Cheryls Dukan diary

Hello Cheryl and hope to see you around today!

How was dinner with Mum Vicky?

All well my end... France is on strike again - poor things aren't happy at retirement age going back to 62... SIXTY TWO! Wish some would get real!!... anyway it's always the same who suffer, while the same strike! I walked as usual this morning to the office, but will have to walk home too no doubt (boo hisssss!) or face the smelly hordes on the overcrowded less than usual metros. Easy decision really!
How was dinner with Mum Vicky?
salmon was a bit dry :( asparagus and green beans were lovely though!

The french are always on strike! Ive just been reading a year in the merde and merde actually and I didnt actually realise how bad the French were!
On a French forum, I just growled about the strike, and someone didn't appreciate it (and mentioned the "RIGHT to strike"...). What about the RIGHTS of the rest of us to get around unencumbered? Or the RIGHTS of a colleague who can't work today cos her creche is closed so she'll be using a day's vacation because of them! GRRRR!
French eh? Im surprised you can cope living there lol
There are advantages... double the size country for same number of inhabitants!! a good health service! 35 hour work week! 5 weeks' vacation as a base... jeans ok in offices... half transport costs to get to work paid by employer... luncheon vouchers... private health care 50% paid by employer!

The socialists here have made it quite a nice place to work...!!
ah true thats not so bad - i only work 35hrs - 9-5 mon to thurs (1/2 hour dinner) and 9-2 on a friday
I (when full time) worked sometimes an 86hr week! No meal breaks at all, 236hes hoilday and no bonuses at all. Oh £7 per person at christmas for the government to pay for our xmas do's but we've had people die and become really ill so have donate this to their families. It really p***es me off now we've had a pay freeze as the private sector can catch up. The bloody banks got us into this mess and they still get their huge bonuses. Fair?????????? I think not!!!!!
Ok ladies rant over. Lol
omg how long.
right mmm might annoy you now cheryl. I think the public sector pay freeze (in some situations) is right. us private sector people have either lost our jobs or in my case I had a year of 4 day week and 20% less pay.
Having worked in the NHS as a buyer it irritated me no end how much money people were on in the offices for doing nothing all day, the flexi time and hols etc etc were ridiculous. If i had stayed there i would have been on about 30K more than I am now working less hours and not doing much at all. Thats one of the reasons I left (aswell as the bullying) - thats not my work ethic. I like to be busy and to make a difference. There ARE too many nurses being made into managers and getting paid so much to sit around a table drinking coffee dragging out meetings and not getting anywhere etc (seen it in my own eyes)

What I disagree with is the frontline NHS staff, Nurses, paramedics, radiologists etc etc NOT getting the rises. THEY are the ones who actually work their butts off trying to help people. Its all the pen pushers, the managers and the office staff who should get this freeze.
It really angers me and I know first hand as Ive been there.

rant over x
Well today i have no idea of meals at all but Mark is off now so will keep me in check! Lol. I reached my mini goal today as another lb down so now 10.7. This was the weight i wanted to be to wear a bikini so im def off to buy one this weekend. Hope you are all doing well too. Every little off is a little in the right direction and a little nearer to the goal. I never thought id reach mine. Its only 7lb from my starting goal, i just moved the posts a bit so it was more realistic
:talk017::happy096::worthy::happy036::banana dancer::party0011::wee::woohoo::party0049:

well done !!!! yey bikini (and wax) time!!!!!!
BUT Vic i totally agree with what you are saying. There are far too amny over paid managers and no it was not fair what happened to the private sector jobs BUT again its all due to the banks. So while we all struggle as the country battles to make the books balance they still earn great wages and get huge bonuses! Still not fair
Cheryl yes the banks - but they have had the capital gains tax increased so they will get taxed on their bonuses etc now wont they?
Yes but i still dont think its enough. We have/are all suffering because of them. I think it should just be them to re pay the debts. In an ideal world and all that. Lol. I guess im just more upset as due to our jobs it hitting this household hard.
i know hon. its not fair - but that idiot brown let them get away with murder AND then helped them get out of the poo whilst not saving real jobs like Corus jobs up here.
I know hun. I think we should run the country...........can do any worse!!!! Pmsl. Right honies im off as got to get Oliver to pre school. WIll drop in later if i get a chance.
ok hon have a nice day xxxxxxx miss you already lol