I echo your thoughts that there is NO one way to lose weight - all diets work, if followed correctly (and stabilisation can even ensue if we don't lose the plot immediately we consider ourselves "off diet")... losing TOGETHER is the main thing, and although I hadn't mentioned this before perhaps, my time on Dukan will stop mid-July as I refuse to have a(NOTHER) summer without fruit! I'll continue dieting, but doing my own self devised "healthy eating" plan which takes (in my opinion) the best for my taste of several different diets I've tried over the years. (and I did lose 11 stone on it before... ketosis helps get me back in the "zone" after a bad eating period... but for terms of a healthy lifestyle? There's gotta be better out there!
If you like the oatbran, perhaps stick with it as it does have good press for lowering cholesterol, and keeping you feeling fuller when you might otherwise perhaps have urges to EAT!
Please stay here Cheryl and I would LOVE to still see your menus... here on your diary if you prefer but each of us is different, with different lifestyles, food tastes, and time we wish to allocate to planning, preparing, cooking food.
Don't go anywhere!
So, if I understood your correctly, you'll be self devising also henceforth? The "beauty" of that is being able to, say, have a dinner of fresh fruits because you see some you fancy without having to think about ketosis! Low calorie AND healthy!