My colleague and friend (a male one), he referred to me and my two other female colleagues as "Hocus Pocus" i.e. the 3 witches, well one of my colleagues is young, thin and beautiful, the other is old and that leaves me...the fat witch - it didnt hurt but it did pee me off if I am honest
Mind you in your case I think I'd rather be the big friendly one rather than the one with the dog - that colleague clearly made an impression lol!! miaow
that looks delish!
Oh - is that recipe on the Recipe Board looks scrum
What a lovely fella!
What is the chocolate philly like? I have bought two packs of the mini portions - but I don't know what to do with it...don;t really like strawberries!
OMG did they send you compensation???
I found you! Your food pics are fab - and your Consultant is an armhole to be polite! So glad your boyfriend put him in his place - have you been back since?
haha, i know!! shes not the most tactile person around
thank you

the burger was nice but not something i would make again unless trying a different recipe
no the recipes not on here, ill write it down for you
Roasted tomato and basil soup
900g ripened tomatoes (i normally get the cheapo tesco value ones in a blue bag)
1 carton passata with added basil
1 small tin of chopped tomatoes
fresh basil
spray tomatoes with frylight and roast until skins have started to blacken, peel when cool and mush up
fry off onion and garlic till soft, add the roasted tomatoes, passata, tinned tomatoes and seasoning, blend and serve
yes my OH really is, im very lucky as i never really have anything to moan about him, hes so supportive,always telling me he loves me the way i am and i dont need to change for him and when i have my stressy moments (and by christ do i have them) he knows just what to say to calm me down
well i know alot of people hate chocolate philly but me personally i love it, i tend to chop a banana up and have it with that, ive melted it and put it into porridge too which was gorgeous, on pancake day i had it melted onto my pancake with warm banana

yes i recieved a letter from princes and a £10 voucher- i brought 10 tins of makerel lol
aw thank you for taking the time to read and comment
yes ive been back but didnt see him, im going again at the end of june and have specifically had my appointment booked with him, cant wait to see him

the lady i saw last time i went wasnt too bad but i recieved a copy of the letter they send to the doctors on friday and in it she put "michelle set herself a target of 1 stone to loose last time she was at the clinic and surprisingly she has managed to stick to this and lost 19lbs" i was livid lol! cant wait to go back, i fear i may be forcably removed though lol xx