broadsbean said:your inspiring me to get back on track
recipe book looks good, what a brilliant idea. I love making soup but never write down my recipes i should start really.
have a great day xx
chelle86 said:Well my days been well and truly ruined, all thanks to a letter I received this morning :'(
Gonna get in bed, put a film on a try and relax.
I would normally go straight for the junk food but no that's not gonna happen!!
shellsbells-x said:Hope you're feeling a bit better a d haven't reached for the junk food... Your last pic looks awesomex
Really do hope you're feeling ok chick?xx
shellsbells-x said:Your food all looks great and it sounds like you're having a fab time in generalxxx
A pound is still a pound in the right direction so well done xxxxxx
Nellylou said:Hey chelle, congrats on loosing a pound this week. Frittata looks lovely ( will have it for tea tmrw I think) new mag? Has it just been released?
Aww beauty and the beast is one of my favourites too x
shellsbells-x said:It's tines like this when I wished I liked mushrooms
I'm going to try a meatball curry tomorrow, on extra easy for a change. I think it's a sw recipe but it's not in any of my books; it sounded easy enough though xx
This is hopefully going to be my new tattoo on Saturday, I've played around with it a bit and it's going on my right arm...
<img src=""/>
Excited and nervous at the same time!!
Not sure why the photo I deleted is still showing below though????c