Cheryls Dukan diary

I wish i could have done it but i grew up without my dads family around......long story....and i remember the hurt i felt, i just didnt want Oliver growing up like that. I couldnt leave my mum as she was in a seriously bad place at that time and still not so great and she only really has me as my brothers are too thick to see whats going on
Wouldnt be worried but your loss wolud be better. Its not healthy to stay bunged up for more than a few days
Cheryl everyone always asks why nearly every conversation i have includes poo lol. Its an obsession lmfao.

P.s. Sarah i love your graph!!!
found the graph makes it easier to explain the highs and lows since I've started the diet, to myself as well as everyone else :)
I love poo! Lmao.
Just spoke to Caz, shes having a good time and its hot hot hot out there but food still not great though.
oh poor Caz what a let down on your holiday esp if all inclusive. although should be good for the waistline though eh?
a bit tiny? she is so thin now no wonder she isnt on here! she has disappeared!
Name and shame... which travel company? I must admit that I've always avoided "all inclusive" for this very reason. Also, most often, eating out in restaurants is a good way of discovering a new area/region/country but if you feel you've already paid for it at your hotel, you're less likely to bother!

I think on this diet it's ok to go less frequently that before provided you're not uncomfortable.

I think this diet makes you focus on "incomings", so quite normal that one fixates in "outgoings" too!
i've never passed a motion <lowers the tone again> during attack this or last time... it took the rhubarb to get me started on cruise pv...
yes Dukan Sarah. Not sure how much but better than she did on atkins (hence why we moved over!)
Yes the 3 of us came over together, cant remember what she was but she was 8.8 before going on holiday.....skinny b**ch
she is 5ft5 and weighs about 8stone 9??? is that right Cheryl