Urgh! I think I may actually be dead :jelous: Didn't feel too bad this morning so went in to town with Mum. Put my first major feelings of crappiness down to a bit of travel sickness, but nope, just kept getting worse and worse. We went to a new veggie place for breakfast (counted it at around 8 syns and a HexA) Caught my reflection in a shop mirror and I seriously looked like a zombie
We didn't end up going to the cinema and Mum & Sis talked me in to getting a takeaway
I went with cheap and cheerful and got curry, fried rice, and chips. And had some bread....what is wrong with me?! But yeah, I still feel crappy. But at least not more so! Just seem to be steadily getting worse. I mean I can stand up today, which is an improvement, but god I feel awful
Todays food: Green Day + 15syns
Breakfast out: 8 syns for sausages, sauce, and a slice of white bread. and a HexA for the slice of halloumi
Hot chocolate: 4 syns plus another HexA for skimmed milk.
Tea: Small portion of curry, fried rice (not greasy at all, yay!), and chips. Will use up the rest of todays syns + my saved syns. Just to be safe
HexB: 2 slices of wholemeal bread.
So no syns to carry over to tomorrow. But 15syns for the day. Should be ok. Maybe....