Ok, food for today. I wanted a treat for passing my test and as much as I desperately wanted a Costa Tiffin I talked myself out of 'wasting' almost 25 syns!! When i got there I spotted their Barry the Bat gingerbread and the Kcal were surprisingly low - works out to 11 syns. So I'll just wipe out my saved syns
Got a medium soy milk hot chocolate with sugar free hazelnut syrup too. Mmmmmmm!!
Green Day + 10
Breakfast: Porridge, raisins, banana, Splenda, and Almond Milk
Snack: Shape 0%
Costa: Hot chocolate with soy milk + Barry the Bat.
Tea: Chilli from the freezer, jacket spuds, cheese, cottage cheese, salad, and dressing.
Snack: Fibre Plus. Not many of these left now
Small bowl of wholemeal pasta, 2 cherry tomatoes, a good few chunks each of red and orange pepper, and a teeny (not even a 1/4 tbsp) bit of extra light mayo. Chucked in some salt, pepper, garlic salt, and green Tabasco.
HexA: Soy milk + Almond Milk / cheese
HexB: Porridge + Fibre Plus
Syns used: 18 Using up my saved syns so far)
Syns left: 3
Exercise: Walking to and from bus stops. And STRESS!!!