Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Cheers guys!!! I've noticed that DP's sizes can be a bit generous, but it's still great to buy a 14...even if it isn't the same size as other shops :p Tried on some 18's in New Look today and they only just fit. It's very confusing!!

No 'work' today. I do Tuesday mornings and Thurs afternoons at the vets. Still not heard from the PDSA :(
Week 41

Not sure if I'm gonna get weighed this week coz I had Saturday off. Will see how I feel later in the week. Curiosity might get the better of me!

Made a nommy tuna pasta bake today planning on it being 2 portions. But it's that BIG I'm only gonna be able to eat quarters, lol. I'm gonna be eating it all week :p The whole thing was 2HexA's for the cheese and I did plan on counting the tuna as one HexB, but if I'm only having quarters it will mess it up, so counting each 1/4 as 1.5syns for the tuna. I *think* that's right if you think of a whole Hex being 6 syns????

Green Day

Lunch: 2 Weetabix (HexB1), banana, raisins (2), honey (1), and skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)

Tea: 1/4 Tuna pasta bake-purple sprouting broccoli, green beans, red onion, garlic, sweetcorn, peppers, tomato's, courgette, mixed beans, pasta, cheese (half HexA1) and tuna (1.5)
Salad with 1tbsp of dressing (1)

Snacks: Watermelon. Fibre Plus bar (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 5.5
Syns left this week: 9.5

Exercise: A couple of hours of walking.

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Green Day

Breakfast: Sachet of Pawridge (HexB1), raisins (2), and banana made with skimmed milk (all milk HexA1) and water.

Lunch: 1/4 Tuna pasta bake-purple sprouting broccoli, green beans, red onion, garlic, sweetcorn, peppers, tomato's, courgette, mixed beans, pasta, low fat cheese (half HexA1) and tuna (1.5)
Salad with 1tbsp of dressing (1)

Tea: SW chips, 8 Quorn nuggets (4), small tin of spaghetti (was Winnie the Pooh :p), low fat cheese (rest of HexA2), and 1tbsp of brown sauce (1). Wholemeal bread (HexB2)

Snack: 3 Mikado (1.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Dr Pepper. Diet Irn Bru.

Syns used: 11
Syns left: 13.5

Exercise: 15mins walking.
3hrs20mins at vets.
40min walk home.
40min walk with Ellie.
YAY for kids spaghetti :D

I'm so naughty!! I have been sticking to SW and keeping my Hex and syn diary, but I cba typing them up :p But I am still sticking to plan, promise!

Just got back from the date with new guy. I'm trying so hard to behave and not got excited. But I think I may like him. Hate this bit, but will just have to see if he texts me now. He did say I could go hang out with his mates but I know I would have felt awkward and stuff. Plus I assume no one likes me :eek: So yeah, I hope he doesn't see me not going as a bad thing. Gah!
Aww, that sounds really promising, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It's cute that he invited you to meet his friends!

Haha, I know what you mean, I forget to update my diary sometimes too. As long as you're sticking to the plan I'm sure it doesn't matter! I'm having the weekend off from SW, I'm so pissed off about the fact that I've STS yet again and I need a couple of days off from it. Besides, I haven't been too well, and my eating's been all over the place. Stupid germs! Still planning to start a detox on Monday so hopefully that'll get me back on track. I'm so disillusioned with it at the moment, I don't know what to do if I don't start losing again soon! xx
Well, erm, my date guy asked me to go hang with his band/friends again and I couldn't refuse him twice now could I?!

I went up at about 10pm and got home around what should have been 4am

Just spent the night listening to them play and talking to his friends. His friends were so lovely! They immediately accepted me and I got hugs off them all before I left. I was ridiculously shy and nervous as hell, but I tried my best. I completely refused to sing or hum when two of them were trying to put a song together tho. I had not drank enough to do that
Hope they didn't think I was totally boring.

