Cheryls Dukan diary

im keeping my gob zipped :D
Lol. Well this can get people talking. After a very long deliberation i have decided to stop dukan and go back to my low carb low fat. I have only lost 1lb on dukan and really think that its not suited to my body. I had a bit of a blow out yesterday (not put any on) and have already lost 1lb. I will keep you posted on here but will not post my menus daily on the thread. Thank you for all your support with trying to get me started on this. I now truly believe that we all have a diet for each of us that our bodies will respond to. I lost 3st on lclf a few years ago but decided to let it go back on as did not like the "moderation" bit. I think i have totally trained myself with a different way of thinking about food now. I hope you will all still allow me to remain on here???????????
welcome back to the dark side Cheryl just the way i do it LF LC works for me to
I echo your thoughts that there is NO one way to lose weight - all diets work, if followed correctly (and stabilisation can even ensue if we don't lose the plot immediately we consider ourselves "off diet")... losing TOGETHER is the main thing, and although I hadn't mentioned this before perhaps, my time on Dukan will stop mid-July as I refuse to have a(NOTHER) summer without fruit! I'll continue dieting, but doing my own self devised "healthy eating" plan which takes (in my opinion) the best for my taste of several different diets I've tried over the years. (and I did lose 11 stone on it before... ketosis helps get me back in the "zone" after a bad eating period... but for terms of a healthy lifestyle? There's gotta be better out there!

If you like the oatbran, perhaps stick with it as it does have good press for lowering cholesterol, and keeping you feeling fuller when you might otherwise perhaps have urges to EAT!

Please stay here Cheryl and I would LOVE to still see your menus... here on your diary if you prefer but each of us is different, with different lifestyles, food tastes, and time we wish to allocate to planning, preparing, cooking food.

Don't go anywhere!

So, if I understood your correctly, you'll be self devising also henceforth? The "beauty" of that is being able to, say, have a dinner of fresh fruits because you see some you fancy without having to think about ketosis! Low calorie AND healthy!
You're going nowhere babes, you have to stay here :)
great post Joanne. And yes cheryl stay with us :D
Thank you all so much. I do really want to stay here but had to ask first. Today i had a small yog for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and then dinner was a take away curry. Chicken tikka and salad, chicken chat and cauli with 1 popadum. I know its naughty but i havent eaten lots today and im going to be good all weekend so got it out of the way. I feel much more positive now and although my lb losses havent been great i have lost inches. I dont know if you remember me saying that my work trousers were a little loose well today they were actually falling down! I need new uniform! Yay!
It really means a lot that you want me to stick around Joanne, the others have been stuck with me for a while but i have only just "met" you so it means a lot. Thank you. Well i will post my menus on here from now on so as not to confuse and newbies.
Tomorrow will be b=not sure yet. L=poss 2xrice cakes with tuna and cucumber. D=chicken kebabs, homemade with chicken, peppers and mushrooms. Oh and im going to the gym with Mark so he will beast me and really put me through my paces for 1.5-2hrs. Im gonna die!!!!!!!
Well done Cheryl... curry sounds delish, think I'll make one for tomorrow night!
It was lovely but i feel sick now! I went for lower carb foods so hoping im not going to gain 5lbs by the morning. Lol. Oh well im ready for a proper start now. No cheating. I CAN and WILL do this. I feel like ive messed about with going backwards and forwards over the last 2wks but i want to thank you all for your support while ive not been happy. You are all truly great. xx
Very true but i feel like ive messed my body up in the sense ive confused it with the tooing and frowing over the last 2wks. You are very right though (as usual!) i havent gained anything except some friends along the way and the knowledge of which diet works for me
Your very right hun. Holding each others hands all the way! We will do this and although we all have a goal i think we should just be proud of any loss we have.
Absolutely... four more weeks of this for me and I'll be "healthy eating" again anyway because I can't face another summer without fruit! This sort of diet is good to get "control" of my eating again, but my body is used to it and I don't get the results I used to... something I don't know whether regular Atkins users find... the first time I did this diet, I lost LOADS very quickly... now after several attempts, I lose far less, and very slowly after the initial loss... (and then I lose the plot!!).

So when Dukan says "it's the last diet you'll ever do", it's best to make sure it is just that!! Cos it doesn't work as well eternally!
I think your exactly right Joanne & I think its very relevant to any diet.. if you have to go back time & time again it gets harder!

I did a vlcd in which I lost 7 stone in 4 months & after piling it back on by getting pregnant & going back to old eating habits I kept trying to ressurrect the diet... I'm sure by stopping, starting & being unable to stick to it it helped me pile on even more weight!!

Its good to find a diet that really suits you & yr lifestyle makes it all the more easy to stick too... I'm like you tho & will be incorporating more fruit into my diet over the summer... I love the fact that low carbing makes me crave fruit, almost unheard of before! :D
Isn't that funny how we miss fruit when we have cut it out but, as I constantly remind myself, I certainly put [cream cakes, bread and LOTS of other things besides] in front of fruit when "off diet"!!

Yes I think a more balanced food intake is necessary to hope to ever stabilise a loss after a vlcd and/or low carb diet. I like the way of eating with Dukan, as I love eating chicken, steak, prawns and salmon without restriction, but it's not "real life"...

and once the "strawberry" call becomes too strong, I'll be there! (Fortunately, over here, the strawberries aren't as good as back home - except the gariguette ones which cost a fortune!!)