets has said that they are holding off offering me her job till I know what's happening with the PDSA. But they are interviewing people :( I just dont want the PDSA to take too long getting in touch with me (if they do!). Im just worried that I may not get the PDSA job AND I could lose out on the job at my vets :cry: Don't like all this uncertainty!

Green Day

Lunch: 1 Weetabix and 1 chocolate Weetabix (HexB1 + 1), raisins (2), banana, honey (1), skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)
Shape Zero and a few grapes.

Tea: Quorn mince, onion, garlic, green pepper, broccoli, courgette, spinach, mixed beans, and tinned tomato's, with fettuccine and HexA2 low fat cheese.

Snack: A Weetabix Oaty bar (HexB2) A mini Curly Wurly and a mini Fudge (6)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 10
Syns left: 5
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Just popping by for a nosey! How are you? Hope the job situation becomes a bit clearer soon! I'm curious- did you get the Lingonberry jam from Ikea? I got some when I went there the other day :) Also, I can't wait until my sticker collection looks like yours, you're doing so well! xx
No loss again :cry: Fed up now!

You were indeed right PCS! I'm just a bit argh about the uncertainty of it all. Hopefully it means I will have A job in the very near future. Still hoping for the PDSA, but they haven't been in touch yet and its driving me mad everyone asking me :eek:

The Quorn book is really, really good OddSock! Hopefully you'll like it. It's a lovely book.

Didn't get a chance to update yesterday coz I was at the vets in the morning and I was out until about 10 and was knackered :p Went to Wagamama and the cinema with Mum. Saw The Hole 3D and it was really good. It's a kids/teenager 'horror', but very well done. I had Cha Han in Wagamama's, the rice one where you get the soup and pickles with it. And I shared the raw salad with Mum. Gonna donate 10 syns towards the oil used and any other bits and hope for the best.


Breakfast: 2 Weetabix (HexB1), honey (1), raisins (2), banana, and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Lunch: Wagamama (10) and HexB2 for the chicken.

Tea: Leftover pasta sauce stuff from the other night with 2 jacket spuds and HexA2 low fat cheese.

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Green Tea.

Syns used: 13
Syns left: 7

Exercise: 3hours at the vets. And a good few hours walking round town. And walk home from the bus.


Breakfast: 1 Weetabix and 1 chocolate Weetabix (HexB1 + 1), raisins (2), banana, honey (1), and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Lunch: Tuna, prawn, and veg sushi (1.5), chicken noodle Mugshot, grapes, apple, and Activia Fat Free.

Tea: SW chips, Quorn sausages, 'fried' eggs, and wholemeal little bread (HexB2) 2tbsp of tomato sauce (2)

Snack: 5 Mikado (2.5)

Drinks: Diet Lemonade. Squash. Coffee.

Syns used: 10
Syns left: 12

Exercise: A couple of hours of walking.
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Oh no! Going through an STS phase is so annoying, I feel your pain! I'm sure it'll start coming off again soon. I'm considering moving my weigh-in to Monday to give myself a full week of non-veganism, I want to see what the effects are! I've ordered that Quorn cookbook, I shall look forward to trying the recipes!

Still have my fingers crossed for you on the job front :) xx
Hey Cheeky, wow a local gal to me, i love liverpool i went meeting kim Cattrall last Thur and went to the press opening night, yes that was one of my most exciting days eva!!!
Hence why i'm on day 3 of SW i'm a newbie so i am just getting into things, so reading these really help me plan some meals.

U seem to have done so well, well done u! :) I really wanna lose 3-4 stone but it seems so hard and long way way. I will do it thou. Anyway wanted say congratulations u seem to have done brilliant and well done for sticking to it.

I just need ideas on drinks to drink while i'm at all these parties i seem to be going to at the min. haha x x