There were two guys there from South America that no one seemed to actually know
They were a bit intense and creepy, completely harmless like, but everyone was a bit on edge around them. I now have much shorter fingernails from the stress
But apart from that it was a good night.
I am worried that I was too quiet and too bloody sarcastic-it's like a defence mechanism and I sound like a complete ***** at times
Didn't actually spend that much time with my guy, but he did keep putting his hand on my shoulder or fist bumping me whenever he went past or sat by me. The band is frikkin amazing and I was a bit overwhelmed by their creativity and stuff. Hopefully, if I do get to meet them again, I would be a lot more relaxed. Esp without the 2 creepy guys!

Anyway, he stood outside with me for ages waiting for taxi's that didn't turn up and we got to have a chat. He said I could stay over and offhandedly mentioned sex and I just said "i just wouldn't on a first date" To be fair he was incredibly drunk and we just laughed it off. He waited with me till my sister was dropped off to walk home with me and he was even brave enough to give her a hug

He was texting me last night/this morning and he asked how I thought it went and if I would like to see him again-which I said I would. And he said he would arrange something for this week. Not heard from him today tho, which is a bit odd coz he has been texting me like a million times a day. I know there could be a hundred reasons for no texts tho, so I'm trying not to worry. And if he doesn't get in touch I can at least say that I tried my damn hardest and coped quite well with such a bizarre situation!
Anyway, I will shut the hell up now....
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Oh Oddsock mate, I understand how you must be feeling with all the sts's and stuff. It's so damn frustrating! I really, really hope we both get a loss this week. It's about time eh?! Fingers firmly crossed for us both!!

omg! Just realised I have major news and the whole dating/boy thing totally got in the way!
I have an interview at the PDSA on the 8th of Nov :D *happy dance*
Wow, lots of good news for you! Congratulations on the interview! I really hope it goes well.

Last night sounds so cute! Glad you had fun. It's always so exciting meeting someone new! And he's in a band, can't be bad :) xx
Oh my goodness - great news on the date and on the interview!!

And they do say that good news comes in threes.... so I reckon a loss is in order next WI as well :)
Oooh I hope you're right PCS!! I'm gonna get weighed today coz my Mum and Sister are. So I shall let you know later ;)

Not heard from date guy, which is a bit odd, but I'm trying not to panic. Just don't know whether I should text first or wait. I wish my phone wasn't so unreliable-I don't even know if he got my last text. So for all I know he is waiting for me to reply :rolleyes: Anyway, I will probably cave in by the end of today anyway :p
Week 42

Hoping for a loss this week-'just' 1lb would do ;)
Got a couple of things planned for this week, but I will try my best to stick to SW as much as I can. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Weighing in today with mum and sister (who are both doing WW!) coz we'll all be over there and it will just be easier. Fingers crossed!

Really exited about my interview. Trying not to think about it too much tho or I'll start to panic. Just need to start preparing tho coz I don't want to f*ck this up. Will get some advice tomorrow from work :)

Back to the food diaries...Last week ended up with me having 2 syns left. Did quite a bit of walking as well.

Green Day

Lunch: 2 Chocolate Weetabix (HexB1 + 2), banana, honey (1), skimmed milk (all milk HexA1)
An Activia Fat Free.

Tea: WW frozen ocean pie (3.5) and a mountain of peas, sweetcorn, carrots, and broccoli. 1 slice of wholemeal bread (half HexB2)

Snack: 1 Alpen light (rest of HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 6.5
Syns left: 8.5

Exercise: Around 2.5hours of walking.

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Congrats on the interview chick, i hope u do really well. I went past the building the other day :) U will kick there bums in that interview.
Did u hear off dateguy? x x
Thanks guys! Well erm, I got weighed....I have lost 5lb :eek: :eek: :bunnydance:

Can't believe it, lol! Means I'm dead on 12st and only have 2 left to go!!

I think I might text date guy later if I don't hear from him. Even if he only tells me to get lost. Cannot be a*sed waiting and guessing ;)